I'd just like to say that a currency losing value means one of 2 things:
the government is printing more money than the physical economy can keep up with.
people are fleeing the currency.
Now, India's physical economy is apparently not doing too badly. So why would people flee the currency? I think the answer may be that India has severe structural problems in its economy that are unlikely to be solved in the short-medium term.
Utter rubbish... Here is someting for you to munch on... and let me know if you can digest it... I can explain more...
FII investments (which is dollar investment, converted into Indian Rupee) by money brokers, hedge funds and investment houses flees any market for two reasons... 1. Massive Political issues or civil war... Which puts a high risk on the investment in the market and 2. To cover for shorts in their home markets or to ensure the pressure of withdrawls in home markets ...
India does not have thet first issue due for the next 2 years, due to the fact that there are no elections or political undertainty (like monks burning themselves or a dictator runnning the show etc etc) to start a civil war. So, this has to be ruled out as the reason. India depends on home consumption for 75-80% of her production, so any slowdown in the world has relatively (as compared to China or South East Asian economies) lesser effect on India.
For point 2, there is a genuine concerns as investors are withdrawing their money from banks and hedge funds an placing them in secured investments, second issue is global delevraging on the back of loss of risk appetite globally and the diversion of funds to bonds on european markets and the consideration of dollar as the curreny of last resort and due to those withdrawl pressures and conservatism, demand for greenbacks (dollars) shoots up and when demand for any commodity shoots up in a low supply market, the reason is price increase and this is all you are seeing...
FII money has no effect on structural issues.. that is FDI money and that is relatively long term money and thus does not and can not flee quickly... e.g. if you have invested in a plant/facility in India, you can not sell it overnight...
Does this greek make any sense to you now?