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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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You g
Intelligent must mean nothing bright by your standards.
You go praise your dictator Sisi and its predecessor pupit leader Mubarak.

Making assumptions you can't back up.
One thing I would like to point here. The initial joy of Indians when this news hit the waves, is primarily due to the fact that with current Turkish government, Pakistan and Turkey are collaborating on many defense related projects. Had the coup been successful by these secular scumbags who would be nothing more then extension of uncle sam, we could have kiss goodbye to our cooperation with Turkey in defense with yanks pulling the strings from behind. It is very important from Pakistan's own interest that current regime in Turkey must stay on.
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Guys let's keep the discussion free of all kinds of insults towards one another... If you disagree with one another there is a better choice of words you can use instead.

@Taimoor Khan, are you the only one who didn't understood that this coup attempt was not made by secular forces? And stop insulting secularism because if wasn't for one Secular guy with a lot's of guts and brains Turks as a nation wouldn't have been here right now.
I think you Germans are the only European nation who understands Turks better than all among whole Europe as you were remain close with them in past (alliance in WW1, lot of Turkish origin Muslims in Germany etc)....

Aren't Turks badass? Pakistani media over telling us and we have seen it too that how Turks got their act together and stop the coup, lying down in front of tanks etc........

It really means that people have such amazing confidence on government that they really feel we are not part of government but we are government.....

To be honest, we have no idea about Turks. Half century, we live togehter and we know nothing about Turks.
Sende mi darbecisin len lolipop

Valla ne söyleyeyim, ilk ben ordu güzel temiz bir darbe yapıyor sandım. Oturduğum yerde akit yok hiç 90% CHP'li deniz kıyısı bir yer burası, her taraftan mutluluk çığılıkları geliyordu =)) Yani ordu darbe yapsa buna tek sevinen ben olmazmışım :)

Tabi sonra anlaşıldı cemaat yapmış bunu, belliydi o zamandan beri zaten bunun fail olacağı. Ama yinede çok eğlenceliydi cemaat islamcılarıyla akit islamcılarının birbirini sokaklarda saatlerce linç ettiğini görmek hehehe :]
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LOL. The majority of the Egyptian people voted for MB and Morsi who won 3 or 4 consecutive elections. When the army saw that MB is very popular they overthrew him. When the people who voted for MB started demonstrating the army shot dead at least 1000 unarmed protesters. There are videos that prove it.
I think I had just about enough of Your BS, so now You are ignored...
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Valla ne söyleyeyim, ilk ben ordu güzel temiz bir darbe yapıyor sandım. Oturduğum yerde akit yok hiç 90% CHP'li deniz kıyısı bir yer burası, her taraftan mutluluk çığılıkları geliyordu =)) Yani ordu darbe yapsa buna tek sevinen ben olmazmışım :)

Tabi sonra anlaşıldı cemaat yapmış bunu, belliydi o zamandan beri zaten bunun fail olacağı. Ama yinede çok eğlenceliydi cemaat islamcılarıyla akit islamcılarının birbirini sokaklarda saatlerce linç ettiğini görmek hehehe :]

Senin dar bakış açına sokim kardeşim, dün sokaklarda sadece islamcılar yoktu, liberaller vardı, sosyalistler vardı, demokratlar ve cumhuriyetçiler vardı, ayrılıkçılar bile göt korkusundan darbeye karşıydı ama onları siktir et, yani uzun lafın kısası size olayı anlayabileceğiniz şekilde o kadar sadeleştirip anlatmışlarki özetin özeti yanında halt yemiş. Darbeye sevinmek için ya hayatında hiç darbe görmemiş olmalısın ya ne olduğunu araştırıp okumamışsındır yada orospu çucuğusundur bende anca bu kadar sadeleştirebiliyorum olayı.
The most amazing thing is that every one not living in turkey or non Turkish has the best interest of turkey at heart and know what they need and the people in turkey who came out last night to fight for democracy ( the very thing west has destroyed nations to implement) are wrong and have destroyed their nation by not siding with the army whose foolish coup has resulted in a weaker turkey with 265 killed, 1440 injured and 2800 arrested soldiers and amongst the 265 161 were innocent people and police.

Its amazing.
So far I have not seen a single statement from European Governments which supports the coup.
Obamas statement was in support of Turkish democracy.

So which government support the coup? Pakistan?
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Valla ne söyleyeyim, ilk ben ordu güzel temiz bir darbe yapıyor sandım. Oturduğum yerde akit yok hiç 90% CHP'li deniz kıyısı bir yer burası, her taraftan mutluluk çığılıkları geliyordu =)) Yani ordu darbe yapsa buna tek sevinen ben olmazmışım :)

Tabi sonra anlaşıldı cemaat yapmış bunu, belliydi o zamandan beri zaten bunun fail olacağı. Ama yinede çok eğlenceliydi cemaat islamcılarıyla akit islamcılarının birbirini sokaklarda saatlerce linç ettiğini görmek hehehe :]
It doesnt matter who made the coup thet're all destructive to economy, democracy and all kind of independence to the country. They Just put a Mustafa Kemal mask in order to justify themselves, but they only think about their own benefits and give no .... about the people.
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