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Soft power: In China, 'Barbie' moves women to tears, 'triggers' men to walk out

I am amazed at some of the responses. I see the moderator has kindly removed the quote from a Chinese member comparing blacks to chimpanzees. Thank you for that.

Feminism is not about emasculating men or not having children.

It is about the choice to live your life as you wish too. Why should that be a bad thing so long as you are not hurting anyone else in the process?

I agree that both men and women will regret their choice not to have children. At the end of the day your career or promotions cannot fulfill you in the way that having a family can. not everyone but many will wish they had made a different choice. A minority of people will never regret it . Their life story will be a lesson for the next generation.

I cannot however understand why it is so important to take away a woman's choice while it would be inconceivable to do the same for a man.

In Scandinavian countries which have the highest equality, women tend to choose differently to men. They do more child care and more housework than men. The point is there is no law that makes them do it. They just choose differently.

So why not leave it at that. If a woman wants to marry an African, let her, what concern is it of yours. He may be a better human being than many here. If her dream is to be a surgeon or a housewife the law of the land should leave her alone.

Yeah thanks. I will read it.

I do have a balanced view but when these hormonal young men go around saying that "caging" women is good for society, I feel I have to speak up. Thanks again for the read.

Your civilization demands women to fulfill their duty of child bearing -- period.

Civilizations that allowed women the freedom to choose has long failed to survive to these days.

You are not aware of the cruelty of life. The peace today is not taken for granted -- this is a result of sacrifice of man who laid down their life. Just 150 years ago, all villages are still fighting micro warfare. It is estimated that 10 millions death in China in one century.

Man has the duty to take up arms and women, to bear off springs.

To say you can choose is sort of individualistic.
I cannot however understand why it is so important to take away a woman's choice while it would be inconceivable to do the same for a man.
again for the read.

Apparently lots of people in this thread are male control freaks and don't even realize it.

To show how silly it sounds maybe we should replace all the instances of "men" in this thread with "women" , all instances of "women" in this thread with "men", and "feminist" with "penis-obsessors" and see how it sounds.
If Europe follows her feminist way, her women will be conquered by Islam man.

Then Islam will turn Europe paternalistic as well. Still feminazi will be hammered.
American soft-power in full force!

Apparently lots of people in this thread are male control freaks and don't even realize it.

To show how silly it sounds maybe we should replace all the instances of "men" in this thread with "women" , all instances of "women" in this thread with "men", and "feminist" with "penis-obsessors" and see how it sounds.

That is not quite.

I mean sexism is real.

Women are always more vulnerable in some issues

Example: It is now normal for men to travel alone to South Asia, but not for women. Why? Because women are at risk of experiencing rape and sexual abuse when traveling to this area. That's why many people don't see a problem when the men of their country travel to South Asia, but oppose the women of their country doing it. Exceptionalism in this case is to protect women.

If someone thinks it's anti-feminist or double-standard, suport men and anti-women, I think they need to look at the bigger picture.
So whose fault is that ?

Is it the fault of the woman or the fault of the police and the criminal men?

Instead of focusing on taking away the right of a woman to travel why not focus on getting men to behave better.

Castration maybe?

American soft-power in full force!

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This is trans not feminism. Get your facts right.
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For many people, women and men, failure to form a family and especially children if they expected to have them at some point leads to profound unspoken sadness.

There was one woman’s story given at a TED talk, where she went against society’s standards of beauty and looked for a man based on her realistic desires. She seemed very happy and so did he.

The problem with the society is both man and woman lack of dating experience.

It's not just that man fail to approach a woman, but also woman fail to accept a man.

Man is aggressive and woman is passive, man is hunter and woman is the target.

It's man job to approach a woman (it should be and hoped for), but because of lacking in experience he does it in 'creepy' way. And woman because of lacking in experience, she rejects him for being 'creepy'. Despite the woman (because lacking in experience) put a lot effort to get attention by men by putting tons of make-up and wearing revealing cloth so desperately.

Everyone wants a partner... but most of them don't get it.

Both man and woman don't want a high standard one (although they hope for it), but gladly to accept the plain one (acceptable).

Even the plain one actually brings more peace to the heart.

Just like everybody wants to be rich, but having a plain life brings peace to the heart. Plain one means not poverty and struggling every day, but all needs are fulfilled, no worry up to the old age, not being look down, not being envied, be happy everyday despite not being rich.
The modern society requires trade off. In the past, man and woman are married at 14. Their sexual desire and childbearing duties are fulfilled.

In modern society you need to get educated at this time.

Having large numbers of unmarried man and woman up till 40 years old open the society to many sins.

Maybe it is a good idea to let boys and girls married at 18, and these couple enjoyed privilege's of paid college, and college can span 8 years.
The problem with the society is both man and woman lack of dating experience.

It's not just that man fail to approach a woman, but also woman fail to accept a man.

Man is aggressive and woman is passive, man is hunter and woman is the target.

It's man job to approach a woman (it should be and hoped for), but because of lacking in experience he does it in 'creepy' way. And woman because of lacking in experience, she rejects him for being 'creepy'. Despite the woman (because lacking in experience) put a lot effort to get attention by men by putting tons of make-up and wearing revealing cloth so desperately.

Everyone wants a partner... but most of them don't get it.

Both man and woman don't want a high standard one (although they hope for it), but gladly to accept the plain one (acceptable).

Even the plain one actually brings more peace to the heart.

Just like everybody wants to be rich, but having a plain life brings peace to the heart. Plain one means not poverty and struggling every day, but all needs are fulfilled, no worry up to the old age, not being look down, not being envied, be happy everyday despite not being rich.
A plain person can be high standard. It’s about values and culture and life choices.

Life in this world is not infinite and when we make decisions they change the path of our lives and consume our time. We have to be honest with what we want and be ready to accept that if one door opens then other doors close.

Many people live lives of constant distractions (dopamine hits) and unfulfilling work that they leave little time for relationships. Some people shy away from putting in the work to build and maintain relationships because they don’t get the instant gratification. This is most true in the west and east Asia. The “doomer” mindset in the west or the lying flat / let it rot mindset in China show that when a society leaves little space for a person to build a life, they can’t hold together a family life.
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Example: It is now normal for men to travel alone to South Asia, but not for women. Why? Because women are at risk of experiencing rape and sexual abuse when traveling to this area

Maybe the answer is to simply castrate all the Asian males since it appears they are Asia's predator problem not the females. Why are you blaming the potential victim?

This is like blaming clerks for armed robbers holding up their stores. F*ck that the clerks should be putting a bullet in the heads of the degenerate bad guys to help make society become better.

. That's why many people don't see a problem when the men of their country travel to South Asia, but oppose the women of their country doing it. Exceptionalism in this case is to protect women.

Maybe the answer is they need to be armed and have the right to blow the heads off males who try anything. After the first shot and the guy hits the ground they are allowed to roll him over and empty the rest of the clip right between the guy's eyes.

Maybe that will cause Asian society to magically change overnight. We'll see who will suddenly fear walking out alone at night and need to ask for an escort.

If someone thinks it's anti-feminist or double-standard, suport men and anti-women, I think they need to look at the bigger picture.

Yes, you should.
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The problem with the society is both man and woman lack of dating experience.
Yes, I agree with that. This is a problem for all conservative societies that neither genders know how to approach the opposite sex in a harmless and agreeable way. It was a culture shock to me in the US to see parents coach their kids through dating adventures in middle and high school. Middle school is a little young I think !
Maybe it is a good idea to let boys and girls married at 18, and these couple enjoyed privilege's of paid college, and college can span 8 years.
I don't know if that would work anymore. In the old days people lived till they were 40 and many women died at childbirth. So marriages were short.

I don't know how feasible it is to be married at 18 and Iive to 80 with the same person in this day and age. Lol...

Men sleep with women of hostile nations, it's an ideological and racial victory .
Women sleeping with men of the enemy country, it is a failure, shame and disgrace for the country .
Raping and pillaging like the vikings.

I think you must be a time traveller that somehow landed in the 21st century from the 10th....
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Double standards are the only way to solve the problem.
Not the only way. Castration would also solve the problem
this new kind of Western domination is the cheapest domination.

Turn countries into sodom and gomorrah is cheaper than keep order.

"Freedom" to let people destroy themselves is cheaper than keep order.

If you dont have patriotic feelings, if you dont want anything of common people but use them as slaves to make products and services for you, then Western domination is the best and cheapest domination.
Barbie isn't an alpha female. Barbie is a slut. In real life, you'll never find an alpha female NOT match with an alpha male. It's impossible.

My last trip to Cuba last year in the Fall, the best sight I ever seen was a young Chinese millionaire playboy and his sexy GF/wife out enjoying themselves on vacation. I could hear her say "I'm tired" in Chinese that's y I quickly IDed them as young Chinese couple (20's/30's) in the foreign land... One example of alpha female-alpha male couple (the male hired his own personal tour car and driver, and the female dressed in a very revealing supermodel outfit)!

Anyways, most of you also do NOT believe in DESTINY. I once had a crush on an Asian girl with smooth flowing black hair. After I "hit on her" the next day she dyed her hair light brown not even a trace of black (which was what I liked most about her). When a woman instinctively "covers" her hair, which is her sex symbol, it's a message from above saying "she's NOT the one meant for u..."!

Sometimes, people remain single in their life because DESTINY made an error (unable to make two pre-destined couples meet each other because of life circumstances), NOT because there is no one out there. It's a weird fact of life on Earth, no matter what u do the one NOT meant to be your partner will run away from u after you hit on them, or instinctively cover her hair like the girl above!

(BTW: Just think about it what are the chances you go to Cuba for the first time ever on vacation, which is a place with hardly any Chinese/Asian people around, and also meet a cute young Chinese millionaire playboy couple from Mainland China also on vacation? That's slim to none! It's pretty impressive how fate/destiny arranges such chance encounters! There are things in life which cannot be explained by simple science and logic...)
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