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SKorea Says New Cruise Missiles A Warning To North

He doesn't understand that current PLA Navy destroyers have limited detection range and limited ability to engage multiple targets, making them a ripe target for the waves of anti-ship missile attack.
Reminds me of Iskander missile. Good job S.Korea.
It is based on the Iskander design.

Generally Koreans are weak(or were weak back in the 90s when most of these projects began) in propulsion, so they relied on foreign propulsion(Usually Russian) system coupled with Korean guidance system.
It is based on the Iskander design.

Generally Koreans are weak(or were weak back in the 90s when most of these projects began) in propulsion, so they relied on foreign propulsion(Usually Russian) system coupled with Korean guidance system.

I think same case is with Brahmos. Propulsion is Russion, guidance is Indian. Anyway, nothing wrong in cooperating with others. Missile looks great, am sure it will help defend S.Korea. Korea-India should have military cooperation too.
I think same case is with Brahmos. Propulsion is Russion, guidance is Indian.
The big difference being that the Indian version is roughly same sized as the Russian version, while the Korean version is physically different(side intakes) and weigh only 1.5 tons, half the weight of Brahmos, while keeping the 300 km range.
The warheads look very weak.
Because they are dummy warheads for testing purpose? Of course they won't release the test with live warheads. Heck, there was a controversy about even disclosing this in the first place; they just let North Koreans know that they could target a specific floor of a building and this should have kept a secret.

what are they going to destroy in North korea?
- Kim Jong Eun's known offices and palaces.
- Known Nuclear facilities
- Known Chemical weapons storage
- Known government buildings
- Known airbase runways
- Known long-rage artillery positions.
- Known fixed SAM sites
- Whatever else that must be taken out in the opening hour of war.
But that cruise missile was so fcking accurate.
why don't North and south Korea just unit again?

I bet usa has something to do with it, those menaces are behind all these bad things in the world.
SKorea 500 km range ballistic missile look very similar to IAI LORA rocket :cheers:

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North Korean is jealous of the South because they can't do jack like the South could.
North Korean is jealous of the South because they can't do jack like the South could.

Just like how they cut your viet cong heads during vietnam war and your viets were jumping up and down angrily but couldn't do jack about south korean anti-communist "heroes"....







or even right today many viet low skills workers and viet women brides in south korean got beaten or killed daily but your god damn government don't give a damn mind to care about your pitiful fellows.

Vietnamese Bride brutally Killed in South Korea

or even yourself will be the next target list of the Canadian police tomorrow for your illegal crimes in the country.

Canadian police crackdown on vietnamese smugglers
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