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China have No power left to threaten Philippine coz its navy is got stuck with VN navy. Times for u guys to take back Scaborough shoal now. :)
I think you are grossly underestimating China's navy and its size.
the Pinoys should take the opportunity and bring the Scaborough shoal under control. The Chinese are busy in dealing with Vietnam. that is the perfect time. nearly all of the vessels of the chinese south sea fleet try to protect the oil rig.

with new treaty with Uncle Sam, they are under US military umbrella. minimal risk, maximum fun.
Points are addressed above, you hold ZERO advantage over our airforc and navy over the Spratly; that's the reason why you did not even dare to attack us when we were in the 90's
That is back in the 90's. This is now. China is much stronger.
China should never ever be dragged into a conflict by a small country。(The US and the Philippines spring to mind)

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu

I looked very hard, but I couldn't find anything about underestimating your enemy. For a so-called strategist, you lack insight.
the Pinoys should take the opportunity and bring the Scaborough shoal under control. The Chinese are busy in dealing with Vietnam. that is the perfect time.

with new treaty with Uncle Sam, they are under their military umbrella.
Busy? How busy?
were you aware of it?

from RT,

At the end of the last year Ukrainian President Yanukovich during his visit to China signed a memorandum on building a deep water port in Crimea, which also proposed the development of a special economic zone and reconstruction of Sevastopol port. Chinese companies planned to invest in the development and modernization of irrigation systems, including drip irrigation, introduce modern agricultural technology into Crimea, and develop agricultural storage and logistics hubs. The project also involved constructing a grain terminal at a Crimean port, the construction of an airport, a shipyard, and a terminal for LNG trans-shipment. Whereas Crimea is a part of Russia now, it would be easier for China to discuss the possibilities to develop a raw-material, logistic and maybe even put a naval base there.

did russia consult china before annexing crimea? looks so. but what about the naval base? sino-russian one?

Vladimir Putin, said in March that relations between Russia and China “are characterized by a high degree of mutual trust, respect for each other's interests, and support in vital issues”. “They are a true partnership and are genuinely comprehensive,” he added.

Here is another official Russian media source.

So two official sources made the same error? Are you making fun of the Russian media or what?

Hmm.. lets see when the exercise happens.. As of now i don't have any comments..
the Pinoys should take the opportunity and bring the Scaborough shoal under control. The Chinese are busy in dealing with Vietnam. that is the perfect time. nearly all of the vessels of the chinese south sea fleet try to protect the oil rig.

with new treaty with Uncle Sam, they are under US military umbrella. minimal risk, maximum fun.
I dare you to go much farther than that and see what happens.
Chinese embassy urges Philippines to stop provocative actions
(Xinhua) May 07, 2014

MANILA, May 7 -- Chinese embassy in Manila urged the Philippines on Wednesday to "take no more provocative action" after 11 Chinese fishermen were seized by Philippinepolice near Half Moon Shoal of Nansha Islands.

Chinese embassy spokesman Zhang Hua said in a statement that the embassy had alreadylodged representations with the Philippine side upon learning of the incident.

What has the Philippines done seriously infringed upon the sovereign rights and maritimerights of China, Zhang said.

He urged the Philippine side to "immediately" release detained Chinese fishermen, returntheir properties and ensure no more similar infringement acts are taken in future.

The spokesman reiterated that China has indisputable sovereign rights over the sea area,including the Half Moon Shoal of Nansha Islands, where the incident occurred.

The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Wednesday confirmed the arrestof the Chinese fishermen.

The DFA explained that such actions were not meant to raise tensions with China.

Chinese embassy urges Philippines to stop provocative actions - People's Daily Online
Then we know why Chinese citizens feel free to break the law, even in China mainland ...
Why do Japanese people obey traffic laws? Chinese students give their opinion

On August 11, Record China published an article based on essays written by Chinese students after their first visit to Japan. The piece, titled “How Japanese People Interpret Laws,” mainly focused on the students’ impressions of Japanese roadway rules and regulations and how strictly they are followed.”

Those readers who have had the chance to experience Japanese motorways might not have found the streets very safe at all. Narrow roads often mean narrow escapes from clogged intersections as pedestrians weave in-between eco-delivery bicyclists and taxi cabs. But compared to the hustle and bustle of mainland China, where the rules of the road mean every man for himself, Japan may very well seem an extremely tame, if not complacent, environment.

Though the walking speed of Tokyoite salarymen during their morning rush came as a bit of a surprise, the Chinese school children were even more shocked to see how Japanese people followed traffic laws so faithfully. Even when there were no cars present, pedestrians remained in their proper place at the edge of the sidewalk and waited for their light to turn green.


But why do they wait their turn to cross when there is no present danger? While living and working in Japan, it’s a common sight to see young Japanese children heavily policed when crossing the road, whether by parents or teachers. In fact, it’s cute to see the little ones listen to their teachers’ advice and raise their hands when crossing any street so as to be more noticeable to drivers. But though traffic safety is indeed taught at a very early age in Japan, the same principles are taught to young Chinese children, as well. And yet, as they grow older, people in China ignore the crosswalk directions and go whenever and wherever they can find a space.

It’s not the traffic laws themselves, but rather the attitude toward and consciousness of rules in Japan that differs so distinctly from China. The Record China report explained that Japanese people think of laws as things that are guided and enforced by the people, more so than even the government. They take it upon themselves to ensure that the rule of law is followed and take personal offense when someone violates that self-imposed responsibility. This sense of society, while impressive and truly inspiring in some ways, can also lead to tremendous pressure on the individual.

There’s a stereotype that Japanese people are incredibly humble and overly-apologetic. Sadly, there are definite, documented cases where this is true. During an incident a while back, a young Japanese traveler was kidnapped by terrorists in Iraq and killed. In the video that the terrorists recorded, the kidnapped boy apologized for “causing trouble.” Despite the horrific circumstances, the boy’s family was even publicly censured in Japan for their failure to take proper precautions and follow the laws set in place for their protection. In effect, the victims were pressured into apologizing for the incident due to the rigid sense of communal righteousness.


Nowadays, Japan firmly believes that citizens who do not uphold the law of the land are tantamount to criminals themselves, according to the Chinese news source. Though the commentary might sound a bit harsh, it does bring up a valid point about Japanese society. Even as a foreigner living overseas, there are times when you can feel the watchful gaze of the people checking to see if you’re doing things in the correct and proper way. This tremendous social and mental pressure instilled within the Japanese populace and extended throughout all the people who live within its island borders, keeps people in line and on the sidewalk.

Chinese out of the law

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Russia needs to slam down hard on the Vietnamese head because they are stupidly supporting US's West led hegemony while China-Russia is trying very hard to create a multipolar world. Whether you Vietnamese wants it or not, your aggression against us meant you are making it more difficult for Russia-China to create a multipolar world and limit US's hegemony.
U dont have any power left to force Phil to release ur poor fishermen.:pop:
Maybe on soft diplomatic power, but not on physical military force or "the big stick". I am waiting for them to enraged China even more.
Maybe on soft diplomatic power, but not on physical military force or "the big stick". I am waiting for you to enraged China even more.
diplomatic power can not help the Hong Kong victim in the bus incident, and the same thing will happen to ur poor fishermen specially ur Navy is got stuck with VN navy now.
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