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Sniper for PA

:lol::lol: Silly really aren't you...and quite desperate with it.

Let me put it into simple language


HELMAND rings no bells at all....we're winning:sniper: want the numbers again?

If you exclude the accidents and crashes the Taliban including have manged to kill something like 10 soldiers a YEAR.thats pathetic really, a bit like you:lol:
can't get he exact number of dead people llike you, but its several thousand.
Go sell your guns and get an education preferably one with some maths in it.

I am not confused at all..... I am clear as day.....pop across the border with all your guns. maybe you'll get a lesson in marksmanship:coffee:

And since you you are a slow learner take another break lol we have enough fakes here don't need another "hero" like you lol

Check out the retard "experts"

I know them now :sniper: on a side note looks like he should have spent a bit more money on clothes and had fewer guns lol (this is peshawar and his "crew" :lol:)


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Saw this while searching around for AI L96 Sniper Rifle which PA purchased in good numbers from UK MoD last year.

Same crack sniper rifle killed SEVEN British soldiers in Basra with American-made bullets | Mail Online

Same crack sniper rifle killed SEVEN British soldiers in Basra with American-made bullets
Last updated at 22:40 09 April 2008

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Aaron Lincoln

Aaron Lincoln: Killed by American-made bullets

Seven British soldiers were shot in Basra last year by the same sniper rifle, the Ministry of Defence has revealed.

The troops were picked off one by one on the streets of the southern Iraqi city by a weapon firing high-velocity American-made bullets.

Rifleman Aaron Lincoln, 18, Kingsman Danny Wilson, 28, Kingsman Alan Jones, 20, Corporal Rodney Wilson, 30, Rifleman Paul Donnachie, 18, and two others who have not yet been named, were all killed by bullets from the same weapon, said a spokesman for the MoD.

But he could not verify that a single gunman was responsible.

Rifleman Lincoln, of the 2nd Battalion, The Rifles, was killed on April 2 last year by a single bullet that penetrated his protective glasses and helmet, an inquest in Spennymoor, County Durham, heard yesterday.

Of the five soldiers that have been identified, four were shot in April. Corporal Wilson was killed on June 7.

Ballistics expert Ann Kiernan told the inquest: "There had been several incidents where projectiles have all been discharged from the same rifle."

The bullets were made by arms manufacturer Lake City Arsenal and the hearing was told the military cannot yet provide helmets strong enough to withstand such powerful ammunition.

Rifleman Lincoln's platoon had been sent on to the city streets as part of an operation to divert enemy attention from a re-supply convoy of 30 trucks due at the British camp.

Coroner Andrew Tweddle said he was concerned the bullet had penetrated the soldier's helmet, but noted evidence given that the Army were unable to "provide a higher level of protection".

He recorded a narrative verdict of unlawful killing, adding that Rifleman Lincoln was shot by enemy fire. "He sustained a single gun shot wound to the head,' he said. 'This 5.56mm, U.S. manufactured round was not fired by friendly forces.'
The pirmary weapon for Snipers in PA (that includes the SSG) is Steyr-Manlicher SSG 69. I have posted pictures of Pakistani snipers with the same rifle on this forum as well. Barrett Light Fifty is essentially an AMR and is used primarily in Pakistan by ANF for interdiction of drug transports. PA also has the Light Fifty in use however its not a specialized Sniper rifle perse.

PA is currently in talks with a Czech company (CZ) to acquire its Sniper rifles. I believe the rifle is CZ750 S1M1.

Webmaster, Pakistani sniper training is conducted by the School of Infantry. They run 3 courses of 4 weeks duration each year for the Sniper training. Its mostly attended by NCOs and jawans who have been selected by their units for good marksmanship.

In reference to the earlier post by myself above, I wanted to point out that in addition to L96, some additional Czech Sniper Rifles have also been purchased. Although I have seen L96 in the PA hands, thus far no luck seeing the Czech ones with the units (not even sure which ones have been purchased). SSG69 is definitely in use with the regular infantry units.
first one is better but it is not all about the gun good firing technique is also needed when you fire a bullet from sniper you have to think also about the wind
first one is better but it is not all about the gun good firing technique is also needed when you fire a bullet from sniper you have to think also about the wind

Why do you assume one without the other is the case here?
I just want to know why pak arm is not using dragnov sniper. or some very advanced as used by US army. As sniper may change the situation......
They are using a whole bunch of different ones including Dragunov (not a very advanced sniper rifle, but rugged and reliable), AI L-96, Steyr SSG69 just to name a few.
M200 or Cheytac sniper system which has its own computer measures wind (direction, speed) temperature (barrel, environment) target distance even earth rotation. All the operator has to do is feed values in the computer and the cross hair will adjust according to target.
A civilian version cost 13,500$ .I thing Pakistan army should buy some of these. It is design for ranges up to 2000m.
What about POF latest sniper rifle in turkey exhibition .....? any info or snaps
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