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Obama Cancels Summit With Putin

Averroes made a translation and explanation of Aristotle works and ideas , he was known in the West as "The Translator". You should really try to read about the guy and then draw some conclusions.

Be realistic , do you really think that average guy in Moscow or Tehran have reasons to admire your country Romania and also my country. Like you dont`t see anything positive in them they think the same about us.

I can not say about Croatia - but most Russians are very sympathetic to Serbia. We feel guilty for what happened in Yugoslavia - this is primarily to blame Gorbachev. He betrayed all allies. If not for him - in Yugoslavia would not be war.
Bad move by Obama.

Putin doesn't give a rat's as$ for Snowden: he is just using him as a potential bargaining chip with the US and, with this reaction, Obama just raised Snowden's value in the pot.

Clearly, Putin knows a thing or two about bazaar haggling, and Obama doesn't.
I suggest you take a trip to Bulgaria or the Baltic states and ask the average person, not a policy and not a businessman - he lived better under communism, or now?
Much of eastern Europeans now wash toilets Western Europeans, as good uncles Western Europeans have destroyed almost the entire industry in these countries.
People who stayed at home, salaries are often not enough to pay for gas and electricity.

Perhaps that is due to the disparity between the Eastern bloc countries and Western Europe.
Perhaps that is due to the disparity between the Eastern bloc countries and Western Europe.

No. It does'nt.
East Europe become colony. Noone is going to build industry in those countries. vice versa - Western Europeans paid money to Eastern to destroy their industry and science. In most Eastern Europeans countries unemployment more then 50%. Western Europeans just solving their own problems with economical and demograthical situation - cause they prefer wight emigrants.
Under USSR Eastern Europeans do not has to go somewhere to earn money.
Perhaps that is due to the disparity between the Eastern bloc countries and Western Europe.

You can't take the vostok clown seriously man :))) He thinks that stalin was a kind hearted man but he was misunderstood and generally thrashed by "western imperialist propaganda":flame:

Sure,there are a few commie die hards but who the frak regrets a police state,you had jobs but nothing to spend your money on,no decent food,no colour tv,etc,we had 1 channel with 10 hours /day programm(6 of those hours spoke how great communism was),electricity shortages (b'cause electricity had to go firstly to the industry),the secret sevices were spying 24/7 and you got thrown in jal just for bad mouthing the regime.90% of EE would kick your a$$ if youd tell them they should have communism back,in the baltics only the russian colonist minority wants communism the lithuanians,estonians and letonians HATE communism as much as they hate the russian colonists in the minority.They have all kinds of laws against the russian language,etc,and for good reasons.This vostok in a troll talking trash.
No. It does'nt.
East Europe become colony. Noone is going to build industry in those countries. vice versa - Western Europeans paid money to Eastern to destroy their industry and science. In most Eastern Europeans countries unemployment more then 50%. Western Europeans just solving their own problems with economical and demograthical situation - cause they prefer wight emigrants.
Under USSR Eastern Europeans do not has to go somewhere to earn money.
Because under USSR Eastern Europeans had no choice. They weren't allowed to leave.

Secondly, your other claims that Western Europeans paid Easterners to destroy their economy, is there are reliable proof to back that up?
You can't take the vostok clown seriously man :))) He thinks that stalin was a kind hearted man but he was misunderstood and generally thrashed by "western imperialist propaganda":flame:

Sure,there are a few commie die hards but who the frak regrets a police state,you had jobs but nothing to spend your money on,no decent food,no colour tv,etc,we had 1 channel with 10 hours /day programm(6 of those hours spoke how great communism was),electricity shortages (b'cause electricity had to go firstly to the industry),the secret sevices were spying 24/7 and you got thrown in jal just for bad mouthing the regime.90% of EE would kick your a$$ if youd tell them they should have communism back,in the baltics only the russian colonist minority wants communism the lithuanians,estonians and letonians HATE communism as much as they hate the russian colonists in the minority.They have all kinds of laws against the russian language,etc,and for good reasons.This vostok in a troll talking trash.

I agree, there are videos and even articles of Eastern Europeans, including the Baltic states and even Ukraine, honoring their WW2 veterans who participated in the Waffen SS and Partisan groups which put up resistance against the Red Army.

Ukraine divided over WWII legacy

Patriots or Nazi collaborators? Latvians march to commemorate SS veterans | World news | The Guardian

In Latvia (watch what the Vet says in the beginning of the videos @0:30):

In Estonia:

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Because under USSR Eastern Europeans had no choice. They weren't allowed to leave.

Secondly, your other claims that Western Europeans paid Easterners to destroy their economy, is there are reliable proof to back that up?

They did not need to leave - they had job at home. You think they earn big money in Western Europe? They work ilegally and are paid 3-4 times less then natives. They hardly work and barely survive - but they do not have a choice. They are turning into slaves.
Proof? You really think Western capitalists will pull up the standard of living in the Eastern European countries?
There is such thing as "EU subsidies". And it is 2-3 times larger for Western Europe. Eastern just come out from race - they can not concurent.
EU closed almoust new nuclear power plant in Lithuania (Soviet build) and most reactors in Bolgaris - they promised to pay for it, but did not.
For example:
Baltic farmers demand average EU agricultural subsidies
They did not need to leave - they had job at home. You think they earn big money in Western Europe? They work ilegally and are paid 3-4 times less then natives. They hardly work and barely survive - but they do not have a choice. They are turning into slaves.
Proof? You really think Western capitalists will pull up the standard of living in the Eastern European countries?
There is such thing as "EU subsidies". And it is 2-3 times larger for Western Europe. Eastern just come out from race - they can not concurent.
EU closed almoust new nuclear power plant in Lithuania (Soviet build) and most reactors in Bolgaris - they promised to pay for it, but did not.
For example:
Baltic farmers demand average EU agricultural subsidies

I don't disagree with you on the fact that Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism has been left to rot and very little investment and development has taken place.

Sadly, this is how capitalism works. Western Europeans need cheap labor and prostitutes so they leave Eastern Europe to rot. Europe needs Socialism but not Marxist/Communist Socialism.
I don't disagree with you on the fact that Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism has been left to rot and very little investment and development has taken place.

Sadly, this is how capitalism works. Western Europeans need cheap labor and prostitutes so they leave Eastern Europe to rot. Europe needs Socialism but not Marxist/Communist Socialism.

Theorists have developed a new model of socialism - it is based on the new information technologies. By the 2018-2020 year will be to create a global computer
program of economic development - the model of the economy will be 4-5 times more efficient than a capitalist.
I don't disagree with you on the fact that Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism has been left to rot and very little investment and development has taken place.

Sadly, this is how capitalism works. Western Europeans need cheap labor and prostitutes so they leave Eastern Europe to rot. Europe needs Socialism but not Marxist/Communist Socialism.

It has more to do with the local ruling class than western interference,Poland for example kept her industry while romanian politicians dismantled ours like it was no tommorow,from the heavy industry to agriculture(in 1990 Romania which was the 2nd agricultural producer in Europe had almost the entire surface covered by irigation systems which were scrapped thus subjecting our agricultural outputs to the wims of droughts-now we are tryiong to rebuild but it costs time and money) to the military industry-we were producing fighter jets before 1990 and were amongst top ten arms exporters in the world! Now from 220.000 people working in the arms industry in 1990 we have under 20.000 :ashamed:

Romania-Arms Sales

This decline must first be blamed upon a decadent,corrupt political class and not the "West".In 2003 for example the russian Mechel corporation bought some heavy industry factories(meager price of 27 million E) promising to invest money and raise production,now they've scrapped everything,they're trying to lay off the workers and get out,this is industrial sabotage.Many "investors" did the same,but you could do this only if the local rulers are in league with you,this is where the problem starts.
I don't disagree with you on the fact that Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism has been left to rot and very little investment and development has taken place.

Sadly, this is how capitalism works. Western Europeans need cheap labor and prostitutes so they leave Eastern Europe to rot. Europe needs Socialism but not Marxist/Communist Socialism.

Still happens as we speack, sadly there isn't much left to sell/destroy.
However, the blame lies firstly with us, for accepting this situation and what our politicians have done and still do
Still happens as we speack, sadly there isn't much left to sell/destroy.
However, the blame lies firstly with us, for accepting this situation and what our politicians have done and still do

Now many people, especially the common people, wistfully remember the USSR - free apartments, free education, free medical care, old people received such pensions that could always help their children and grandchildren.
And all these stories about what the KGB monitored for some people - so in America they spying for everybody and consider it correct.
I still believe in people and in what socialism - correct, without errors of the Soviet Union but with all it's achievements - it is sure will come.
Now many people, especially the common people, wistfully remember the USSR - free apartments, free education, free medical care, old people received such pensions that could always help their children and grandchildren.
And all these stories about what the KGB monitored for some people - so in America they spying for everybody and consider it correct.
I still believe in people and in what socialism - correct, without errors of the Soviet Union but with all it's achievements - it is sure will come.

Yeah, same story here about Ceausescu, especially the old people..most tend to forget the lack of electricity or the cold nights in new, free apartments, without heat, and remember only the good things.
There were some good things, can't deny that - best thing was all the free time everyone got for themselves and the stress free life (compared to now)

But in the end, the down sides were to many, it simply got to a point were life was to hard and the liberties to few- and Ceausescu got shoot for his stupidity and mistakes (rightfully so)

Now nobody want's to go back to that, and I think a system like France has is the best compromise between socialism/capitalism (or even better, the Nordic countries, but it;s almost impossible to implement that in Europe)

And we are so very off-topic :)
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