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South Asian Unity on Syria Policy

Obama administration is playing a hunch to further their strategic footprint...Syria is to bleed further im afraid.

Obama admin is clueless just like any other US admin before them, you give them too much credit as omniscient, they are not. Arab Spring was a disaster for the US and Israel in the mid-east. If anything they wanted to avoid it. They made many mistakes, this impending attack is not one of them. Assad's removal will bring instability but Syria will eventually stabilize, so will the region.
I have no sources, this is just connecting the dots as i have been closely following the Syrian conflict.

Or in other words, you come up with conclusion first and then "connect the dots" so as to line up with the conclusion.

If US wanted to topple Assad regime Obama wouldn't have said in no uncertain terms that regime change is not the motive of pending US strikes.

Assad is getting what he deserves for launching a Chemical attack on its own civilians.
Thanks for the frank admission. I do admit it would be crazy for Assad to use CW, but then he does not strike me as a sane person either and he has them and the delivery mechanism. So far all the evidence points the finger at him. I vividly remember the Iraq invasion in 2003, everyone knew it was a joke, but this time it is completely different case. Obama is getting his hand dirty which he should have done long ago, could save countless lives and not let the gap filled by extremists. I largely hold Obama the coward responsible for the mess in Syria. McCain strangely got it right all along in Syria. It is strange world, but crazy people sometimes get it right, may be because he was a combat soldier in Vietnam.

It would make no sense for Assad to use CW in Damascus. His forces are getting pushed out all over Northern/ Eastern Syria yet he chooses to gas the one place they have yet to lose ground? Let us be reasonable it makes zero sense.
. .
It would make no sense for Assad to use CW in Damascus. His forces are getting pushed out all over Northern/ Eastern Syria yet he chooses to gas the one place they have yet to lose ground? Let us be reasonable it makes zero sense.

To you and me it does not, but don't speak for Assad, he is not known as any old sane person. We have no access to his reasoning. It could very well be a mistake by his people as well, without him knowing about it. Who knows. But there is no doubt Assad's forces did it.
To you and me it does not, but don't speak for Assad, he is not known as any old sane person. We have no access to his reasoning. It could very well be a mistake by his people as well, without him knowing about it. Who knows. But there is no doubt Assad's forces did it.

There is still doubt as to if Assad's forces did it or else Obama would issue an executive order and we would move in. Trust me if it was as black and white as you make it out to be there wouldn't be so much opposition and Kerry would not be getting grilled in Congress. Nor would Obama try to backtrack from his red line statement.
There is still doubt as to if Assad's forces did it or else Obama would issue an executive order and we would move in. Trust me if it was as black and white as you make it out to be there wouldn't be so much opposition and Kerry would not be getting grilled in Congress. Nor would Obama try to backtrack from his red line statement.

Agreed, but the situation is no way comparable to Iraq invasion of 2003. 1400 people got killed and someone did it, question is who, if it is not the rebels, then it must be Assad. If Obama was a responsible world leader, he would have taken out Assad a lot sooner and not wait for this gas attack.
The FSA / Nusrah front could not topple the anti Israel Syrian regime, now Obama has to strike Syria blaming Assad for CW attacks ..
Agreed, but the situation is no way comparable to Iraq invasion of 2003. 1400 people got killed and someone did it, question is who, if it is not the rebels, then it must be Assad. If Obama was a responsible world leader, he would have taken out Assad a lot sooner and not wait for this gas attack.

60% Americans against intervention, British have backed out and French may follow so Obama is scared of the backlash. He has gone to congress hoping it will be struck down and he can claim he tried.
There is still doubt as to if Assad's forces did it or else Obama would issue an executive order and we would move in. Trust me if it was as black and white as you make it out to be there wouldn't be so much opposition and Kerry would not be getting grilled in Congress. Nor would Obama try to backtrack from his red line statement.

Kerry going before congressional hearing is only to shore up Republican support in Congress, and to put up with the "isolationists" in the GOP.

Besides, Obama is not the one to shoot first and ask questions later! He takes his time to get to a decision, unlike his predecessor.
Kerry going before congressional hearing is only to shore up Republican support in Congress, and to put up with the "isolationists" in the GOP.

Besides, Obama is not the one to shoot first and ask questions later! He takes his time to get to a decision, unlike his predecessor.

You must not have been following the situation close enough, key republican leaders have already given their commitment by word but he is being grilled in Congress about if this is another Iraq situation, none the less we will know everything by the end of the week.
60% Americans against intervention, British have backed out and French may follow so Obama is scared of the backlash. He has gone to congress hoping it will be struck down and he can claim he tried.

I have never seen Obama like this, once he has made up his mind, he is going in. Mark my words. The congress is just a theater, Kerry did mention that they reserve the right to go in even if Congress does not approve, mainly because of these isolationist tea partiers led by Senator Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul. Good guys with good intentions, but isolationism does not fit the lone super power, they are clueless about geopolitics, a lot more than Obama for sure.
I have never seen Obama like this, once he has made up his mind, he is going in. Mark my words. The congress is just a theater, Kerry did mention that they reserve the right to go in even if Congress does not approve, mainly because of these isolationist tea partiers led by Senator Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul. Good guys with good intentions, but isolationism does not fit the lone super power, they are clueless about geopolitics, a lot more than Obama for sure.

Let us not get carried away Obama is the most clueless man in DC, the men you mentioned do not support complete isolationism you must be kidding yourself they however do favor non-interventionism which has historically been US policy and the wishes of the forefathers of this nation. Not to mention it is increasingly becoming the will of the people who are fed up with war.
Let us not get carried away Obama is the most clueless man in DC, the men you mentioned do not support complete isolationism you must be kidding yourself they however do favor non-interventionism which has historically been US policy and the wishes of the forefathers of this nation. Not to mention it is increasingly becoming the will of the people who are fed up with war.

I know about Ron Paul, I used to be his supporter and contributed to his election campaign, till I found out more and more about him. His son is just following his foot steps. They are impractical isolationist to the core, clueless in one word. I am not going to waste time arguing with you, you can research more and find out.

Obama is clueless I agree but not as much as the Pauls.
I know about Ron Paul, I used to be his supporter and contributed to his election campaign, till I found out more and more about him. His son is just following his foot steps. They are impractical isolationist to the core, clueless in one word. I am not going to waste time arguing with you, you can research more and find out.

They are not isolationist. No need for me to research I have been following them for a while, you must have some bias against them.

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