Having traveled in India last year I saw first hand what India is like, lots of problems that don't look like they will be fixed in the next decade let alone in 100 years.
Indians like to beat their chest and preach to the world how great and wonderful they are but it is quite different typing crap on forums and real life.
Mumbai is meant to be the financial capital of India but the infrastructure is falling apart, they can't even design a proper Air Conditioned train.
Don't get me wrong there are small parts of Mumbai that are nice but the rest is a garbage dump where people shit on the railway tacks and on the beaches.
Went to Mysore it is a nice city but even there people throw their rubbish everywhere, I don't get it if you go to a Indian's house you will see it is spick and span but everything outside the house is a shit hole.
Then there is the problem of sexual assault, rape, racism and the caste system and 400 million people living below the poverty line, in India you are considered above the poverty line if you earn $1.50.
But yet Indians love to lie and if you say anything against India get ready for all the Indians to come out from under the rock and abuse you.
Myself and my partner were enjoying India until something happened to us and it changed my mind about India.
Before we went to India we couldn't wait to get to the country both of us used to dream about, but we will never forget what my partner went through it was quite disgusting and humiliating for my partner.
It sad that our whole outlook of India has changed so much.