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South China Sea Forum

Robbing / Stealing is never considered as Good !!!

It is not stealing. China drills in its own waters. If you are willing, we can cooperate and drill jointly. This way, your energy companies can learn from China's.

drill in yours, not in our EZZ. china is going to collapse soon.

We have full faith in China. You will grow old and bald waiting for China to collapse.

So many sorry species-being passed away waiting for the US to collapse (Not that I would be sorry if it did).
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It is not stealing. China drills in its own waters. If you are willing, we can cooperate and drill jointly. This way, your energy companies can learn from China's.

Your opinion is totally legal baseless.
Would we go for a court / arbitration ?

Or a 4 sides meeting : ASEAN, China, Vietnam, USA.

As we remember during Tonkin Gulf Incident 1964, USS Maddox approached Gulf of Tonkin by go through what you called "your own waters, between Paracels and Hainan ...

Paracels itself belong to Vietnam which is robbed by China force,
You even cannot claim Paracels is yours ...
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Vietnam always could broascasting the warning for missile testing area on site ...
We are in position to do so, but China isn't . Try to launch a missile to our sea, don't you dare ?

Do it, don't troll. :lol:




越 南外交部发表的声明,谴责中国海洋石油总公司“海洋石油981”号钻井平台在中国西沙中建岛以南进行钻井作业,“侵犯了越南根据1982年《联合国海洋法 公约》拥有的主权权利和管辖权”。声明指出,未经该国同意,在此水域进行的任何活动“均属非法”,并称对之“严厉抗议”。



中 国海事局5月5日在其网站上公布称,海洋石油981号钻油平台即日起在南海探钻到今年8月15日。根据公告,探勘的位置是在北纬15-29.58度/东经 111-12.06度,并公告称以此为圆心,半径3海里范围内禁止其他船舶进入。英国广播公司(BBC)5日指出,上述范围是中国实际控制、但是越南也宣 称拥有主权的争议性水域。




中 国海事局3日发布《琼航警第0033号》航行警告,宣布5月2日至8月15日期间,“海洋石油981”号钻井平台在以北纬15度29分58秒、东经111 度12分06秒点为圆心,1海里为半径范围内进行钻井作业,其他无关船只禁止驶入。随后,越南海警出动多艘船只试图干扰“海洋石油981”号钻井平台正常 作业。


据 悉,“海洋石油981”号被称作深水半潜式钻井平台,由中船集团为中国海洋石油总公司设计与建造,是中国首座深水钻井平台,造价约60亿人民币(约合 9.606亿美元)。平台长114米,宽90米,高112米,重量超过3万吨,整个平台共有五层,有两层位于甲板下。平台采用8台各5,530千瓦的柴油 发电机作为动力来源,拥有8台各重55吨的推进器,每台功率4,600千瓦,最大航速为8节。平台可在不超过3,000米水深的海域进行钻探工作,钻井深 度最多1.2万米,可变载荷9,000吨。

[ News] multidimensional Vietnamese Foreign Ministry on the 4th accused China in the South China Sea oil drilling operations in violation of international law , and asked China to stop the operation . But China has ignored the accusations against the Vietnamese side , and stressed that China 's territorial waters in the China operations, legal and reasonable .Vietnam protests China Sea oil drilling operations" Philippine Star " (Philstar) 5月5 , pointed out that the 4th Vietnamese Foreign Ministry issued a statement accusing China in the South China Sea oil drilling operations in violation of international law. According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the position of the Chinese mining exploration within 200 sea miles in the waters of Vietnam 's economy , China 's violation of the " International Convention on the Law of the Sea ," the implementation of the United Nations in 1982 .Vietnamese Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning the China National Offshore Oil Corporation "Offshore Oil 981 " No. rig drilling operations in the south of China built in the Xisha Islands , " a violation of Vietnam under the 1982 " United Nations Convention on the sovereign rights " have and jurisdiction . " The statement pointed out , without the consent of the country , any activity in this waters " are illegal ," adding to the "severe protest ."State-owned enterprises in Vietnam - Vietnam Oil and Gas Group also requires "Offshore Oil 981 " No. rig belongs to China National Offshore Oil Corporation " immediately stop " exploration and exploitation in the South China Sea , and the withdrawal of " Vietnam 's territorial waters ." The company said, adding that countries such as Russia , the United States and other foreign oil companies in the mining operations in the South China Sea , after the Vietnamese authorities are approved .China accuses Vietnam rebuttalChina Maritime Safety Administration announced on May 5 , said on its Web site , No. 981 offshore oil rig in the South China Sea exploration drill now on August 15 this year . According to the announcement , mining position 15-29.58 degrees latitude / longitude 111-12.06 degrees , and announced that this was the center of a circle , Radius 3 nautical miles prohibit other vessels to enter. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 5 said today that China's actual control of the above-mentioned range , but Vietnam also claims sovereignty over the controversial waters.BBC noted that Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying 5, 2011 at a regular press conference expressed the job position No. 981 offshore oil platforms in the Chinese territorial waters .Notably , the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced in a press release the same day routine press conference did not involve " the South China Sea oil drilling operations " content, but also did not mention Hua Chunying on " job position offshore oil platform is 981 in China within the territorial waters "remarks.Large -Vietnam maritime police boat confrontationChina Maritime Safety Administration released the 3rd "Joan Aviation Police No. 0033 " navigational warnings , announced between May 2 to August 15 date , "Offshore Oil 981 " number rigs in latitude 15 degrees 29 minutes 58 seconds , longitude 111 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds as the center point , one sea mile radius of drilling operations within the scope of other unrelated vessels prohibited from entering . Subsequently, the Vietnam Marine Police dispatched a number of boats trying to interfere with "Offshore Oil 981 " for the normal operation of the drilling platform .China Maritime Safety Administration on the 5th update of the " King Air Police 0034 " navigational warnings , announced that it will expand the no-fly radius of three nautical miles. Meanwhile, Chinese maritime police vessels Coast Guard boat to the relevant area . Currently, Chinese maritime police ship is in confrontation with the Vietnamese vessel built in 17 sea miles south of the island .It is reported that , " Offshore Oil 981 " was called deepwater semi-submersible drilling platform , by the CSSC Group is China National Offshore Oil Corporation, design and construction , is China 's first deepwater drilling platform , cost about 6 billion yuan (U.S. $ 960.6 million ) . 114 m platform length , 90 meters wide and 112 meters high , weighs more than 30,000 tons , the entire platform a total of five, with two layers located under the deck. Platform with eight each 5,530 kW diesel generator as a power source , with a weight of 55 tons each of eight thrusters , each power of 4,600 kW, maximum speed is 8 . Platform at no more than 3,000 meters deep waters drilling , drilling depth of up to 12,000 meters , variable load of 9,000 tons.

Our ships even surrounding Paracels ... so how 981 could reach the drilling site
Your opinion is totally legal baseless.
Would we go for a court / arbitration ?

Or a 4 sides meeting : ASEAN, China, Vietnam, USA.

As we remember during Tonkin Gulf Incident 1964, USS Maddox approached Gulf of Tonkin by go through what you called "your own waters, between Paracels and Hainan ...

Paracels itself belong to Vietnam which is robbed by China force,
You even cannot claim Paracels is yours ...

We can negotiate on bilateral basis. No need to get the US involved more than it already is.

Do not trust the US that much by the way. They may support you today against China but, tomorrow, they may support the Phil against you.

So, gather together however national power you have and sit at the negotiation table with China and do your best for a bargain. We will approach you moderately and tolerantly, rest assured, and respect you more than we do today as a spare tire to the US.

17.42864 N / 110.68767 E
151.7 ° / 0 kn.
hai yang shi you.jpg
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We can negotiate on bilateral basis. No need to get the US involved more than it already is.

Do not trust the US that much by the way. They may support you today against China but, tomorrow, they may support the Phil against you.

So, gather together however national power you have and sit at the negotiation table with China and do your best for a bargain. We will approach you moderately and tolerantly, rest assured, and respect you more than we do today as a spare tire to the US.

bilateral for the two side disputed Islands, for Hoang Sa only.

We keep ordering China to negotiate about returning Paracels Island to us ...
similar to Bach Long Vi islands, China liberated Bach Long Vi from KMT and return to us ...

For Paracels, you take it from South Vietnam and now it's time to return to us as there's only 1 reunited Vietnam.
There's no other claimant ...

The location as planned for Oil Rig 981 is illegal because it's undisputed area, it clearly belong to Vietnam EEZ ... let's see the divident of Tonkin Gulf

We can negotiate on bilateral basis. No need to get the US involved more than it already is.

Do not trust the US that much by the way. They may support you today against China but, tomorrow, they may support the Phil against you.

So, gather together however national power you have and sit at the negotiation table with China and do your best for a bargain. We will approach you moderately and tolerantly, rest assured, and respect you more than we do today as a spare tire to the US.

Wish your China ever could make us believe in what you said.
We get China support to defeat French and early phase of Vietnam War against US ...
really appreciated that. But after your leaders push us out of your arms by financing Khmer Rouge to invade us, and yourself invaded us too.

Some dozen of thousand deaths for both during 1979 war could make you proud of ? Your leaders are guilty for both Chinese and Vietnamese people.

The last bullet that killed our men is from Chinese gunmen ... and the next bullet would be from the same
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Scud missile with the range of 550-700km is enough to reach to all of ur base in SCS(east sea). Shaddock missile ,range 550km can be used to attack ur base too.

vietnam operates scub-b which is limited to 300 km and being land based, it does not have the range to cover a majority of the seas

further more the Shaddock missile(product of the 50's) is outdated having a CEP of some 5000m and having a ranged of some 500km it too cannot cover all the scs

just face the facts, other than a USN intervention, there little to no chance of vietnam winning in any SCS scenario, due to the massive disparities in the military forces. the facts being as they are, the vietnamese government is not going to unilaterally start attacking chinese assets, because thats a really dumb idea and would given the PRC all the pretence it needs to lock down the entire sea, while preventing the involvement of the USN. the story would be wildly different of course if the PLAN fired first.

therefore whatever they are building, will get built, there will be complaints but little if any action. Now vietnam could also build on reefs/islands it controls, and it has clearly done so, having occupied the most number of islands in the area out of all the claimants. but its also possible that china will try to intercept the ships, as it did so against the philippines a little while ago.
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