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South China Sea Forum

:rofl:Everything is nonsense.
The only determining factor is National Strength.

See as i said no logical argument just bullying tactics man i know you people have no more ideas see you in court jerks!
See as i said no logical argument just bullying tactics man i know you people have no more ideas see you in court jerks!

I deeply sympathize with you.
I know what your feelings,because we endure oppression about 100 years.
Now is your turn,JUST ENJOY IT:azn:This is what you deserve.-----Island Thief:coffee:

Discussing with Chinese trolls over such topics is useless, what counts is actions on the ground. Philippines should copy what the Chinese are doing in the East China Sea dispute: sending patrol boats and planes into the disputed zone!
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I deeply sympathize with you.
I know what your feelings,because we endure oppression about 100 years.
Now is your turn,JUST ENJOY IT:azn:This is what you deserve.-----Island Thief:coffee:

Hahaha we are thieves? how can one steal something that we already owned its becoming a problem because of your Imperials ambition and your bullying and arrogance now prepare your so called evidence and prepare to lose badly.
Hahaha we are thieves? how can one steal something that we already owned its becoming a problem because of your Imperials ambition and your bullying and arrogance now prepare your so called evidence and prepare to lose badly.

:rofl:You enter my living room to mark your name on my table when I sleep.
Now you say that you already owned the table.
:rofl:You enter my living room to mark your name on my table when I sleep.
Now you say that you already owned the table.

Hey that's my line? the theft is saying the victims line? wow weird world you people live in. This just proves you have no more reasons to tell me just trolling reply's man you people are pitiful pathetic bunch of trollers.
Hey that's my line? the theft is saying the victims line? wow weird world you people live in. This just proves you have no more reasons to tell me just trolling reply's man you people are pitiful pathetic bunch of trollers.

In 1935, the Philippines was granted Commonwealth status. Plans for independence over the next decade were interrupted by World War II when the Japanese Empire invaded and established a puppet government. Many atrocities and war crimes were committed during the war such as the Bataan Death March and the Manila massacre that culminated during the Battle of Manila. Allied troops defeated the Japanese in 1945. By the end of the war it is estimated over a million Filipinos had died.
On July 4, 1946, the Philippines attained its independence.[6] Immediately after World War II, the Philippines faced a number of challenges. The country had to be rebuilt from the ravages of war. It also had to come to terms with Japanese collaborators. Meanwhile, disgruntled remnants of the Hukbalahap communist rebel army that had previously fought against and resisted the Japanese continued to roam the rural regions. This threat to the government was dealt with by Secretary of National Defense and later President Ramon Magsaysay, but sporadic cases of communist insurgency continued to flare up long afterward. In 1965, Ferdinand Marcos was elected president. Nearing the end of his second term and constitutionally barred from seeking a third, he declared martial law on September 21, 1972. By using political divisions, the tension of the Cold War, and the specter of communist rebellion and Islamic insurgency as justifications, he governed by decree.


Its less than 100 years that Philippines as a Independent States.

you stolen my Thitu Island In 1971/4/18.

Chinese fishermans historically called the island Tie Zhi (铁峙), sometime misrefered as "Tiezhi Island" (铁峙岛 Tiezhi Dao); however, Tiezhi Reef (铁峙礁) refers to another rock in South China Sea, 7.5 km northeast of this island.[citation needed] The modern Chinese name of the island was taken from the one of the battleships "Chung-yeh" (Chinese: 中業號; pinyin: Zhongye Hao) sent by the Chinese government during the Republic of China era to regain control of the island in 1946.[1] A tiny joss house built by Chinese during the Qing Dynasty still stands in the middle of the island.[citation needed]
From 1930 to 1933, French colonial Government in French Indochina sent naval troops to Spratlys, including Thitu Island. On December 21, 1933, Gouverneur M. J. Krautheimer in Cochinchina (now Vietnam) decided to annex the Spratlys to Ba Ria Province.[2]
During 1970-1971, Philippines sent troops to occupy Thitu Island and some others in Spratlys.[3]

Thitu Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Island Thief!
Hey that's my line? the theft is saying the victims line? wow weird world you people live in. This just proves you have no more reasons to tell me just trolling reply's man you people are pitiful pathetic bunch of trollers.

Let us read this joke.

In 1947, Tomas Cloma, a Filipino adventurer and a fishing magnate, "discovered" a group of several uninhabited and unoccupied islands/islets in the vastness of the Luzon Sea.
On May 11, 1956, together with 40 men, Tomas Cloma took formal possession of the islands, lying some 380 miles west of the southern end of Palawan and named it “Free Territory of Freedomland." Four days later on May 15, 1956, Cloma issued and posted copies of his “Notice to the Whole World” on each of the islands as a decisive manifestation of unwavering claim over the territory.
Then on May 31, 1956, Tomas Cloma declared the establishment of the Free Territory of Freedomland, ten days after he sent his second representation to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, informing the latter that the territory claimed was named "Freedomland".

It looks like that a ant find a New World in my garden.:rofl:


A map made by Chinese Government in 1947.

A map made by Chinese Publishing house in 1937
Both of these maps show nothing like China hold sovereignty of Islands, it's simply show a map draw by ROC until 1947 when they had intentions claim all SCS at the time ROC became winner and ally of US after the end of WW2
Yup you people have no sovereign control over them you people are just taking islands by force and building military facilities in territories of other countries namely us and ASEAN so that's called stealing and threatening or also known as aggression.

Discussing with Chinese trolls over such topics is useless, what counts is actions on the ground. Philippines should copy what the Chinese are doing in the East China Sea dispute: sending patrol boats and planes into the disputed zone!
You pay for them? Shameless asking Filipinos challenge china and Vietcong behind the stage. We know what you got in your guts.
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We took the Huang Yan island, and you are not allowed to get there. What you gonna do instead of suicide? You dont have choice but accepting it. We will ignore your appeal on the so called international court , cause only
Power speaks. Don't wate time and get a life anywhere else. Huang Yan Island is belonging to China forever.
Your president said you will be back at Huang Yan Island when weather conditions turns better, why not now? Cause it is not yours at the very beginning?

Reed table mount is also belonging to PRC, we will take it back any time from now.

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