Well I do hope it wasn't a bomb blast on the president or prime minister house which the Gov is trying to cover up. I hope its just a Sonic Boom. Its not that difficult to differentiate between a sonic boom and a bomb if you can tell a gun by the sound it makes..
Well do we have any people from Islamabad here who can describe the incident if they were awake, present or whatever there.. because i had a person here saying it felt just like the 2005 earthquake. Since i was present in Islamabad at that time and I also have witnessed several sonic booms in my life.. I think it shouldn't be that difficult to separate the two.
So what was it.. i'm still confused!
The fact that it was heard from the margallas to the pindi suburbs..
There was no blast caught.. nothing in the days of camera's everywhere...that the airforce gave a statement..
and that I was told personally by a senior member of the establishment at a funeral 30 minutes later that it was a sonic boom.
That is that..