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So Nina I have a question for you......

Where exactly in Pakistan are you from?

And tell us a little more about your background (how you seem to know so much about the U.K.?.

Cant you use the intro thread she has created to ask all these Qs.

You kind of remind me of a idiotic guy who went onto another forum telling combat veterans that his experience on panzer commander PC game was why he should have been taken seriously.

So nina, you are an Idiot..thats what Keys wanted to say. probably he didnt have the courage to say that directly so he took the 'long path'.
As someone who has lived in UK for sometime and have grown up childern ( son and daughter) I am very much aware of this problem.

Unfortunately, every action has 'pros' and 'cons'. When I chose to shift to UK, it implied that I would be faced with this dilemna when my children grew up. I have seen childern of friends marrying Europeans. It is a statiscal fact that in a place where there are ten times more white boys and girls than brown ones ( religion makes the pool even smaller) a young boy or a girl; specially those who grew up in the UK; are more likely to find a non brown person that they like.

I have known cases where people from a less educated background ( mostly from Mirpur in Azad Kashmir) have taken their nubile daughters back home and forcibly married them to their cousins; only for the women to run way and hide in the British Embassy and eventually return to UK.

I send my kids to Pakistan ever so often with the hope that they would find someone they like without much success. One of the reasons I dislike Taliban and Mullahs is that their actions are making my children anti religious. I have no reasonable answer when an idiot blows himself up in the Bari Imam mosque and kills score of innocents. Is this what Islam is all about?? the guy did it because he thought he will go to heaven, my daughter asked me, she was visiting Pakistan at that time. On the other hand in some families, specailly less affluent ones, boys are inclined towards jehadi culture and girls have started wearing Hijab. I am not against hijab but think that the cultural divide is causing extreme reactions as there is a crisis of identity among the young.

I am dreading the day when my son or daughter comes home and tells me that they want to marry this or that person but if it does happen, there wouldn't be a lot I could do. The problem is a real one and acute.

The ever so growing troubles of a true muslim.
Cant you use the intro thread she has created to ask all these Qs.

So nina, you are an Idiot..thats what Keys wanted to say. probably he didnt have the courage to say that directly so he took the 'long path'.

hi guys i have receieved this......in my private message
so i might not be on this site for long.......
if i get taken away from this site i just want to say that i will miss ya all and its been my pleasure to be here on this site and chatting to you all wonderfull people from all around the world.
by one of the moderators
A Rahman
it says

Dear nina,

You have received an infraction at Pakistan Defence Forum.


Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
please refrain from insulting moderators.
This is your first warning

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,
Pakistan Defence Forum
Last edited by a moderator:
first of all MR keys
what an idiot have given you the keys of this forum........

basicaly you closed my thread......and not just closed it but you also attacked and ridiculed me and my fellow host on the thread after so making sure we could not reply back to you...

it was quite obvious that you were in there and too much truth was being spoken........

sorry you are not welcome on this thread and none of your questions would be answered....

and once for all and this is last time i am saying this

i am not a bloke or a man i am a woman!!!........

and adux was not trying any thing on with me........or vice versa its just me and adux seems to have the same out look on life on a few matters.

and also if you live in uk get married to people over there stop smuggling women from pakistan and india to uk!!!..
and if you realy wanna do as your mummy says then dont live there.......

some of you have send me private messages as well which i did get but there is no need to..
if someone got something to say just say it here......

:lol: you are so full of crap it is unbelievable.......It's the small things that give you away. You are

A) Not Pakistani
B) Not a woman

As for closing the thread that was not my doing but don't worry we have all rumbled you.......

Oh and Bull I have no problem with calling people idiots especially you;)

Prove us all wrong with a photo with a recent paper in it.......otherwise you will be consigned to bin labeled "bullshitters".

Bye "Nina" :lol:
love you all .............

keep the good work going.............

that if these moderators try to take me off the site know all you guys have witnessed what an *** of democracy these people make they come up with facts and figures but when faced with truth they cant take it........
i didnt say any thing any one else wouldnt have ................
i am a woman and that is the only matter of truth.........

i feel proud of my slef i am a pakistani woman............
love you all .............

keep the good work going.............

that if these moderators try to take me off the site know all you guys have witnessed what an *** of democracy these people make they come up with facts and figures but when faced with truth they cant take it........
i didnt say any thing any one else wouldnt have ................

Yes yes appeal to the masses or prove us all wrong with a real picture......

And who said this forum was democracy?!!!!!:lol:

vive la revolution!

On a side note we should have a pool on the number of times "nina" will repeat that she is a Pakistani woman. :lol: From where in Pakistan "she" won't say....... or better yet lets see if she knows any urdu or similar language! Somehow I doubt it! :rofl:
i do not have to explain any thing to you.

and neither do i put my photos up to feed any one's sick fantasies.
i know who i am and so does any one else with some common sense.

and the only reason i said i was a pakistani woman that you asked
A you are not pakistani
and B that you are not a woman ( your exact words)

i can speak urdu very well.
dear friends

i am writing this to apologize for my comments i made about " mirpur" in my last thread.
i have offended a friend and for that i would like to publicaly apologize
and also i have been given some valuable information about the history of this part of the country which is so informative i would like to share it with every one else who is interested in finding out more about " mirpur"

but first once again my aplogies!

Dear nina i accept your apology and would also like to add that if i have offended you in anyway like calling you a cheeky cow i ask for your forgiveness.
I would like to add a few things about mirpur.

Mirpur a rural, impoverished district provided cheap, unskilled labour for Britain in the 60s and 70s. Most immigrants were from subsistence-farming communities and had had little or no schooling. They made a huge cultural and geographical leap to settle in the UK - the dislocation is hard to imagine.

One of the things they brought with them was the perception of a long history of dispossession and marginalisation. Partition brought terrible bloodshed and the division of Kashmir between Pakistan and India. .My own family is from the valley and where made refugees,they settled in mirpur but where forced out again by the pakistan govt so they could build mangla dam.Mirpur is to the Punjabis what the Irish have historically been to the British.

In the 80s the remittances began to flow in, fuelling an extraordinary boom in Mirpur, bringing computers, televisions, the internet, satellite dishes, microwaves and fridges. One of the strongest Mirpuri traditions is that you marry your cousins, so there is a constant exchange with the UK to renew the Mirpuri influence for the next generation. Mirpur has been an example -and there are others the world over - of the painful disruption in deeply traditional communities of a sudden influx of wealth and interface with modernity.

I am going to leave you a couple of links if your intrested in finding out more about mirpur.
your links were dead......so have been removed
i do not have to explain any thing to you.

and neither do i put my photos up to feed any one's sick fantasies.
i know who i am and so does any one else with some common sense.

and the only reason i said i was a pakistani woman that you asked
A you are not pakistani
and B that you are not a woman ( your exact words)

i can speak urdu very well.

yawn...the bullshit continues........prove who you are.....or I shall treat you with the contempt you deserve.

show us how much urdu you know and dazzle us with your language skills!!!!
Ms Nina you said in the above thread that it is not your photo in the avitar, than whos photo is it, and why did you choose this photo.
nina said:
you said that you went to the strech clyde univeristy.?
so you were in glasgow

according to my statistics you were dealing with a very back ward south asian community mostly comes from an area called merpur in pakistan.
you must have had a terrible experience
they are not the kinna people who you feel proud of being associated with.

but the funny thing is that you dont find them in pakistan only place you will find them would be in glasgow
And how the **** can you say this have you even been to Mirpur?
Definitely not a Pakistani.

nina said:
british south asian men are the most fucked up men on the planet earth..........
british south asian in general are the most fucked up people on the planet earth
lack or respect amongst british south asians....
british south asians want to avoid each other...


american south asians are the ones who have learnt their lessons they are diffrent in their attitude and approach.
And definitely not a female!
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