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Soon Arab Lands will be Indian Hindu States

How's your mama?.........:azn:..........:devil:
Sir, If you are really 41 years old that is least expected from you.
Now expand it.. its not your right that, to even avenge, you degrade one's daughter/mother. Its like a 'panjayat' verdict.. where a person has harmed another person and as compensation, culprit sister is married to the effected. In reality, the culprit must be punished not his sister.

Do you know who this guy is? He keeps coming up in my YouTube feed. I have seen him deny being patriotic towards Pakistan in one speech. Other than that, don't know much more about him.

You brother are our single best weapon against India and Indians. Well done.

Always appreciate your blunt honesty and confident style.

Now this comes from Indians:

Viral: Indians makes derogatory remarks on all Arab Women | BJP Leader & Tarek Fateh enjoy

BJP MP Tejasvi Surya faces backlash for 2015 tweet on Arab women, deletes it


Social media, including several users from the Middle East, ..

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Do Indians not know the antics of their own women?

They are known all over the world as the most desperate and easy. Please...

Arab women have morals and decency, as do all Muslim women. There is no comparison between gold and a cheap pebble.
Do you know who this guy is? He keeps coming up in my YouTube feed. I have seen him deny being patriotic towards Pakistan in one speech. Other than that, don't know much more about him.

Do Indians not know the antics of their own women?

They are known all over the world as the most desperate and easy. Please...

Indian women were send in thousands to satsify the Arabs, after that there were so many Indian women now in relation with Pakistan men, mainly because of loyalty, good macho shape, sturdiness, daring, big winners and successful in life.

Arab women have morals and decency, as do all Muslim women. There is no comparison between gold and a cheap pebble.

Arab women were totally humiliated by Indian parliament member. Sadly, that how Indians think about their women too, Delhi is the rape capital of world, Indians earned it the title.
money... lol ... in UAE all medical groups are Indian and same in KSA. What do you think, why Pakistani doctors either been kicked out or less in demand.
Not for long..some of them belonging to some Indian billionaire who got rich in the UAE were caught defrauding some UAE banks for about $6 billion dollars.. The guy is hiding in India..but there is a new law there now that allow the UAE courts decisions to be acted upon in India..
Indian women were send in thousands to satsify the Arabs, after that there were so many Indian women now in relation with Pakistan men, mainly because of loyalty, good macho shape, sturdiness, daring, big winners and successful in life.

Arab women were totally humiliated by Indian parliament member. Sadly, that how Indians think about their women too, Delhi is the rape capital of world, Indians earned it the title.

Humiliation how, when we look at him and value him equal to a rat

Loooool. He can say anything he wants
Coronavirus: Indians in UAE warned against hate speech, discrimination
Ashwani Kumar /Abu Dhabi

Indian expats, reportedly, blamed Muslims for the spread of Covid-19 in online comments.

Following Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tweet against giving religious angle to the spread of Covid-19, Indian Ambassador to the UAE Pavan Kapoor has warned expats in the UAE against discriminatory behaviour and hate speech.

"India and the UAE share the value of non-discrimination on many grounds.

Discrimination is against our moral fabric and the rule of law. Indian nationals in the UAE should always remember this," Kapoor said in his tweet.

In the past few days, multiple comments were reportedly posted by Indian expats blaming Muslim community for the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. The ambassador also shared Modi's tweet, which said: "Covid-19 does not see race, religion, colour, caste, creed, language or borders before striking. Our response and conduct thereafter should attach primacy to unity and brotherhood. We are in this together."

Hate must stop: Sheikha Hend

Emirati businesswoman and philanthropist Sheikha Hend Al Qassimi reiterated her call to expats against Islamophobic messages.

"I knew India, the country of Gandhi, a country which suffered enough. The whole world is on its nerves with Covid-19, but the hate should stop. Namaste," Al Qassimi said as she shared tweets by Modi and Kapoor.

Sheikha Hend also warned the UAE law applies on nationals and non-nationals in terms of hate speech. Earlier she had shared hateful messages made by an Indian expat and warned that "anyone that is openly racist and discriminatory in the UAE will be fined and made to leave". In the past few weeks there have been many Islamophobic social media posts made by Indian expats in the UAE.

Religious intolerance a criminal offence in UAE

The UAE stands strong for tolerance and has made religious intolerance and hatred criminal offences punishable under the law. A federal law passed in 2015 criminalises any form of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religion or caste. It also criminalises any act that incites religious hatred or insults religion, either verbally or in print or online. There were a number of instances when racist comments or hate speeches landed people, including Emiratis and expats, in trouble. Recently, an Emirati media person was arrested for racist comments on a video, which sought to create divisions based on ethnicity and nationality among the various communities living in the UAE. The video was particularly offensive to one community.

In another incident, an Indian expat working as chief accountant in Dubai was fired by his company for allegedly sharing Islamophobic posts on Facebook related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Last month, an Indian chef at a Dubai restaurant lost his job for making an online threat to rape a Delhi-based law student over her views on the controversial Citizen Amendment Act of India.

In 2018, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel ended contract with Michelin-starred chef Atul Kochhar after his Twitter post stated that 'followers of Islam had "terrorised" Hindus for 2,000 years.


Humiliation how, when we look at him and value him equal to a rat

Loooool. He can say anything he wants

Show me evidence, that Indian BJP leader you value him equal to a rat.

They look the same, although they don't like Hindus. Some are close to looking Pakostani, but not quite. Obviously they have mixed with Gujurati and other dark-skinned Indians.

I don't mean racially tho. Their religion comes from a Hindu origin

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