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South China Sea Forum

What are you talking about? Both of those island groups have been under our jurisdiction from the feudal era. Paracel islands especially have been recorded numerously in Vietnamese and Western maps as belonging to ancient Vietnam. The Spratly islands were under the control of French's colony Anam so it's legal that after we liberate ourselves from the French, these islands come under our jurisdiction.

Why would we claim your islands? China, on the other hand, have done exactly that. Don't you know about incidents where Chinese vessel intimate your law enforcement to release Chinese fishing boats on your EEZ?

We don't ask anyone to die for us. We fought against France and America with our own flesh and blood. We are just boast-casting the naked aggression by the PRC so that the world take notice. People need to understand that any complacency with Chinese aggression will lead make their country vulnerable when the PRC comes knock on the door.
What the heck。。。

PLA Chief of the General Staff Gen. Fang Fenghui having fun onboard USS's LCS:


What the heck。。。

PLA Chief of the General Staff Gen. Fang Fenghui having fun onboard USS's LCS:



he is sitting on but don't understand what is this. no big problem for laugh. :partay:
PH, Vietnam urged to unite vs China over sea dispute; protest set
Julliane Love de Jesus and Coleen Aira Barnachea
7:06 pm | Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

MANILA, Philippines – As the dispute escalates between China and its neighbor countries, including Vietnam and the Philippines, over the South China Sea, cause-oriented groups will take to the streets this Friday to protest China’s aggression.

US Pinoys for Good Governance (USP4GG), Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment (VOICE), Di Ka Pasisiil Movement, Filipinos Unite, and Akbayan-Youth urged Filipinos to join Vietnamese nationals in a protest against China’s territorial intrusion.

Since China deployed a deep-water drilling rig in the disputed South China Sea, protests erupted in Vietnam.

“It is with great urgency that I ask the Filipinos to join Vietnamese community here in the Philippines in expressing our anger and disgust at this very, very Hitlerian impetus of China,” Loida Nicolas-Lewis, USP4GG chair, told reporters in a press briefing Wednesday.

Lewis likened China to the oppressive Nazi party led by the German dictator Adolf Hitler for its “hegemony and imperialistic tendencies.”

“We remember in World War 2, Hitler says, ‘this is my last territorial demand. Austria is mine,” she said, noting that China’s aggression was similar to Hitler’s action that started the global war.

“The reason why are holding this rally is to shame China. That’s why we have very, very strong words here because everybody knows what Hitler did to Europe,” she added.

Roilo Golez, former lawmaker and Di Ka Pasisiil Movement leader, said the Filipinos should also be alarmed with China’s aggressive stance against Vietnam.

“If they’re going to succeed in threatening Vietnam, their next step, I’m sure, it’s going to be in our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ),” Golez said.

Hoi Trinh, VOICE founder, expressed in a statement that they were one with the Philippines against China’s defiance of the United National Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos).

“We object in the strongest possible terms, (especially) China’s deployment last week of deep sea oil rig known as HD-981 within Vietnam’s continental shelf,” Trinh said.

For the part of Filipinos Unite, group of Filipino-Americans in New York, member Knowa Lazarus said Southeast Asia was both the “home” of the Philippines and Vietnam, not of China.

“We have to draw the line and let people know that we will stand and fight for what we believe in,” Lazarus said.

Despite the criticisms against the recently-signed Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (Edca), Ted Laguatan, USP4GG lawyer, stressed that the Philippines needed the US.

“Our national security demands that we should have help from ‎a superpower like US because we are facing a superpower like China. We do need Edca,” Laguatan said.

The groups will hold the demonstration in front of the Chinese Consulate at 330 Sen. Gen. Gil Puyat Avenue in Makati City.

An estimated 500 participants will be present to support the protest.

PH, Vietnam urged to unite vs China over sea dispute; protest set | Inquirer Global Nation
When did these countries stop nagging at China? Seems they don't want to take a break.
Beijing: China told the US on Tuesday not to get involved in its disputes in the South China Sea, a day after ticking off India for the same reason. It also accused Washington of provoking Vietnam and the Philippines to act against China.
Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi asked US secretary of state John Kerry that his country must “avoid emboldening relevant parties’ provocative actions”.
Kerry is said to have responded saying that the US takes no position or side on the issues of territorial sovereignty in the South China Sea, according to a transcript of the telephonic conversation released by the Chinese foreign ministry. Wang asked “the US to treat these issues with objectivity and fairness, live up to its commitment, watch its words and actions”, the foreign ministry said.
Wang explained to Kerry the historical context the hard facts and China’s principles and positions on the South China Sea dispute, it said. China is sore about Vietnam’s attempts to stop a Chinese company from establishing an oil rig in a disputed area of the sea. It’s also angry at Philippines for arresting and charging 11 Chinese fishermen on what it regards as its own territory.

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before any fanboy shows false bravado........

US warns Beijing on South China Sea tensions

The US has warned China that moving a drilling rig into seas disputed with Vietnam was "provocative".

In a telephone call, US Secretary of State John Kerry told Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi the US had "strong concerns" over recent developments.

Last week, Chinese and Vietnamese ships clashed over the drilling rig that China has placed in waters near the disputed Paracel Islands.

China and Manila are also at odds over overlapping territorial claims.

Beijing claims a U-shaped swathe of the South China Sea that covers areas other South East Asian nations say are their territory.

The issue has been rumbling in recent years amid an increasingly assertive stance from China over its claims.


Last week, several collisions were reported between Chinese and Vietnamese vessels in disputed waters as the Vietnamese ships sought to prevent the installation of the Chinese drilling rig.

Reports suggest the stand-off - involving dozens of ships - is continuing, with water cannon fire being exchanged.

On Sunday, anti-China protests took place in several Vietnamese cities. It is the most serious confrontation between the two nations for several years.

In Monday's telephone call, Mr Kerry "said China's introduction of an oil rig and numerous government vessels in waters disputed with Vietnam was provocative", US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

"He urged both sides to de-escalate tensions, ensure safe conduct by their vessels at sea, and resolve the dispute through peaceful means in accordance with international law."

Separately, in comments made at a meeting with the Singaporean foreign minister, Mr Kerry called the Chinese move an "aggressive act".

Mr Wang, meanwhile, urged Mr Kerry to be objective on the issue, a Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman said.

Tensions between Beijing and Manila are also running high, after the Philippines arrested and then charged nine Chinese fishermen with poaching at a disputed shoal.

BBC News - US warns Beijing on South China Sea tensions
The Philippines is in the process of taking China to a UN court over its territorial claims.

It has also recently signed a new security deal with the US which would allow an expanded US troop presence, in a move seen as linked to Manila's deteriorating ties with Beijing.

On Tuesday, Chinese state media slammed the Philippines, saying that if it continued to challenge China it would pay "an unaffordable price".
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