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South China Sea Forum

Let the legal truth to come out.

Let us see who do things contrary to what is a decent in the international community who is thirst of wealth and power.

Good luck.

Yeah, good luck. We are looking forward to being accused as invaders by the "International Court" and let's see what actual actions could be taken.
You should know the difference between toppling a government of a big country like China and toppling a government of a much smaller one like Vietnam. Not to say the opposite power in Vietnam is much stronger than that in China. BTW, it is really unwise to compare relationships between two big guys and the relationship between one big guy and a dwarf. Don't feel bad and face to the reality my boy. The worst thing for you Viets is the "Big Viet Dream". There is nothing shame to admit you live in a small country.

the difference between China and USA is that Uncle Sam control Taiwan, but China dare not do nothing to unitify the country. It's the difference, kid.
the difference between China and USA is that Uncle Sam control Taiwan, but China dare not do nothing to unitify the country. It's the difference, kid.

last time when I checked, your loser nation was controlled by different countries for thousands years.

one day loser, always loser.
the difference between China and USA is that Uncle Sam control Taiwan, but China dare not do nothing to unitify the country. It's the difference, kid.

thank you for your supports for acknowledge Taiwan as part of China.
you should do the same for parcel and spratly islands tho.
hopes Philippines do same as like you do.
last time when I checked, your loser nation was controlled by different countries for thousands years.

one day loser, always loser.

China was controlled by Mongolian, Manchus, Japan, Britain, Portugal until 1999. You are lucky when you are separated from mainland China. Taiwanese are winner :omghaha:

thank you for your supports for acknowledge Taiwan as part of China.
you should do the same for parcel and spratly islands tho.
hopes Philippines do same as like you do.

Taiwan in reality regained their Independence soon, it was Formosa Republic in the past, just the name different Taiwan Republic, cheers.
Vietnam government is committed to a peaceful solution, and wishes international mediation, while China opposes any steps involving other nations and insists on bilateral negotiation.

Their strategy is clear: China wants to subjugate smaller and weaker nations by its overwhelming power. Its phrase of "a peaceful rise" is just a cheap rhetoric.

As for UNCLOS, China does not respect VN´s 200 nautical miles, but demands VN to respect its own. They are clown. :tdown:
:lol: We are your masters for 1000 years. Now you know why. As soon as we open fire you fall to your knees. Stay out of the South China Sea unless you want our tanks to pay a visit to Hanoi.
Polish judge to represent China in PH arbitration


MANILA, Philippines - Polish judge Stanislaw Pawlak will represent China in the arbitral proceedings initiated by the Philippines over the territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), a senior government official told Rappler on Sunday, March 24.

Pawlak was appointed last week by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) president, Japanese judge Shunji Yanai, after China failed to designate its own representative within the 60-day deadline established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The next step will be for Yanai to nominate within 30 days the 3 remaining members of the arbitration panel that will examine the case, the official added.

German judge and former ITLOS President Rudy Wolfrum was picked to represent the Philippines after Manila presented its Notification and Statement of Claim in the UN arbitration on January 22.

China on February 19 officially rejected the proceedings, saying that the Philippine government had compiled a "factually flawed and false" claim and claiming it has sufficient historical and jurisprudential evidence to support its sovereignty over the whole South China Sea.

In accordance with this policy, Beijing refused to nominate its representative in the panel, forcing ITLOS to make the choice.

UNCLOS establishes that once the 5 members are confirmed, they will hear the arguments of both parties and decide on the merit of the case.

Over the past two years Manila has complained about Beijing's increasing assertiveness in enforcing its claims, particularly over areas believed to be rich in oil and natural gas reserves.

China's stance led to a standoff last year with the Philippines over rich fishing grounds around Scarborough Shoal, a rocky outcrop much closer to the Philippine coast than to China's shores. - with reports from Carlos Santamaria/Rappler.com

Polish judge to represent China in PH arbitration
It's time to launch our missiles at the tribunal to let them know who's in charge. But admittedly they have a sense of humor appointing a Polish judge to represent China. :lol:

Don't worry Filipinos, we did not forget you. Our navy is doing live fire military exercises right off of your coast!

China runs naval drills off PH shores - Manila Standard Today
:lol: We are your masters for 1000 years. Now you know why. As soon as we open fire you fall to your knees. Stay out of the South China Sea unless you want our tanks to pay a visit to Hanoi.

great! you mean your leaders run mad again and send poor brainwashed peasants like you to the front as cannon fodder?


destroyed PLA tanks


PLA prisoners
great! you mean your leaders run mad again and send poor brainwashed peasants like you to the front as cannon fodder?
detroyed PLA tanks
PLA prisoners
good,you mean Vietnam is strong and we are weak,very good,and i know many Vietnamese have same thought with you.
so lets just swallow it quietly no matter whose tooth is broken down.DO NOT CRY ALL OVER THE WORLD,
it is stupid crying here and there for a country has beat US,China,France....
It's time to launch our missiles at the tribunal to let them know who's in charge. But admittedly they have a sense of humor appointing a Polish judge to represent China. :lol:

Don't worry Filipinos, we did not forget you. Our navy is doing live fire military exercises right off of your coast!

China runs naval drills off PH shores - Manila Standard Today
Oh Please enough of threats. Just do it if you can. :sniper:

Only the UN international tribunal should decide what is legal and what is illegal. Not China, not the Philippines. Only in this way the dispute can be resolved and world peace through the rule of law be preserved. Don't worry about the Polish judge to represent your country at the Tribunal. I'm sure, he's also an expert.


It does not have to be so tedious, really. Just be a little more straightforward, claim that China is an invader. No idiots would expect fairness from the so called "International Court". One day US take charge of the world, one day those international organizations are its tools.
Honestly, Chinese people do not care how you are against them at all. It just like in a flock of lions, when a strange male lion starts to fight against the old lion King, all of the females would stand at the side of the old guy. It could only be changed when the old guy dies or close to die.
China is establishing itself as a major player in the world. If China wants the whole world to listen, she should not bully its neighbors.

The issue here is not war between nations of unequal powers but fairness and justice. This is a question of sovereignty. If the UN is to be regarded as a viable venue to resolve issues such as this one, then it has to give existing international laws a chance to clear things up regardless of who the claimants are.

The veto being exercised by China in the security council is one of the reasons of your arrogance in world affairs and your recent prosperity made your country an abusive bully.
A mere Philippines not a member of the security council and no veto right can only be jealous of the 5 permanent members. If that is what you call arrogance and bullies so be it. Better not challenge China or worse things will hit you, Japan is feeling it already
good,you mean Vietnam is strong and we are weak,very good,and i know many Vietnamese have same thought with you.
so lets just swallow it quietly no matter whose tooth is broken down.DO NOT CRY ALL OVER THE WORLD,
it is stupid crying here and there for a country has beat US,China,France....
I think you have a problem like many of your countrymen. You like to twist the facts, right and wrong, black and white. My response was primarily for HongWu´s clown with tanks in Hanoi. Vietnam is not a pushover, as Chinese you are suposed to know that.

As for crying, that´s not fair game China vs Vietnam, so we need help and support from others. No surprise.
Vietnam is no pushover facing weaker nations. Experience the full might of China and you will just see just how a pushover Vietnam really is.
A mere Philippines not a member of the security council and no veto right can only be jealous of the 5 permanent members. If that is what you call arrogance and bullies so be it. Better not challenge China or worse things will hit you, Japan is feeling it already

Please from all the nations you you people made enemies with will make your veto powers is nothing more than paper weight and plus how about the other nations with that same power would they agree to support china please challenging and defeating china like this without the use of arms will be sweet so please threaten us more chewangs racist jerks stunts is like pissing in the wind plus its not a security matter its dispute so no veto powers here oh whats wrong?

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