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Snowden Gets Asylum Papers From Russia, Leaves Airport


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
MOSCOW, August 1 (RIA Novosti) – Edward Snowden, the US former intelligence contractor who has been holed up in a Moscow airport for more than a month, has been granted temporary asylum and finally left the airport Thursday, a Russian lawyer who has been helping the US fugitive said.
Anatoly Kucherena told RIA Novosti he had given Snowden an official document granting one year’s temporary asylum in Russia, allowing him to leave the Sheremetyevo Airport transit zone where he has been staying since arriving in Moscow on a flight from Hong Kong on June 23.
A source at Sheremetyevo confirmed that Snowden had left the airport, with a security official saying he crossed the border into Russia around 3:30 p.m. Moscow time. Kucherena said Snowden left the airport in “an ordinary taxi.”
Snowden is wanted in the United States on espionage and theft charges after leaking classified information about the US National Security Agency’s surveillance programs. He applied for temporary asylum in Russia on July 16. Washington has repeatedly called on Moscow to reject Snowden’s request and send him back to the United States to stand trial.
I wonder if he just became a pawn in the bigger horse trading game between the two powers.

Presumably his asylum is contingent upon not making further leaks, and he can be traded to the US at any time, claiming that he violated the terms of his asylum.
I wonder if he just became a pawn in the bigger horse trading game between the two powers.

Presumably his asylum is contingent upon not making further leaks, and he can be traded to the US at any time, claiming that he violated the terms of his asylum.

He could be deported from the country. If Russia was going to do it - he would just put on any plane.
No. Now he is a man with guarantees Russia that at least one year, he will be free.
The guy who assassinated kennedy got an asylum from Russia too , we have to wait and see what eventually happens to mr. snowden , this infact only could happen on the same day Bradley manning received a jail term of 163 years.
Good move no matter what the consequences will be in future
Give Mr Snowden some comfort at least for the moment until the next destination or not necessary at all

What is left there to leak after this revelation?

XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'
• XKeyscore gives 'widest-reaching' collection of online data
• NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches
• Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history
• NSA's XKeyscore program – read one of the presentations

Glenn Greenwald
theguardian.com, Wednesday 31 July 2013 13.56 BST

XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | theguardian.com

Look at the dots! Who's missing on the map? and why?


Credit: guardian
Ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden thanked Russia for asylum.

"Justice prevailed," - he said, reports RIA "Novosti".
Snowden leaves Moscow airport, gets refugee status in Russia
By Reuters Published: August 1, 2013
MOSCOW: Fugitive former US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden left Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport on Thursday after Russia granted him refugee status, ending more than a month in limbo in the transit area.
A lawyer who has been assisting Snowden said the young American, who is wanted in the United States for leaking details of secret government intelligence programmes, had left the airport for a secure location which would remain secret.
“Edward Snowden has successfully acquired refugee status in Russia,” the anti-secrecy organisation WikiLeaks, which is also assisting Snowden, confirmed on Twitter.
His lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, told state television: “I have just seen him off. He has left for a secure location … Security is a very serious matter for him.”
Snowden, 30, arrived in Moscow from Hong Kong on June 23. He had hoped to fly to Latin America, where three countries have offered to shelter him, but was concerned that the United States would prevent him reaching his destination.
Snowden’s case has caused new strains in relations between Russia and the United States which wants him extradited to face espionage charges.
I would add that documents were sent to the United States to Snowden's fother for he could come to son.
So the man is free for a year.

Which means he will be trying to make plans to escape to some other country from Russia before his time expires as it is likely that US will create hurdles for Russians at WTO and other international forums which might become problematic.

Some place like Lichtenstein, Monaco or Switzerland would be the ideal as they are neutral countries.

Sweden is also good but after the Assange case, it is likely that they may not welcome another defector.
Snowden's father applied for a Russian visa
Father of former U.S. intelligence officer Edward Snowden Lawn filed all the necessary documents to obtain a Russian visa and plans to visit Moscow in August, said a spokeswoman for attorney Snowden Sr. Mattie Fein.
"We have already submitted the documents, - she said, adding that the matter is now engaged in Moscow, the head of the Public Chamber Anatoly Kucherena. - We do not know how long it will take. "
In this case, Fein confirmed the ITAR-TASS news agency that the trip Lon Snowden in Russia is planned for August.
When asked whether Snowden Sr. accompany his American lawyers, Fein said yes.

On Tuesday, lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said that Russia has sent an invitation to his father, a lawyer and former CIA friends. On the same day it was reported that Snowden has been registered in the Migration Service of Russia.

Recall Edward Snowden, recently received temporary asylum in Russia, told the media that the largest U.S. Internet companies have provided the CIA and the NSA access to their servers, allowing intelligence agencies to obtain any information about users. This event caused a great public outcry around the world.

Snowden document issued by the asylum shows that the ex-agent can remain in Russia until at least July 31, 2014. In this case, Snowden can not be shipped to the United States, even in the event of a formal request.
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