Imagine a neighborhood is neighbor “A” just recently got rich and managed to purchase some guns. Then he got quite confident and tried to harass neighbor “B” regarding some disputes over land and just grab it, against the rules of the neighborhood. Naturally the whole neighborhood would support neighbor “B” because NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Unfortunately neighbor “A” is just too greedy, and just plainly do not recognize the law of the neighborhood.
Ultimately we can predict that what will happen is that the neighborhood would decide to contain the aggressiveness of neighbor “A”. This is the most plausible scenario of the future.
If the thief really wants peace he shouldn't have stolen in the first place. Fake maps and history wont stand in court, so now its only option is to take it by force. Now it looks like the land grabber is telling the land owner, "if you go to court, you are a trouble maker and american puppet". What a twisted logic it has.