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South Korea President Lee’s India Visit to Focus on Nuclear, IT Exchange

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Jul 6, 2009
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Lee?s India Visit to Focus on Nuclear, IT Exchange

President Lee Myung-bak's planned visit to India from Jan. 24 to 27 is expected to pave the way for closer bilateral cooperation in the development of nuclear and information technologies, officials here said Wednesday.

Lee may focus on ``sales diplomacy'' in India, holding active discussions with policymakers and businesspeople there to lay the groundwork for Korean firms to secure more opportunities.

According to sources, Lee and India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh may sign a pact on nuclear technology exchange for peaceful purposes at their summit slated for Monday in New Delhi, opening the way for Korean firms to participate in India's project to build nuclear reactors.

The accord doesn't guarantee any actual construction deals between the two countries, but it means India will allow Korean firms to participate in bidding for the plants, a Cheong Wa Dae spokesman said.

After signing a $20 billion deal to build four reactors in the United Arab Emirates last month, the administration announced a master plan to nurture the country's indigenous nuclear plant into a key export item like automobiles, semiconductors and ships. Reports said Turkey will follow suit soon to import nuclear reactors from Korea.

Lee's India visit also provides a crucial opportunity for the two nations to discuss ways to set the future course of action following the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), the de-facto free trade accord that took effect in early January.

``There will be active exchange of opinions this time to promote Korea-India trade and cultural exchanges based on the CEPA,'' the presidential spokesman told The Korea Times.

``This means Korea can explore export markets in a fast-developing country with a population of 1.2 billion. Ties with India are crucial for our economic prosperity in the future.''

On the sidelines of the summit, Air Force officers will hold talks with their Indian counterparts to export KT-1 basic trainer. India is pushing for a project to replace its training aircraft in a bid to improve its defense capabilities and the Korean plane is a strong candidate. Korea has exported the KT-1s to Turkey and Indonesia.

The Indian government has also expressed keen interest in importing T-50 supersonic trainer jets, sources said.

President Lee will also ask for India's support for POSCO, the country's largest steelmaker, and other Korean firms seeking a deal to build a steel mill in southern India.

Upon arrival in the industrial city of Chennai Sunday, Lee will attend a business forum hosted by Korean businesses operating there.

He will move to New Delhi for a summit with Prime Minister Singh Monday and to meet with the country's political and business leaders. Lee plans to lecture on Korea-India economic ties at a university.

The next day, he will observe a parade marking Republic Day, India's largest national celebration, as ``Chief Guest'' and meet with Korean community leaders in the Indian capital.

On Jan. 27, he will depart for Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum in the ski resort of Davos.
what south korea can get from india? they only want to export the nuclear reactor to india, full stop. IT? what a huge load of joke.

btw, their jet and tank are also ok, india should also consider to import.
what south korea can get from india? they only want to export the nuclear reactor to india, full stop. IT? what a huge load of joke.

btw, their jet and tank are also ok, india should also consider to import.

Again tank and jet? My ears cooked now by your chanting tank and jets. Anyway how you know south korea's tank alot good? Did they tested against china? if their tanks are good enough then sure india should import it. Jets i doubt because alot option available like EF typhoon, Rafale, Mig-35, and in future JSF-35 and yep our FGFA which taking first flight this month. Is that all quality jets? So we dont need jets from south korea. We need tanks even when india russia planned new tank. While france and germany offered tanks too. Quality is must for india.
what south korea can get from india? they only want to export the nuclear reactor to india, full stop. IT? what a huge load of joke.

btw, their jet and tank are also ok, india should also consider to import.

Lost too much at Black Jack last night..... or did you confuse Khimchi with Congee at breakfast??

Read the article again. Take a deep breath. Think.... India, Korea, ROC, Singapore, Japan, Myanmaar........ is something ringing in the head? No? Ask me and I will let you have the answer tomorrow.
Will the Bharatis scapegoat another Korean when they foul up with the operation/maintenance/construction of these nuclear power plants???

Old habits die hard. Hope the Koreans have learnt how to "deal" with Indians who don't accept responsibility for their own mistakes, but blame others!
what south korea can get from india? they only want to export the nuclear reactor to india, full stop. IT? what a huge load of joke.

btw, their jet and tank are also ok, india should also consider to import.

Yeah, their Kangaroo Court is attempting to convict an INNOCENT Korean Engineer for construction mistake on the part of LOCAL INDIANS. I believe the firm who designed that bridge was Hyundai.

If these Hindu fanatics dare to execute that poor Korean, then it will make news all over Korean BBS, Internet, Newspaper, NewsTV, etc.

It's common sense. When some Indian(s) go missing, hurt or killed in Australia, Indians around the world know about it (and get angry). Now when innocent Chinese and Koreans be made into scapegoatts (and executed) the ENTIRE WORLD will know about it (and get angry). You reap what you sow!
Yeah, their Kangaroo Court is attempting to convict an INNOCENT Korean Engineer for construction mistake on the part of LOCAL INDIANS. I believe the firm who designed that bridge was Hyundai.

If these Hindu fanatics dare to execute that poor Korean, then it will make news all over Korean BBS, Internet, Newspaper, NewsTV, etc.

It's common sense. When some Indian(s) go missing, hurt or killed in Australia, Indians around the world know about it (and get angry). Now when innocent Chinese and Koreans be made into scapegoatts (and executed) the ENTIRE WORLD will know about it (and get angry). You reap what you sow!

sorry for your ignorance

Capital punishment in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, their Kangaroo Court is attempting to convict an INNOCENT Korean Engineer for construction mistake on the part of LOCAL INDIANS. I believe the firm who designed that bridge was Hyundai.

If these Hindu fanatics dare to execute that poor Korean, then it will make news all over Korean BBS, Internet, Newspaper, NewsTV, etc.

It's common sense. When some Indian(s) go missing, hurt or killed in Australia, Indians around the world know about it (and get angry). Now when innocent Chinese and Koreans be made into scapegoatts (and executed) the ENTIRE WORLD will know about it (and get angry). You reap what you sow!

Hmm..... so it is now morning in the Malate area as well..... what? the US troops did not "deal" properly last night??

In criminal and fatal situations the corporate veil is done away with and individual negligence is fixed. But you probably would know nothing of that...... are you looking forward to the tuk tuk ride now or do you still want to troll a bit more?
what south korea can get from india? they only want to export the nuclear reactor to india, full stop. IT? what a huge load of joke.

btw, their jet and tank are also ok, india should also consider to import.

South Korea gets good engineers from india at reasonable costs and they contribute a lot to the heavy industries and semiconductor sector in south korea. Major south Korean companies are allowed to hire directly from top class institutes in india .

India will have good relations with korea and will improve indian industries in the fields of power, ports, telecommunications, ship building & ship repair, petrochemicals, automobile ancillary, electrical & electronics, office equipment, banking & financial services, software as well as iron & steel. South korea is big boss in terms of heavy industries.

meanwhile India not only buys good technolgy from SK at home in south korea TATA motors bought Daewoo trucks a few years back at $120 million .

Meanwhile e.g hundai has several models that is manufactured only in india and exported. South korea is definitely getting something from india. else they will not be here. POSCO will have its second huge plant in south india.

However people like you with small head and mind will not understand. By the way china is the biggest buyer of south korean goods. What is your problem if india is buying ?
It was the bone-headed Indians who forced to "hire local companies" for the construction. Same thing with Hyundai Engineering, they partnered up with a local Indian company and tons of bridge collapses, building collapses, etc.

Here's PTI-Press Trust of India

NGOs voice concern over workers death at CWG sites

# Anurag Sharma
New Delhi, Sept 30, 2009 <===== Note the date, how many more have perished since that time???

# With the national capital furiously gearing up to meet the deadlines of the Commonwealth Games, the alarming number of deaths of construction workers in absence of proper safety norms and adequate compensation is a cause of concern, say social activists.

The actual number of accidents and casualties are much more but many such cases never get reported, they add.

Fifty nine construction workers were killed and 115 suffered serious injuries in the city during the year 2008-2009, according to Commonwealth Games Citizens for Workers, Women and Children (CWG-CWC), an independent agency, which documents fatalities amongst construction workers in the capital.

"Workers on CWG are being made to work 12 hours at stretch to meet the deadlines, which is a complete violation of the Construction workers act of 1996 which recommends a 48 hour working cycle per week," says Subhash Bhatanagar, who heads Nirman Mazdoor Panchayat Sangam (NMPS), a NGO.

"Unlike metro rail construction sites, deaths at other CWG sites are in isolated place and mostly unreported. According to our survey, most of the contractors don't follow the safety norms," he adds.

As per Building and Construction Workers Act, the employers are supposed to ensure checking and testing of equipment and machinery deployed at the sites, occupational health hazards and stress among workers at construction sites.

The activists also wonder whether the kin of deceased labourers have been compensated as per workers act. "Delhi Construction Workers Welfare Board was constituted in 2002, but none of the construction workers, not even a single one, has got any death compensation from the Rs 300 crore plus cess collected by the Board for such emergency relief because none of their workers is registered with the Board," says Bhatanagar.

Industry insiders say the normal practice in the construction industry is that after an accident all the relatives of the victims are immediately made to disappear from the accident site. Thus making it impossible to ascertain if the compensation has been paid. In these circumstances there is absolutely no question of the compensation being paid in accordance with the construction workers Act," they say.

The Delhi Human Development Report of 2006 suggested that there were around two to three lakh construction workers in Delhi but CWG-CWC estimates that there are about 8-10 lakh workers presently in the capital, largely migrants brought in from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand by contractors and sub-contractors.

"There are supposed to be safety committees with worker representation and qualified safety officers for every establishment employing 500 or more workers. But none of the provisions of the Act has ever been followed in any of the construction sites," says Kanarindhana, Research and Campaign Officer, CWG-CWC.

During 2002 to 2008, 290 deaths and 481 injuries were reported from construction sites, reveals NMPS data. According to a report by the People's Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR), an Indian civil rights group, thousands of workers are not being paid the minimum wages due to them and have been working in extremely unsafe and inhuman conditions, especially at the construction site near Yamuna river bed.

"None of the workers employed by the contractors is paid the legally stipulated minimum wages or overtime. Unskilled workers are paid Rs. 85 to 100 per day as against the stipulated minimum wages of Rs. 142 for eight hours of work. Workers are made to work all seven days a week on normal wages and are not given any leave," says Moushumi Basu, Secretary, PUDR.

The PUDR report claimed labourers had to share 10ft by10ft brick huts between six to eight people. The rooms, which have tin roofs, have no fans.

There were unreported deaths of more than 100 construction workers at the CWG Village due to outbreak of Meningitis last year due to unhygienic living conditions, says Kanarindhana. "Workers on Commonwealth Games project are being made to work 12 hours at a stretch. This is in complete violation of the Construction Workers Act of 1996 which recommends a 48-hour working cycle per week," she says.

A study by Building and Woodworkers International (BWI), a global union with members in construction industry, estimated that 300,000 workers will be needed for this level (CWG) of activity, over 3 years. Among them will be 100,000 unskilled construction workers, at least 5,000 of whom will be women, and their 10,000 migrant children. In all, 5 lakh jobs are likely to be created in Games related activities (airlines, airports,tourism, transport, etc).

"Children and families of the migrant construction workers are not at all taken care of at most of the sites. Infact having children or women deprives work availability at few sites. Medical facilities, Schooling, Maternity homes and other basic equipments are not available at most of the sites. There are one or two 'show piece sites' but generally no such facilities are available," says Bhatanagar.

The high profile Delhi Metro construction sites are also no stranger to accidents. According to Urban Development ministry report, more than 100 people, including 93 labourers, have died in accidents at sites of the Delhi Metro since October 1998 when the construction started.

The report also said that the Delhi Metro has no policy to provide employment to the dependents of the person who die in accidents at the construction sites. :police::police::police::police:

O bhai.. if you need to critique anything then do that in a sensible/readable manner. If you start shouting then no sane person will listen to you. For ex I didnt even bother to read your post on which you would have spent some precious time because of the pathetic presentation. I am sure that would be the case with many people here.

Its good that you have freedom to post but use it with civility.


Please stop attacking India in every thread, it just suffice you or what? Or defence.pk should not let any Indian Join this forum.

If India as a country has nothing to offer to korea then they won't stay here. simple why are we getting worried or commenting on that.

I don't know what makes you think such posts will add any value to the public. Why invite flame comments from any of the sides? Now I am sure some Indian will jump up and attack Pakistan on its terrorism or economy.





B'bye everyone, hope you live in good health. Regards
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Please stop attacking India in every thread, it just suffice you or what? Or defence.pk should not let any Indian Join this forum.

If India as a country has nothing to offer to korea then they won't stay here. simple why are we getting worried or commenting on that.

I don't know what makes you think such posts will add any value to the public. Why invite flame comments from any of the sides? Now I am sure some Indian will jump up and attack Pakistan on its terrorism or economy.





B'bye everyone, hope you live in good health. Regards

To live in a civilized manner, we must (1) respect others, (2) respect ourselves, (3) sense of justice, morality and responsibility.

Please don't see the world through a biased lens. Perhaps you missed all the threads and postings where Indian members rejoiced at Chinese suffering. Or perhaps you it doesn't bother you that they lie through their teeth. But I agree, after repeated attacks many Chinese members (including myself) have gone on the defensive. You must understand that you cannot continue spread falsehoods without informed people correcting your lies.

I covered points (1) and (2) above, now let's talk about (3) sense of justice, morality, and responsibility. It is a known fact that Indian construction and engineering and IT standards are severely lacking. It is also a known fact that East Asian (CJK) have the top-most standards in the world, regardless of many ill-intented people's attempts to malign us.

Because the issue of responsibility is so crucial, especially considering workplace accidents and deaths, we must be objective. When there is a string of repeated accidents and failures (at an ALARMING RATE) for local Indian firms, yet the track-record of East Asian firms are very respectable --- it becomes increasingly absurd that we foreigners are SCAPEGOATED. Not only does this harm the individual being scapegoated, but it also mares international relations.

So please stop the China-bashing. If you cannot (or choose not to) see, then the problem lies not with us. Believe me, once India embarks on a path of genuine cooperation and ceases its anti-mongoloid agenda, retaliatory India-bashing will simmer as well.

Again tank and jet? My ears cooked now by your chanting tank and jets. Anyway how you know south korea's tank alot good? Did they tested against china? if their tanks are good enough then sure india should import it. Jets i doubt because alot option available like EF typhoon, Rafale, Mig-35, and in future JSF-35 and yep our FGFA which taking first flight this month. Is that all quality jets? So we dont need jets from south korea. We need tanks even when india russia planned new tank. While france and germany offered tanks too. Quality is must for india.

Agree, I have to stand on the indian side. The S.Korean weapons are not even fully manufactured in their country (not all the parts). in terms of self development not imported arms, India is way better than S.Korea
Agree, I have to stand on the indian side. The S.Korean weapons are not even fully manufactured in their country (not all the parts). in terms of self development not imported arms, India is way better than S.Korea

Ni hao... please introduce yourself in Chinese first as you are a new comer.
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