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Spain seeks arrest of former Chinese president over Tibet

Spain must send it's naval armada to teach China a lesson if China fails to comply.
On a serious note:
CCP officials must be punished for ethnic and cultural genocide in Tibet, but not in an European court but in a court constituted by the Tibetan Government.
Pretty sure Spain ordered the arrest of Bush and Putin as well. Obama was supposed to be on the list as well. Hey, the Spanish can dream pretty big.

Spain must send it's naval armada to teach China a lesson if China fails to comply.
On a serious note:
CCP officials must be punished for ethnic and cultural genocide in Tibet, but not in an European court but in a court constituted by the Tibetan Government.

Not this dead horse again. Seriously, Tibetan population more than tripled since 60s. That gotta be some really weird "genocide" to increase the population three times.
Arrest some leaders will help China to clean up the corruption, even communist VN also feel ashamed with the corruption in China army and its communist party :D
Tibet is the land of Tibetants.

They are nice peaceful people so China could swallow Tibet as they will

South tibet is still under oppression and racism. PRC still need to shoulder the burden of liberating it from tyrant.
Remember the innocent Chinese looking kid beaten to death by some racist. Whole Tibet under PRC will achieve the real liberation.

Yes ,yes.. They shall also check on south tibet that racist and prejudice exist so prevalently that the tyrant just beaten a kid to death just becos he looks Chinese. PRC will liberate South Tibet and let them achieve real freedom.

Arrest some leaders will help China to clean up the corruption, even communist VN also feel ashamed with the corruption in China army and its communist party :D

Long live VCP :lol:


Vietnam breaks up anti-China protests | World news | theguardian.com

Vietnamese police broke up anti-China protests in two cities on Sunday and detained 20 people in the first such demonstrations since tensions between the neighbours flared anew over rival claims to the oil and gas-rich South China Sea.

Any sign of popular anger in tightly controlled Vietnam causes unease among the leadership, but anti-Chinese sentiment is especially sensitive. The country has long-standing ideological and economic ties with its giant neighbour, but many of those criticising China are also the ones calling for political, religious and social freedoms at home.

Police initially allowed about 200 protesters to march from the Opera House in Hanoi through the streets, but after 30 minutes ordered them to disperse. When some continued, police arrested about 20 demonstrators and put them into a large bus that then drove quickly from the scene. It was unclear where they were taken, but in the past people detained at anti-China protests have been held briefly then released.

As foreign tourists and Sunday morning strollers looked on, protesters shouted "Down with China!" and carried banners bearing the slogan "China's military expansion threatens world peace and security."

Using loudspeakers, authorities urged them to disperse and tried to reassure them.

"The Communist party and government are resolutely determined to defend our country's sovereignty and territory through peaceful means based on international law," it said. "Your gathering causes disorder and affects the party's and government's foreign policy."

A smaller protest also took place in Ho Chi Minh City, according to blogger and activist Huynh Ngoc Chenh.

He said he was ordered to leave by police, but about 100 people gathered for 10 minutes before being dispersed.

"I'm frustrated," he said by telephone. "There's nothing to ban, the government should allow people to express their patriotism peacefully."

Vietnam and China have long sparred over territorial waters in the South China Sea, a dispute to which the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan are also parties. Over the last two years, America's diplomatic tilt to south-east Asia and energy-hungry China's growing assertiveness has focused international attention on the issue.

Vietnam last week alleged that Chinese shipping vessels sabotaged one of its seismic survey vessels in the South China Sea. This week, the government warned Beijing not to do that again and presented a list of its violations in the disputed sea. China recently issued new passports containing a map showing the sea as belonging to China, causing anger in Hanoi and other regional states.

In the summer of 2011, there were two months of weekly protests in Hanoi, an unprecedented show of popular anger in the country. Earlier this year, there were also some demonstrations. Police dispersed them, gradually using more force as it become clear they were becoming a source of domestic opposition to the party.
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South tibet is still under oppression and racism. PRC still need to shoulder the burden of liberating it from tyrant.
Remember the innocent Chinese looking kid beaten to death by some racist. Whole Tibet under PRC will achieve the real liberation.

Yes ,yes.. They shall also check on south tibet that racist and prejudice exist so prevalently that the tyrant just beaten a kid to death just becos he looks Chinese. PRC will liberate South Tibet and let them achieve real freedom.

Send all the religious people to jail. Jail all the racists and aquire a two kids regulation for ethnic Tibetans.
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