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South China Sea Forum

A complete BS!

Read this

Oops, you lost your language. No wonder you history-less people are so easily being fooled.

Here is the translation for your convenience:

People's Daily:

"Chairman Mao Zedong, Chairman of National People's Congress Zhu De , Prime Minister Hua Guofeng convey the warmest congratulations to Vietnamese Chairman ... (can't guess as it is clipped off. Possibly 孙德胜, Tôn Đức Thắng), first General Secretary Li Sun (Lê Duẩn/黎筍), Chairman Chang Zeng (长征,Trường Chinh), Prime minister Fan Wentong (范文同, Phạm Văn Đồng) on the unification of Vietnam country"

Looks like your people are not only ungrateful but also gullible and, therefore, untrustworthy in making statement.
Oh, VNese, why did you need waste time with this one!?

1. He is idiot, and don't understand what's political and what did happening! He lack knowledge to read history.
2. He just like "china true color" in past, pretend himself is innocent, give a hand to shake, another hand hold a knife to threaten...
Island and marine sovereignty in the Constitution

VietNamNet Bridge - "Vietnam’s sovereignty over the sea and the islands, especially the Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelagos must be powerfully shown in the Constitution," said Mr. Tran Ngoc Dinh, from the Hanoi Law University -- at a recent workshop on the draft amendments to the Constitution 1992 in Hanoi on March 1.


At the meeting, the most discussed content is the provisions on human rights and citizenship. The participants said that the draft Constitution moving the human rights and citizenship from chapter 5 to chapter 2 is a step forward.

A number of additional rights in the draft amendments are new and humane but they are unfeasible. For example, the provision on people’s right to live in a healthy environment.

According to Dr. Nguyen Van Cuong, Deputy Director of the Institute of Legal Sciences, Ministry of Justice, this rule is difficult to implement "in the context of economic development, with the process of industrialization and mining activities... ".

The Hanoi Law University’s Tran Ngoc Dinh said that the inclusion of the rights that are unable to implement affects the dignity of the Constitution.

Related to article 26 on freedom of speech, press and demonstration, Dinh said that the use of the phrase "prescribed by law" may lead to ambiguous interpretations and facilitate law enacting agencies to explain law subjectively. So, the principles of respect for human rights and freedom "are only given to the National Assembly to issue."

Commenting on article 21, which says "everyone has the right to live," Dr. Do Thi Van Anh, from the Trade Union University, said that the concept of "people" and "citizens" should be considered. Because if we see the right to live is the right of everyone, "we will have to abandon the death penalty because there is no right to execution of death row".

Dr. Nguyen Van Cuong emphasized the backwardness of the local government organization model in three levels: provincial, district and commune; each level has People's Council and People's Committee. According to him, this is the model that has existed from the centrally planned economy.

When Vietnam switched to the market mechanism, the government’s role has changed from the dominant role in the “game” into one of the "players" in the game. To play well, that player must be quick response and dynamic," he said.

In particular, in the dynamic cities, this model is more inappropriate. Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang have longed for having a mechanism to establish more dynamic urban authorities, which is different with the countryside.

Dr. Cuong said: "In the current model, the People’s Committee operates in the collective mechanism, so it is extremely difficult for dividing individual and group responsibilities."

Mr. Cuong proposed that the Constitution should only prescribe that centrally-governed cities must have the People’s Council. The district and commune levels should only have administrative agencies. He also proposed to remove the term “People's Committee” to replace by the term “state administrative agencies in the locality.”

At the conference, many people said that the draft Constitution removes Article 66 on the role of the young generation, the youth organizations in society; in the development of the country is a step backwards.

Meanwhile, the forces from 0-30 years account for more than 50% of the population. Other countries in the world see the young generation as the owner in the future and the current owner of the country. So Article 66 should not be removed.

My Hoa
we won and China+US lost.So now,we control China's economy and Guam's life in our hands now. When VN+Russia navy decide to cut off oil trade route from Middle East passing through Malacca and SCS(east sea) , then China+ Guam will collapse :P

VN+Russia navy base in Cam Ranh-VN are controlling ur life now,without oil from Middle east,China will collapse in 3 weeks, do u realise that u r loser and ur life is in our hands now?
Well,well, keep dreaming~~~Whatever, you are not eligible to be viewed as an enemy of China. Russians cut off China's supply route? What kind of Russians you are talking about here? Russians from Mars? They don't have the ability nor will to do that.

we won and China+US lost.So now,we control China's economy and Guam's life in our hands now. When VN+Russia navy decide to cut off oil trade route from Middle East passing through Malacca and SCS(east sea) , then China+ Guam will collapse :P

VN+Russia navy base in Cam Ranh-VN are controlling ur life now,without oil from Middle east,China will collapse in 3 weeks, do u realise that u r loser and ur life is in our hands now?
Well,well, keep dreaming~~~Whatever, you are not eligible to be viewed as an enemy of China. Russians cut off China's supply route? What kind of Russians you are talking about here? Russians from Mars? They don't have the ability nor will to do that.
Soon to be effective, the government will merge its Fisheries Law Enforcement Command, China Marine Surveillance, Maritime Safety Administration and Customs into a single unified entity. After the merger, all of its vessels would likely be armed, since the new agency is paramilitary in nature instead of a civilian department. The new agency will be named China Maritime Police.


????????????? ?????????25? - 2013?? - ???
China begins fishery patrols in S China Sea

Xinhua, March 10, 2013

China's fishery authority said Sunday that this year's regular fishery patrols in the South China Sea have been launched to ensure the safety and legitimate interests of Chinese fishermen.

By Sunday, 21 medium and large patrol ships and over 3,000 personnel had been dispatched to missions in key fishery areas, according to Liu Guimao, a senior official with the South China Sea Fishery Administration under the Ministry of Agriculture.

China's fishery administration ships are currently patrolling waters off the Huangyan Islands, Meiji Reef, Nansha Islands, Xisha Islands and the Beibu Gulf, said Liu.

Liu said the patrols are expected to last for weeks, without giving an exact timeline.

China begins fishery patrols in S China Sea- China.org.cn
China marine surveillance detachment stationed in Sansha City

Updated: 2013-03-10 02:05(Xinhua)

SANSHA, Hainan - A China Marine Surveillance (CMS) detachment was officially stationed in the nation's southernmost city of Sansha on Saturday.

Yang Zhong, deputy head of the detachment, said the team will carry out regular patrolling and observation missions including the management of maritime space and protection of marine ecology and islands.

"It means CMS has enhanced its administrative management of the Sansha waters, and effectively covered the whole South China Sea," said Zhang Weijian, an official with CMS's South Sea fleet.

As China's youngest city, Sansha was officially set up in July last year on Yongxing Island in the South China Sea. The city administers three island groups -- Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha -- and their surrounding waters in the South China Sea.

China marine surveillance detachment stationed in Sansha City|Politics|chinadaily.com.cn
VN reaffirms sovereignty over Hoang Sa, Truong Sa

07:31 | 08/03/2013

VGP - Viet Nam affirms its sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi said at a regular press briefing in Ha Noi on March 7 as he answered reporters’ queries regarding Viet Nam’s response to the recent Chinese sea patrol in the East Sea , including the country’s two archipelagoes.

All actions in the region that take place without Viet Nam’s permission are violations of its sovereignty which the country resolutely opposes, the official added.-VNA
It's high time to bring the currently scattered maritime law enforcement agencies under one unfied command。

The new National Oceanic Administration(NOA) will have well over 1000 vessels of various sizes at its disposable。
China to restructure oceanic administration, enhance maritime law enforcement

English.news.cn 2013-03-10 08:12:57


Photo taken on March 10, 2013 shows the office building of the National Oceanic Administration in Beijing, capital of China. China plans to restructure the country's top oceanic administration to enhance maritime law enforcement and better protect and use its oceanic resources.The move will bring China's maritime law enforcement forces, currently scattered in different ministries, under the unified management of one single administration, according to a report delivered to the annual parliamentary session on Sunday. (Xinhua/Chen Shugen)

BEIJING, March 10 (Xinhua) -- China plans to restructure the country's top oceanic administration to enhance maritime law enforcement and better protect and use its oceanic resources.

The move will bring China's maritime law enforcement forces, currently scattered in different ministries, under the unified management of one single administration, according to a report to be delivered by State Councilor Ma Kai at the annual parliamentary session on Sunday.

The new agency, still named National Oceanic Administration (NOA), will have under its control the coast guard forces of the Public Security Ministry, the fisheries law enforcement command of the Agriculture Ministry, and the maritime anti-smuggling police of the General Administration of Customs. The NOA used to only have one maritime law enforcement department, China Marine Surveillance.

The move aims at solving the problems of low efficiency in maritime law enforcement, improving protection and use of oceanic resources, and better safeguarding the country's maritime rights and interests, according to the report.

The proposed administration, under the Ministry of Land and Resources, will carry out law enforcement activities in the name of China maritime police bureau and under the operational direction of the Ministry of Public Security.

Apart from law enforcement, other functions of the new administration include outlining oceanic development plan, supervising and managing the use of sea waters, and protecting oceanic environment, the report says.

A high-level consultation and coordinating body, the National Oceanic Commission, will also be set up to formulate oceanic development strategies and coordinate important oceanic affairs, according to the report.

The specific work of the commission will be carried out by the new NOA, the report says.

Watch the Viets, Pinoys, Japs cry about this. SCS and ECS is our pond.
Watch until we self produce en masse submarines and surface warships, and then we both will have more fun.


Russia to Provide Naval Support for Vietnam

MAR 6, 2013
"Russia agreed on Tuesday to help train the navy and build new ships for Vietnam as defense ministers of the two Cold War allies held talks in Hanoi, which is seeking to counterbalance China’s maritime influence in the region, Radio Free Asia reports. Vietnamese Defense Minister General Phung Quang Thanh told reporters after the talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu that Hanoi will also continue to buy military equipment from Moscow."
We cry please our new warship and cost guards will gun with high pressure water so please i hope your ready to get wet on your way home
Yeah, you are to receive some modern patrol ships from Japan, right?
Make them wet.


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