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Software development lab:Pakistan beats India and Sri Lanka to get contract

good for you :tup:

bad for you.

you are the one who started this and it will be better if you shut your trolling...

so finally there is good news for industry in pakistan...pakistan needs to build SEZ in IT if they want to come close to India...
Won't change anything.

The reason Pakistan lags behind other countries never had anything to do with talent or ability. It's because of infrastructure issues (no electricity) and political/security instability.
Won't change anything.

The reason Pakistan lags behind other countries never had anything to do with talent or ability. It's because of infrastructure issues (no electricity) and political/security instability.

If your write correct history... you will know what mistake you did and what are the strength of your enemy has..then only you can correct your mistake and improve upon.

you guys don't want to accept your mistakes...that why you write & teach false history just to glorify yourself and put all your mistake on your enemies...
Won't change anything.

The reason Pakistan lags behind other countries never had anything to do with talent or ability. It's because of infrastructure issues (no electricity) and political/security instability.
So do u think, india don't suffer from all this things..
The entrepeneurs in india has taken the risk of investing in IT industry and got high returns thats it, u can't blame GOP everytime.. Someone will have to start from a small org and then who knows, may be u'll have your own TCS one day...:tup:
Won't change anything.

The reason Pakistan lags behind other countries never had anything to do with talent or ability. It's because of infrastructure issues (no electricity) and political/security instability.

Classic chicken and egg problem... Has happened to all the countries in the world... probably China is the only exception to some extent.
Won't change anything.

The reason Pakistan lags behind other countries never had anything to do with talent or ability. It's because of infrastructure issues (no electricity) and political/security instability.

From an IT competitiveness point, Major factor other than infrastructure happens to be R& D too









IT Industry Competitiveness Index 2011
So do u think, india don't suffer from all this things..
The entrepeneurs in india has taken the risk of investing in IT industry and got high returns thats it, u can't blame GOP everytime.. Someone will have to start from a small org and then who knows, may be u'll have your own TCS one day...:tup:

Political stability and image are very important.

Imagine you are a Western CIO having to chose between two vendors: one is in a known "stable" country; the other is in Pakistan where you always hear news about terrorism, etc. You, personally, might know that the Pakistani vendor is reliable, but the Board would need convincing that the "risk" is manageable, etc. If the cost difference between the two vendors is not significant, you would just play is safe and go with the stable country.
Never knew a single not so large deal would be such a big deal.

Congratulations anyways. I am sure Pakistani firms have won larger deals in the past and will win still larger ones in the future.
From an IT competitiveness point, Major factor other than infrastructure happens to be R& D too

Sure, but a lot of IT outsourcing work is low level coding where the vendor's R&D credentials are not needed. If they're cheap enough with a reasonable portfolio, and the risk factor is manageable, that's all that matters.

R&D is needed when you are competing higher up the value chain, which is always good to aim for, but not the bread-and-butter of outsourcing work.
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