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Smuggling of 60,000 liquor bottles from UAE to Pakistan foiled

I think we should do something useful... legalize alcohol and still stop its sale by launching an agahi campaign about its ill-effects. Banning is a solution only for a weak and primitive mind which does not understand the craving banning something causes...

You are saying two opposite things......legalize and then stop of the sale of it...
And i am afraid after few years peoples like you will say....we must also legalize the Gay Marriages.:smitten:
I am not certain how relevant your post is to the discussion, however I must bring to your attention the ban on smoking in public places all around the world.......do you consider that regress? Because they are doing the exact same thing, just with a different substance, that we are doing with alcohol albeit barring any limits what so ever. Why does not the 'advanced world', instead of banning public smoking, start an awareness drive how public smoking is injurious to health, of all effected, in general?

I have thanked your post because you made some good points. You work in an agency and are quite religious so I wonder sometimes how innocent people are picked up while no clean-up is done within. I do not mean to get you in trouble. Just have seen things and wonder how secular people who believe in Pakistan so much they would die for it manage to get in trouble. Maybe I have been harsh on you but I don't like people dividing my nation and calling it a mistake which you have before.

Smoking and drinking are banned in certain places like malls, certain car parks and other parts. But they aren't banned completely in every place and the places they are banned in they are banned because they become a nuisance. Let people do what they do in their homes. If your culture is well-promoted and strong everyone will indeed follow it. Otherwise it will crumble as it is now. If the government tried to protect our culture, our music industry, our entertainment we wouldn't be dominated by Star Plus and Zee.

You say it's just the Islamic states that ban substances, however the last I checked there were many illegal substances all around the world......heroine is just one example that immediately pops in mind. So it's not just the Islamic world that bans substances, right? Even in Switzerland, contrabands carry capital punishments/death sentences.

But these substances are illegal because they can cause dire ramifications to a persons health and have a very insalubrious affect. Alcohol is often banned in our countries keeping religion in mind. That is wrong policy and religion mixed with politics right there. Its like saying banning a gun and a screwdriver is the same thing. Furthermore the reasons. The reason is not health which has resulted in banning of alcohol-permission only being given to license holders but religion and ZAB promulgated the law for his Islamicization campaign.

It is a law that provokes people to break the law. A person who does drink should be allowed the opportunity. Instead we should try to win him over and convince of the superiority of his own culture... this is where we have failed. Things aren't done with the sword, with bans and oppression in the 21st century. The west has learned this largely and no matter how much they oppress others they almost never oppress their own.

Now that we have established the fact that all countries of the world ban things depending on their requirements and the demand of the society let’s focus on other things. What is western culture, how does one define western culture? It's open, progressive, usually moderate and independent. Drugs, alcohol, nudity and indulgence in immoral activities are not only promoted, they are legal too. Is that what you want in your society? Is that the kind of moderation you want in Pakistan?

This argument is a canard yet it is always applied. No, I want freedom of choice, of expression, of ideology in Pakistan. Nothing else.
Hmm……I wonder if you are mixing culture with religion in your post up there because both are significantly different. Are you speaking of the culture of the sub continent or of Muslim states? Because our culture is more influenced by India, in general, then any Muslim country. It is perhaps, because, we have lived together for so many years

That is an incorrect statement as we aren't a homogenous culture. The culture of my family and migrant families like ours is largely influenced by parts now unfortunately in India-true but this is not the case for all. Especially the Pashtuns and Baluch. Even Gilgit Baltistan has a differing culture.
I disagree with your assumption that imposition of religion takes you away from religion. Besides, Islam does not leave any doubt that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to bring good news but also to scare us into submission. Good news as in Heaven and scary part being Hell. And Hell is no joke, the more you understand how punishments work and how we are accountable for every little thing we do in life, the more you submit to Islam........because at the end of the day, whatever our hearts desire and more, will come our way in Heaven, through the blessings of Allah.

You make Islam sound scary. Like a thing to be imposed. I do not believe so. Ours is the way of Averoes, ours is secular (Islamic) ideology. I fear you will not understand the ill-effects of banning things and how they tend to drive people away from Islam.

I have spent 5 years of my youth in Australia where I was free to do anything I wanted. My religion kept me under control, who does not like girls, parties and overall fun? I'd rather wait for it all, to get it in Heaven, then otherwise. So basically it is inside you, you are either on the right path or you are not, in which case you have to be forced on the right path. I mean even parents do that to us, for our own sake. Hope you get my point.

Bhai mujhsey bara mullah toh tu hai... log peeche merey partey hain aur doubt merey patriotism ko kartey hain? Amazing. You are preaching on a forum. I have defended your ISI and IB constantly but first the Wahabis take orders from America then they promote tyrannical Abdul Wahab's ideas in our land.

I don't remember any Islam coming to my rescue when I had my first drink because everytime I tried to promote Nationalism the mullah or the ethno-fascist stood in the path. I do not have a strong belief in religion, I must admit.
You are saying two opposite things......legalize and then stop of the sale of it...
And i am afraid after few years peoples like you will say....we must also legalize the Gay Marriages.:smitten:

I am saying stop its sale through a concentrated agahi campaign and by telling people about its ill effects. I stated this in the post explicitly. I was saying no to bans and imposing laws. Gay marriages is off-topic and there will be no gay marriages in a country like Pakistan and even I am against that-free choice I guess should prevail but there are some things that need to be discouraged. :lol:
Salay, aur to kuch pakkartay nahin, booze zaroor pakartay hain..... :police:

It is done to drive up the prices, not to prohibit or control sale or consumption of liquor. These 60k bottles will end up in the market, eventually.
I have thanked your post because you made some good points. You work in an agency and are quite religious so I wonder sometimes how innocent people are picked up while no clean-up is done within. I do not mean to get you in trouble. Just have seen things and wonder how secular people who believe in Pakistan so much they would die for it manage to get in trouble. Maybe I have been harsh on you but I don't like people dividing my nation and calling it a mistake which you have before.

Before I post a reply to your post, can I first state in the explicit of terms that I am an employee of a state intelligence agency which means that I am bound by orders and laws of my agency. I do not dictate terms to my agency and neither can I call the shots or make policy. My position as Addl. Director is not significant in the Government, any idea how many 19 Grade officers serve in the Government?

Furthermore, not everyone that is employed by state agencies/departments is corrupt nor does everyone indulge in acts beyond the scope of their agency/department. There are some very bad examples and there are some very good examples too so kindly stop considering me some sort of typical Government officer. I am well educated, I am highly qualified and I serve my agency to the best of my abilities and within the powers under which my agency operates.

Finally, let me clarify yet again that I have never come across a person who is more patriotic then I am, who honors and loves Pakistan more than I do and who is committed to serving Pakistan more then I. Just because I have a difference of opinion on past and present does not mean that I do not love Pakistan. What other example can I give you then the fact that I am an Australian citizen serving Pakistan as a Government Officer.......I am sure you are aware of our salary structure and pay/benefits. I left one of the most livable countries of the world to serve my homeland where I earn a fraction of what I used to earn and where I cannot dream of the life that I was used to, while abroad!

Smoking and drinking are banned in certain places like malls, certain car parks and other parts. But they aren't banned completely in every place and the places they are banned in they are banned because they become a nuisance. Let people do what they do in their homes. If your culture is well-promoted and strong everyone will indeed follow it. Otherwise it will crumble as it is now. If the government tried to protect our culture, our music industry, our entertainment we wouldn't be dominated by Star Plus and Zee.

But these substances are illegal because they can cause dire ramifications to a persons health and have a very insalubrious affect. Alcohol is often banned in our countries keeping religion in mind. That is wrong policy and religion mixed with politics right there. Its like saying banning a gun and a screwdriver is the same thing. Furthermore the reasons. The reason is not health which has resulted in banning of alcohol-permission only being given to license holders but religion and ZAB promulgated the law for his Islamicization campaign.

1 of the major side effects of alcohol/drugs is that one loses his/her ability to make sound decisions or judgment. There is a reason alcohol consumption is strictly forbidden in Islam. Alcohol does not have any place in our society hence the ban. It is banned in Saudi Arabia, how often is the law broken there? What we need, actually, are harsher punishments…..Shariat punishments.

It is a law that provokes people to break the law. A person who does drink should be allowed the opportunity. Instead we should try to win him over and convince of the superiority of his own culture... this is where we have failed. Things aren't done with the sword, with bans and oppression in the 21st century. The west has learned this largely and no matter how much they oppress others they almost never oppress their own.
This argument is a canard yet it is always applied. No, I want freedom of choice, of expression, of ideology in Pakistan. Nothing else.

On the contrary, it is a law that provides our LEA’s an opportunity to make money through bribes. Most of the liquor shops are located in posh localities where police keep a vigilant watch, they get protection money from these shops and the customers are not harassed. But if you are ever caught with liquor during random/snap checking…..you merely need to pay a bribe if you cannot get off on influence (depending on the quality of liquor that you are caught with, black/blue label requires higher bribe then desi thara).
And don’t forget, this is an Islamic country. There is no room for alcohol is Islam. And Islam is not time/age dependent.

That is an incorrect statement as we aren't a homogenous culture. The culture of my family and migrant families like ours is largely influenced by parts now unfortunately in India-true but this is not the case for all. Especially the Pashtuns and Baluch. Even Gilgit Baltistan has a differing culture.
You make Islam sound scary. Like a thing to be imposed. I do not believe so. Ours is the way of Averoes, ours is secular (Islamic) ideology. I fear you will not understand the ill-effects of banning things and how they tend to drive people away from Islam.

I believe my religion to be the scariest of all religions, the punishments that one has to face in hell for disobedience are so scary that they are send shivers down my spine and they are ever lasting in some cases. One cannot just look the other way; Allah has promised us rewards for good behavior and has promised his wrath for disobedience (if not forgiven).
And I do not understand how you can advocate allowing something that is banned by our religion!

Bhai mujhsey bara mullah toh tu hai... log peeche merey partey hain aur doubt merey patriotism ko kartey hain? Amazing. You are preaching on a forum. I have defended your ISI and IB constantly but first the Wahabis take orders from America then they promote tyrannical Abdul Wahab's ideas in our land.

I don't remember any Islam coming to my rescue when I had my first drink because everytime I tried to promote Nationalism the mullah or the ethno-fascist stood in the path. I do not have a strong belief in religion, I must admit.

I can only speak for myself. And I know that without the bounds of my religion, I would not be a good person. It is Islam that bounds me down, that defines my boundaries. I do not mean that I would be evil as I do not like violating rights of others but otherwise, I would be very naught ;)
Possibly one 'importer' rival informing on another, or some 'importer' forgot to pay off someone in government.
Send the liquor to Delhi. We pay good prices out there :D

If I visited Karachi or some other city in Pakistan and wanted to buy a bottle of scotch, will I be able to legally buy a bottle? Are there retailers who have licenses to sell alcohol there ?
Send the liquor to Delhi. We pay good prices out there :D

If I visited Karachi or some other city in Pakistan and wanted to buy a bottle of scotch, will I be able to legally buy a bottle? Are there retailers who have licenses to sell alcohol there ?

All I've managed to see are beer (I don't drink btw). Scotch is usually brought in from Dubai.
Our muslim brothers to the rescue one more time
foiled that's good ...but what about poisonous liquor which is made in Pakistan. Today nine men are died in darya.

BHAKKAR: About nine persons died and several others were reported to be in critical condition after consuming poisonous liquor here on Thursday.

According to reports pouring in from Darya Khan, at least nine persons who purchased liquor from Mangoo Ansari, a a moonshiner, died after drinking it.

The six of the deceased nine were identified as Sakhawat, Ghulam Fareed, Arshad, Nadeem Bundu,Ahmad Ansari, and Danish.

Nearly a dozen more were reported to be in critical condition and admitted to District Headquarters Hospital here while nine others were referred to Nishtar Hospital Multan.

Medical report revealed that some deadly chemical was mixed in the liquor, which caused their death.

DPO Abdul Qadar Qamar said that SHO city police station, Inspector, beat officer and a security constable have been suspended for negligence.

Furthermore, three committees have been constituted headed

by SHO Saddar Darya Khan, SHO City Darya Khan and CIA staff to nab the culprits responsible for the incident. (APP)
foiled that's good ...but what about poisonous liquor which is made in Pakistan. Today nine men are died in darya.

BHAKKAR: About nine persons died and several others were reported to be in critical condition after consuming poisonous liquor here on Thursday.

According to reports pouring in from Darya Khan, at least nine persons who purchased liquor from Mangoo Ansari, a a moonshiner, died after drinking it.

The six of the deceased nine were identified as Sakhawat, Ghulam Fareed, Arshad, Nadeem Bundu,Ahmad Ansari, and Danish.

Nearly a dozen more were reported to be in critical condition and admitted to District Headquarters Hospital here while nine others were referred to Nishtar Hospital Multan.

Medical report revealed that some deadly chemical was mixed in the liquor, which caused their death.

DPO Abdul Qadar Qamar said that SHO city police station, Inspector, beat officer and a security constable have been suspended for negligence.

Furthermore, three committees have been constituted headed

by SHO Saddar Darya Khan, SHO City Darya Khan and CIA staff to nab the culprits responsible for the incident. (APP)

For some reason, none of the dead have my sympathy.

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