How much of a fool do you think you will be when I'm found to actually live where I claim, and have a completely different IP address from the punching bag you keep claiming is me (without even mentioning his/her username)??
I know you are already not considered highly on this forum, so I don't think you can drop that much...
And for the last time, I am polticially a moderate. Is there a problem with your understanding of the English language?
You seem to think that moderate is a "fringe" movement... wow... I'll have you know that the word 'moderate' is not a very complicated one. Even elementary school children have it as part of their vocabulary.
Nah, my in-bred American power ways can't handle an Indian who insults the very fabric of this great nation. The more you insult and denigrate my countrymen, the more I will lunge right back at the heart of your evil people....
ok slum dog??