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Some basic questions on Islam



New Recruit

Jan 30, 2008
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I have a very basic query on Islam, and I do not mean to offensive in any way....

I could ask my Muslim collegaues but am afraid of offending them ...

Q1) From my limited understanding, Islam prescribes a set of rules that should govern an individual's way of living...

I am not sure if it is a set of prescribed rules that all Muslims should try to follow, or is it a set of stone set rules that every Muslim should follow?

Q2) In the last 15 years or so, has there been a general trend of moving towards a more stricter version of Islam ? To rephrase the question, 15 years ago, a regular Muslim who would have viewed the set of rules in Islam as suggestions..Is s/he today more likely to view them as strict rules?

(The reason I ask this is that my Muslim friends who had no qualms in partying out/letting their hair loose 10 years ago are a much more mellow version of what they were...I know that this could be due to increasing age and maturity or is it something else?)

Q3) Is it that Islam does not allow for any debate on the interpretation of the Holy Koran? After all the set of rules prescribed by the Prophet were set down 1500 years ago.. Isn't it possible that the Prophet Himself would have wanted these rules to be viewed in a contemporary light by His followers?

Again, I mean no offense to anyone on this thread...I have great respect for all religions but I personally think that there is something wrong with the interpretation of the religion if it causes pain & misery to either its followers or people around them .... (And everyone from Christians/Muslims/Hindus/Sikhs and even Buddhists and Jains have been guilty of this to varying degrees at different points of time)
Ans1, Islam is a complete code of life your first questions answer is that it depends on criticality of the rule and situation and it also considers the effects on society for example Namaz,it is compulsory b/c it differentiates you from other religions now for Wuzu(cleaning which is needed for Namaz) if water is not available then you can do it with sand this is relaxation . For example Whisky is Haraam b/c you will not be in your senses when u r drunk and you can do any crime.

Ans2, Rules are rules and they need to be followed b/c according to our belief these rules are made by Allah and not any human being so there are no errors in those rules and not only this it justifies when you compare it with actual situation for example Islam says that the thief’s hand should be cut it looks strict but at the same time eliminates the crime. Now if you say that if a person rob b/c of severe need Islam also gives the concept of a Welfare State.

Ans3,Correction Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) didn’t prescribe any rules the Islamic rules are given by Allah Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) was a messenger as I have said before that Quran is the book of Allah and God cant make mistakes. Debate is allowed but with in the limits of respect and with the purpose of understanding not insult.
, Rules are rules and they need to be followed b/c according to our belief these rules are made by Allah and not any human being so there are no errors in those rules and not only this it justifies when you compare it with actual situation for example Islam says that the thief’s hand should be cut it looks strict but at the same time eliminates the crime. Now if you say that if a person rob b/c of severe need Islam also gives the concept of a Welfare State.

The rules may indeed have been made my Allah but isn't there considerable amount of ambiguity in the current interpretation (which is done by human beings and thus the interpretation may not be infallible as compared to the actual line said by Allah)?
The rules may indeed have been made my Allah but isn't there considerable amount of ambiguity in the current interpretation (which is done by human beings and thus the interpretation may not be infallible as compared to the actual line said by Allah)?

Yes it is possible for this situation there are Hadiths(Sayings) of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) as guidelines b/c he knew the religion more than any human being.
which brings me full circle to the original question that if Allah's rules are prone to ambiguous/incorrect interpretation, how can a set of rules (some of which , please do admit, may seem to be a little illogical at times) be rigidly applied?

What Allah said is infallible...what you and I interpret is not....

After all Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) did not comment on all the guidelines given by Allah, did He?
which brings me full circle to the original question that if Allah's rules are prone to ambiguous/incorrect interpretation, how can a set of rules (some of which , please do admit, may seem to be a little illogical at times) be rigidly applied?

What Allah said is infallible...what you and I interpret is not....

After all Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) did not comment on all the guidelines given by Allah, did He?

Can you tell me a example of Allah’s set of rules (those which according to you are illogical ) that are rigidly applied?
99.9999% of Muslims are incapable of tolerating criticism and debate on Islams fundamental beliefs.
I have mentioned that debate for understanding not for insult.

Yes, anything you as a Muslim don't like, you cannot tolerate. An extreme reaction is evoked amongst Muslims when anyone makes fun of Islam. Muslims then come out in the thousands to riot and burn down their own cities and kill their own people over the "dignity" of their religious icons. Muslims expect the rest of the world to self-censor itself when it comes to say, Prophet Muhammad.

A Dutch filmmaker who was producing a documentary on the oppression of women in Islam was murdered. A Somali woman who as a child went through lots of torture at the hands of Muslims and is now a critic of Islam has to move with armed guards 24-7. So does Salman Rushdie. Oh and lets not forget the British teacher who was jailed over a teddy bear :disagree:

The Western media very regularly makes fun of Jesus, but I don't see Christians calling for the head of those cartoonists/comedians. As civilized people, if they don't like something, they don't watch it, don't read it and don't listen to it.

Inane violent behavior seems to be a natural skill of Muslims. Oh no! I'm criticizing Islam! Should my head be chopped off?

My advice to all Muslims. Chill the **** out.


Can you tell me a example of Allah’s set of rules (those which according to you are illogical )

I really doubt if Allah would have intended it this way, but the human interpretation of several of the rules is illogical...

A simple example would be calling for extermination of pagans unless they convert to Islam (this obviously human interpretation supercedes the tolerant nature of Allah)

(Please bear in mind that when I say Allah, I am referring to the same omnipresent omniscient power that Christians refer to as the father of Christ, Muslims as Allah and Hindus as Ishwar...For me, they are all the same)

Also, I am still waiting for an answer to q2 ->
Q2) In the last 15 years or so, has there been a general trend of moving towards a more stricter version of Islam ? To rephrase the question, 15 years ago, a regular Muslim who would have viewed the set of rules in Islam as suggestions..Is s/he today more likely to view them as strict rules?

(The reason I ask this is that my Muslim friends who had no qualms in partying out/letting their hair loose 10 years ago are a much more mellow version of what they were...I know that this could be due to increasing age and maturity or is it something else?)
Can you tell me a example of Allah’s set of rules (those which according to you are illogical ) that are rigidly applied?

1. I see no reason to refrain from drinking alcohol as long as it is done responsibly. What is the logic behind this? If a man drinks it but still fulfills his religious duties, shouldn't he be fine?

2. What is the rationale behind the ban on pork? That it's a dirty animal? I've seen a goat drink its own piss with my own eyes, but you love eating that don't you? People who eat pork don't fall victim to any diseases, and their lifespan isn't any shorter than those who don't.

3. Once in high school in Karachi a friend of mine told the class about visitng a prostitute. When we asked him how he could do this being a Pathan, he said "easy! I married her that night, and divorced her the next morning". So in terms of the logic behind Islams stance on sex, he was in the clear. Likewise, anyone could marry a woman, have sex with her, and divorce her 15 minutes later. Signing a piece of paper makes it okay for two consenting adults to have sex? Islam stipulates no minimum time limit on a marriage for it to be legal, so a 30 minute marriage is just as legal as a 30 year marriage.
3. Once in high school in Karachi a friend of mine told the class about visitng a prostitute. When we asked him how he could do this being a Pathan, he said "easy! I married her that night, and divorced her the next morning". So in terms of the logic behind Islams stance on sex, he was in the clear. Likewise, anyone could marry a woman, have sex with her, and divorce her 15 minutes later. Signing a piece of paper makes it okay for two consenting adults to have sex? Islam stipulates no minimum time limit on a marriage for it to be legal, so a 30 minute marriage is just as legal as a 30 year marriage.

Oh man, that's hilarious :rofl:

On a more serious note though, I find it disconcerting to say the least that (several if not all) even well educated muslims refuse to question what I percieve as the flawed interpretation of Allah's word by Mullahs bent on protecting their own interests....

Allah's word may be the absolute truth..The interpretation of it by the Mullahs certainly isn't

I wouldn't have expected Saudi Arabians to be doing this but the elite and educated class (and I presume that comprises a fair section of defence.pk memebers) of a moderate Islamic nation like Pakistan should have been at the forefront of this...
I really doubt if Allah would have intended it this way, but the human interpretation of several of the rules is illogical...

A simple example would be calling for extermination of pagans unless they convert to Islam (this obviously human interpretation supercedes the tolerant nature of Allah)

(Please bear in mind that when I say Allah, I am referring to the same omnipresent omniscient power that Christians refer to as the father of Christ, Muslims as Allah and Hindus as Ishwar...For me, they are all the same)

Also, I am still waiting for an answer to q2 ->

This is natural insulting the sacred personalities and Allah/God/Ishwar is a shameful act hence we all should avoid this if some one abuses another’s parents what would be his reaction?
Now if you talk about religious tolerance you can see the Mughal era of sub-continent.
Regarding your question the rules were always same but you are mixing things I mean what you call misinterpretation of Islam is that many people are angry specially in the muslim occupied lands and they are fighting with intruders so the intruders media are showing them wrongly
That Prostitute post requires more information of the situation. Well Muslims marry with evidences and remember 4 marriages are allowed in Islam so an individual cant do it every night.
This is natural insulting the sacred personalities and Allah/God/Ishwar is a shameful act hence we all should avoid this if some one abuses another’s parents what would be his reaction?
I am sorry but I do not get what was insulting about my post?

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