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Smriti Irani Stops 70,000 Students of KV From Learning German, Makes them Switch to Sanskrit

So, You follow a theory that Education should be only commercial and not knowledgeable. Then we don't need history, Moral Science and Physical education either. Also, My opinion is that Class 1 to 10 there can't be option chosen by Students as they are not matured enough to chose the right subject.

You can only get knowledge if you take it by choice. History is taken by a lot of people by choice, and as a career option. Moral science is redundant, had it worked, then there would be zero corruption in the society. A child learns morality from parents and environment, if school want to take a part in the environmental factor, there is no harm, neither the absence of moral science in school curriculum makes any difference. My school never had moral science in the curriculum, they knew that, you cannot change a 'chutiya' by teaching them moral science for half hour once in a week. J/K :D

I'm not against a fixed syllabus till class 8 or 10, but after that, imposing unwanted subjects will only make the life of students harder, as these 2 years are vital for them to decide their career path, and reluctance on any such subject will only make them suffer. Neither it will serve any purpose for the student, nor to Sanskrit, nor to the nation.
Cancer is not a new disease. It existed even before these machines came into existence. Do you even know charaka's oath came into existence at least 2 centuries prior to Hippocratic Oath. Just because you dont know something does not make it a Myth.

we dont have a certifying agency for Native Medicine and the reason for it is quote simple. The billion dollar Pharma industry would crash if done so.

English medicines can never cure diseases, it can only quarantine. Read Dr. Hegde's Articles to know more.

So, i'd read only one article, and disregard millions of articles in Nature and Science journal just because it doesn't serve your purpose?

And the Oath of Charaka or Hippocrate, sets the moral standard for doctors and related field, doesn't define any modern or prevalent treatment methods.
Poor decision if true. There is nothing wrong with learning a foreign language as an elective subject. Everyone does not have to know Sanskrit. It depends on one's interests. Since the resources were already in place to teach German in some schools it does not make any sense to go backwards and ban it.

Edit: I just read another news which says that "However, she said German would continue to be taught as an "additional subject of hobby class". Steiner expressed confidence that there will be a solution to the matter."

So they are only against teaching German as a third language and want to replace it by Sanskrit or a MIL. It is however debatable whether an Indian language should always be the third language.
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You can only get knowledge if you take it by choice. History is taken by a lot of people by choice, and as a career option. Moral science is redundant, had it worked, then there would be zero corruption in the society. A child learns morality from parents and environment, if school want to take a part in the environmental factor, there is no harm, neither the absence of moral science in school curriculum makes any difference. My school never had moral science in the curriculum, they knew that, you cannot change a 'chutiya' by teaching them moral science for half hour once in a week. J/K :D

I'm not against a fixed syllabus till class 8 or 10, but after that, imposing unwanted subjects will only make the life of students harder, as these 2 years are vital for them to decide their career path, and reluctance on any such subject will only make them suffer. Neither it will serve any purpose for the student, nor to Sanskrit, nor to the nation.

I agree with all your points except timing. The one's choice can come after class 10th as students start understanding the world. The initial knowledge comes by education which is taught to students. I found it difficult to teach very young student (LKG to 5) to teach basics but think over it that if English/Hindi/Math which kids hate at this time will not opt for a choice then how they will use it as choice in future.

I think most of the board understand and decide students to take a decision and go to Science, maths and commerce. Language's comes as an option here.

And Moral science works, Ask any RSS School walla like me . :D
So, i'd read only one article, and disregard millions of articles in Nature and Science journal just because it doesn't serve your purpose?

There are millions of articles written over Indian Medicines and Science by ancient scholars and scientists in native Indian languages including Sanskrit. When you can choose to ignore them for a plain reason that they are written in Sanskrit, I am within every damn right to ignore what Nature and Science Journal has to say to this world.

When my questions have answers in indigenous materials why go elsewhere.

And the Oath of Charaka or Hippocrate, sets the moral standard for doctors and related field, doesn't define any modern or prevalent treatment methods.

Hippocratic Oath is the one which connects the medical practitioners world wide in terms of medical code of ethics, which literally depicts the kind of global influence this system has. This is even more amusing to note that such a system already existed in my country 2 centuries prior. How did we loose our track has to discovered and we need to rework instead of just giving up and going behind the world order.

Compilation by '
Ramakrishna Vuthal Kunduri.
No,But i am considering to email them my suggestion.Sanskrit should be renamed after its birth place
Umm, but languages can't be renamed! :)
Physics, chemistry, mathematics does. If you want to stay in your own deluded world, you're welcome to do so, but that doesn't give your onus to impose it on others.
Sanskrit is already in the syllabus as an optional subject. It is not being introduced in place of German. And so it shall remain.

1. Mail sent to spam for so many spelling mistakes.

2. KV commissioner does not have an official account with Gmail. :sad:

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Sanskrit is a language I would like to learn myself, is it a language that one may have common every day conversations in or limited to literary? @Joe Shearer


One CAN have a conversation in Sanskrit; the difficulty that you will face, as presumably an Urdu-speaker or a Punjabi-speaker, will be the vocabulary. You will have to learn lots of nouns, much fewer verbs; some (a few) you may have encountered in Urdu or in Punjabi. But it isn't a practical spoken language.

As a literary language, it is superb. Learning it will open up a treasure-house, a wonderland of literature. All of Kalidasa is open to you, and reading him in the original is a thrill never to be forgotten.Bu there are thousands more besides.Listing the major authors and playwrights is sure to cause controversies; be sure that learning it (at elementary level, and then picking up the rest with an open dictionary and a rip-roaring read, like maybe the Mrichha-katika, the Little Clay Cart, or the Mudra-Rakshasa, The Minister's Ring) will enrich your life.

Go for it. It's actually a very, very well-structured language, and you shouldn't have difficulty learning it.
Sanskrit fcked up my whole inter (10+2) grade!!
I have seen that rant multiple times, and as a source, all they can come up with is some random blogpost. I have seen people claiming Lanka and the flying chariots, but Atlantis is a myth to them. The Vimanika sharstra has been debunked. The same bigoted western education you're cursing, is responsible for the rise of the west, while Indians werelost deciphering Vedas. When people have Cancer, they go for chemotherapy, a western product, than in Baba Ramdev's ashram.

The rise of the west was based on predatory attacks on other civilizations, looting them, making Slaves, colony, Financial manipulation and destroying the local culture, education system, economy and denying non westerns access to knowledge.

Only narrow minded apologists like you seek simplistic answers by crediting the west with "science & technology" as if "science & technology" is something alien to Indians :lol:

You are free to blindly worship the "west" and laugh at anything "Indian", but when you attempt to impose your ignorance and inferiority complex on the rest of us, you will have another thing coming.
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Moreover, when I was learning Telugu, the prior knowledge of Sanskrit made it a bit easier to learn.
Among all Dravidian languages,telegu has least Dravidian component....Sanskritization started first in telegu,then Kannada..Due course of time Its more close to Sanskrit than its original mother language dravidan..
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