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South Africa's Wayne Parnell converts to Islam

Let’s put it this way: Hinduism is not a “membership” kind of religion. In other words, in contrast to other religious organizations, one cannot simply point to a universal initiation ceremony and say that anyone who has gone through that ritual now is a member of the group. Hinduism is a very complex religion, involving world views, many different forms of beliefs and rituals, and multiple levels of social interaction. So, if you are looking for a point of “conversion” into Hinduism, it would be very difficult to put your finger on such a thing.
Let’s make a contrast with Islam, for example. One becomes a Muslim so long as one sincerely affirms the confession, “I give witness that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” From that point on a person is a Muslim; whether he is a good Muslim or a bad one remains to be determined, but a Muslim he is. By contrast, then, there is no such point of entry into Hinduism. The very nature of the religion demands a self-identification on many different levels, which simply is not possible with a simple declaration.
Those who follow the Hindu way of life are Hindus. In the Mahabharata the great King Yudhishthira was asked, "What makes a brahmin -- birth, learning or conduct?" He replied, "It is conduct that makes a brahmin." Similarly, the modern Hindu may well state that it is conduct, based upon deep, practical understanding of dharma, karma and reincarnation, that makes a Hindu.

The declaration is just the first step...... after that a person by practice may become a Shaheed, Momin etc......

And the Holy Qur'an right at the beginning says it is a source of Salvation only for the pious.

So wont you call someone a weak Hindu is he/she too eats non veg..... does not practice Hindu rituals even after conversion ?
Supremacy is a strong word with implications.

No religion has supremacy over another nor can it ever. One is as good as another. After centuries we should have realised this.

Since one is good as the other in your belief .... have you tried practicing Islam ?
Since one is good as the other in your belief .... have you tried practicing Islam ?

Hello ?

Yes, I have kep rozas for three years in a row. I have also been to Gurudwaras and performed ardas. There are a large number of hindu families who have their elder son follow sikh rites.

Guess what ? I found the founding bedrock of all the religions to be the same. What has been constructed over it by those who propogate it is flawed in as much as it has been twisted to suit narrow minded & bigoted interests.
Supremacy is a strong word with implications.
No religion has supremacy over another nor can it ever. One is as good as another. After centuries we should have realised this.

I do not agree with you but here is a good way to live together.

"O Men, We created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may KNOW one another (NOT THAT YOU MAY DESPISE EACH OTHER)."
Hello ?

Yes, I have kep rozas for three years in a row. I have also been to Gurudwaras and performed ardas. There are a large number of hindu families who have their elder son follow sikh rites.

Guess what ? I found the founding bedrock of all the religions to be the same. What has been constructed over it by those who propogate it is flawed in as much as it has been twisted to suit narrow minded & bigoted interests.

Well said Third Eye.
Off topic,

If someone converts just for the sake of say(getting married to a muslim girl), but doesn't believe in the teachings of Islam, would it be seen as a sin?
Why is that ?

The essence of all religions is the same to provide a framework for people to live peacefully,satisfy aspirations and progress in a manner that they can discern right from wrong. Manzil sab ki ek hai, raste alag hain. All books essentially say the same - be good, do good, help those in need, live a regulated life.

We may feel that just coz I or my religious leader is X number of years old or had read all the right books he knows more and threrfore his word is law and cannot be questioned or reasoned . We leave the interpretation to someone else. The granthis, Pandits, Mullahs or Priests are as human as you & me and suceptable to biases & prejudices. Add a political angle to this & you have a molotov cocktail on your hands. Only a spark is now needed.

What is expected from a good Muslim, Hindu, Jain, Sikh , christian , Jew and so on ? Does any religion tell you to hate another ? At a time when new lands were being explored it was natural for religions to spread clashes were natural. Now when we cannot consolidate what we have we squabble.

Religion to me is a very personal thing. Quite like the clothes I wear, the food I eat, the education , upbringing and values I give to my children. I do all these according to my values but in conformity with the needs of society, health & nutrition as applicable . Similarly, you too would do the same. Why should I question what you wear, whom you pray to,or what you eat so long as you are decently dressed for the occasion,are kind and helpful to the poor and needy and are healthy ? I also have no reason to impose my life style on others. Two sons living in the same house do not have similar traits yet love & respect their parents showing this in different ways. Would it mean one is better than another ?

Its quite like sub soil water we draw from our tube wells. The water and the air we breathe like God is the same, when drawn from Rahims tube well it becomes Muslim and so on.
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