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South Korea’s population shrinks for first time ever, with trend expected to worsen amid Covid-19

oh, okay. I have never been in a Muslim nation (well Indonesia but that was Bali and Dubai airport). So I am sure you know better than I how you are not changing to be like Europe and North America.

Well globalization is obviously there and Muslims do get foreign influences (many a times Western)---just like West has been getting more and more Islamic and Eastern influences via immigration, internet, TV etc.

But generally speaking: Overall, social culture in Islamic world has defeated modern waves of secularization and sexual revolution unlike social cultures of Europe, North Americas, Latin Americas, India and East Asia and other non-Muslim parts of the world that got swept away by secularization, sexual revolution, irreligiousity etc

The majority of births in Latin America now happens out of wedlock. Same is the case in "conversative Catholic" Philipines (except Muslim-majority region of Philipines)







In Canada, Christianity went from 83% in 1991 to 55% in 2018. Total implosion. Same is the case in Europe, and increasinly United States as well.

Crazy to think....

May Allah protect Islam and Muslims from such fitna. Ameen
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Congrats., to South Korea. This is a achievment to be celebrated. The world has too many people. Countries need to reduce populations which will lead to reduced workforce. This should force wages up and drive human innovation to bring in use of technology to replace labour. A world where most of the manual work is done by machines with AI . Leaving humans to live a dignified life in pursuit of happiness.
Congrats., to South Korea. This is a achievment to be celebrated. The world has too many people. Countries need to reduce populations which will lead to reduced workforce. This should force wages up and drive human innovation to bring in use of technology to replace labour. A world where most of the manual work is done by machines with AI . Leaving humans to live a dignified life in pursuit of happiness.
Hmm not so sure if being Childless forever is a good sigh and whenever we see low growth means more mass immigration for cheap labor
This is awesome. We need more CHAD Indonesian brothers and sisters to bring the light of Islam to Japanese, Koreans etc suffering from over-work, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, depression, and curse of alcoholism.

I already know of few big Korean YouTuber converts who have millions of views on their videos talking about the positives of Islam in their lives. East Asian culture has alot of similarities with Muslim culture already.

I was watching this Japanese guy going around in Tokyo and asking people what they think of Islam...and one guy said "Islam is a real religion. Too strict but its a real religion. Not like Christianity or Buddhism but a REAL religion"

I think he meant that unlike Christians or Buddhists etc...Muslims actually practice their religion and Islam enjoys massive power/influence globally that other religions just do not do anymore. But I found it amusing how he said "...atleast Islam is a REAL religion!" :lol:

Yup, Korean/Japanese/mainland Chinese doesnt have any issue to embrace Islam if they found person that they love since they dont have religion. My older brother when he worked in China as engineer in Multinational company also almost married Chinese mainland girl, the girl wanted to convert to Islam if she married my brother, but my mother wanted my brother married Muslim woman with good faith since she is afraid that if the marriage is not working, she can probably bring their future kids (her grandaugter/grandson) to China and become atheist again.

This is Indonesian women (Sundanese ethnic) with her Korean husband, living in South Korea. Sundanese is a strong Islam follower, most like Sumatran, South Sulawesi since they have embraced Islam much earlier than Javanese.

She celebrated Idul Fitri. Indonesian nickname of Idul Fitri is Lebaran. They live in Korea.

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I bet many of them become crypto-atheist or cynic.

East Asian culture never believe shout allah hu akbar and start killing neighbours just because they are kafir.

Yup, Korean/Japanese/mainland Chinese doesnt have any issue to embrace Islam if they found person that they love since they dont have religion. My older brother when he worked in China as engineer in Multinational company also almost married Chinese mainland girl, the girl wanted to convert to Islam if she married my brother, but my mother wanted my brother married Muslim woman since she is afraid that if the marriage is not working, she can probably bring their future kids (her grandaugter/grandson) to China.

This is Indonesian women (Sundanese ethnic) with her Korean husband, living in South Korea. Sundanese is a strong Islam follower, most like Sumatran, South Sulawesi since they have embraced Islam much earlier than Javanese.

She celebrated Idul Fitri. Indonesian nickname of Idul Fitri is Lebaran. They live in Korea.

Muslims can get good white man convert that agrees to do suicide bombing. I have yet to see any Chinese convert that suicide bomb himself.

I advise Muslims not to convert too many East Asians especially Chinese as experience has shown, they make Islam into a pork eating, Lunar New Year celebrating and ancester worshipping cult.

Totally useless and harmful for world Muslim ummah.
I think he meant that unlike Christians or Buddhists etc...Muslims actually practice their religion and Islam enjoys massive power/influence globally that other religions just do not do anymore. But I found it amusing how he said "...atleast Islam is a REAL religion!" :lol:

Buddhist doesnt even worship God. They just believe in Karma.

Those Indonesian-Japan/Korean offspring will be taught Islam since kids and they will further spread Islam in Japan/Korea. The offspring may married Japanese/Korean or Muslim immigrants in their country.

I dont follow this Korean Muslim girl story, but she could get to Islam due to marrying an Uzbek man. It is her and her husband.

As I said the kids will be taught Islam since early their ages. This kids needs to wake up at 3 in the morning to take sahur (early breakfast before Fajr time) before fasting whole day during Ramadhan. @AUz

My experience with children of kid of SE Asia Islam-Chinese couple is they feel inferior, shame, hatred towards their cousin -- especially if they do badly. They are some sort of odd person within extended family when seeing their cousin celebrate Chinese new year,

Their cousin always curious when this guy is sympathetic when someone bomb USA, why this guy hate China for uighur.

In their childhood, they gang up with Muslims kid in full vigor of Ummah, often terrorizing non muslim kid like some sort of gangster. In school Chinese kid often see Muslims classmate with fear, as everyone in school gang up. But then reality catch up, these people eventually see Chinese kid who they deride as nerd went on study top university, or top courses, ending up becoming their boss.

There are also elite hybrid. Elite hybrid are interesting. Some become really secularized and disdain of Islam.

China Hui is another story. I have scolded the radicalMuslims psyche in front of a few Hui (Some Hui are not so secuilar). They just smile.. Totally unlike "normal Muslims"
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