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Six wars China is sure to fight in the next 50 years

If US causes disturbances in Asia harming India in any way,India would not support it. Remember the position of India regarding Iran?? India still some degree of Non Alignment in its foreign policy,which is guided by its self interests! Similarly it won't tolerate the bullying of China either! Btw,the insurgency of your Maoist comrades have almost died down,its nothing more than the testing or training ground of the Central Police forces,and their weapons at this point!

Died down.... Yes that is what indian cheerleaders say.
This happened 4 days back:

Chhattisgarh: Naxals hack police constable to death
By PTI - RAIPUR Published: 12th October 2013 07:06 PM Last Updated: 12th October 2013 07:06 PM
Suspected naxals axed to death a 45-year-old police constable and injured another police official in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh today, police said.

"Naxals attacked police constable Gautam Pande with an axe and also injured police sub-inspector Satyawadi Sahu (35).

They took away Pande's SLR (rifle)," Dantewada SP Narendra Khare told Bhasha/PTI over the phone.

Naxals, dressed as villagers, attacked the policemen who were on bandobast duty for the Kuakonda weekly market.

"Sahu though overpowered one of the attackers, the latter's aides attacked him with a knife and fled. While Pande died of wounds at Dantewada hospital, Sahu is recovering and out of danger," the SP said.

In a seperate incident, ultras also set on fire some equipment, including a machine used in laying of roads, under Kuakonda police station limit.

The ultras, carrying bows and arrows, set ablaze the machine and warned labourers and contractor not to carry out any work there, Khare said.

A hunt has been launched to trace the naxalites, the SP added.

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And india isn't non-aligned .It is US puppet regime.
the only reason you could defy us in 1967,1971,1999 was Russia . Now you don't have that advantage thanks to Congress Chanakya Neeti. Thank you Congress, You are the best chinese allies China ever had. Forgotten the vacation in Ladakh that Chinese forces had?

Congress achieved something that even SCO platform could not. Bringing Russia closer to China.:toast_sign:

Yes - so what are you waiting for? Come and invade if you have the balls. :) Else - drink that tea.
Like I said,if it was such a serious situation,Army would be used like in J&K. Its just the CRPF police in the Naxal areas! Funny thing is your Mao comrades were less succesful than even the Pakistani J&K insurgents! Shows your true capabilities minus the hot air!

The simple reason CRPF is used because heavy equipment of army cannot operate in jungles and CRPF is more mobile and they naxals have inflicted enough losses comparable to kashmir. Till now,we haven't armed the naxals who are resisting indian corporate govt nexus attack. Once we start arming them ,things will change.

Yes - so what are you waiting for? Come and invade if you have the balls. :) Else - drink that tea.

We will . The incursions of Ladakh and NEFA are just precursors.Indian army did nothing and stood impotent in front of us.:nana:
Died down.... Yes that is what indian cheerleaders say.
This happened 4 days back:

Chhattisgarh: Naxals hack police constable to death
By PTI - RAIPUR Published: 12th October 2013 07:06 PM Last Updated: 12th October 2013 07:06 PM
Suspected naxals axed to death a 45-year-old police constable and injured another police official in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh today, police said.

"Naxals attacked police constable Gautam Pande with an axe and also injured police sub-inspector Satyawadi Sahu (35).

They took away Pande's SLR (rifle)," Dantewada SP Narendra Khare told Bhasha/PTI over the phone.

Naxals, dressed as villagers, attacked the policemen who were on bandobast duty for the Kuakonda weekly market.

"Sahu though overpowered one of the attackers, the latter's aides attacked him with a knife and fled. While Pande died of wounds at Dantewada hospital, Sahu is recovering and out of danger," the SP said.

In a seperate incident, ultras also set on fire some equipment, including a machine used in laying of roads, under Kuakonda police station limit.

The ultras, carrying bows and arrows, set ablaze the machine and warned labourers and contractor not to carry out any work there, Khare said.

A hunt has been launched to trace the naxalites, the SP added.

Continue Reading...

And india isn't non-aligned .It is US puppet regime.

See this is exactly i was saying when i said china should win the first war ,otherwise there will be threat to united china as it is today.see handfull of MAOists can create some problems can you imagine what china will be.again i say china should use full force in the first war future of china depends on it.
The simple reason CRPF is used because heavy equipment of army cannot operate in jungles and CRPF is more mobile and they naxals have inflicted enough losses comparable to kashmir. Till now,we haven't armed the naxals who are resisting indian corporate govt nexus attack. Once we start arming them ,things will change.

We will . The incursions of Ladakh and NEFA are just precursors.Indian army did nothing and stood impotent in front of us.:nana:

Dude, Indian naxals ( whatever u call them) are not anti India. They just resist the landlords and the village sysytem of injustice. Their earlier avatar was known as Dacoits and they have been worse nuisance even during British time.

BTW we can also arm to teeth our Tibetan brothers and Vietnam brothers. It will be payback time, isn't it.
That is why I said the article was BS. Getting into war with Russia is calling grim reaper or death wish itself.We would rather take parts of USA and Canada in world war 3 in which Russia would be an ally and Russian nuclear war fighting capabilities would be needed.Russia-China alliance has a lot more scope for world rule .

Please, take all the territory of the United States, but leave to us Alaska - we do not like the heat. :cheers:
Please, take all the territory of the United States, but leave to us Alaska - we do not like the heat.

You are welcome to take Alaska. Alaska is the hardcore US military deployment zone has a lot of US military. Likely I expect the russians to be successful there with their VDV,spetsnaz and cruise and conventional ballistic strikes.Chinese will have hard time to take Alaska. It will be for us to capture the western sea board.

Dude, Indian naxals ( whatever u call them) are not anti India. They just resist the landlords and the village sysytem of injustice. Their earlier avatar was known as Dacoits and they have been worse nuisance even during British time.

BTW we can also arm to teeth our Tibetan brothers and Vietnam brothers. It will be payback time, isn't it.

You can arm vietnam .I don't care. Likely ,we will not invade Vietnam as it is russian ally. India on the other hand....:butcher:
On a serious note, it wasn't China that made the decision to go occupy disputed territory and initiate a policy to push forward the disputed line of control as much as possible.

It was actually China who made the decision to go occupy disputed territory and initiate a policy to push forward the disputed line of control as much as possible, and it was China who made the decision of "Preemptive strike"!! But I agree that your history would be different than my history, so lets not talk about it further.
Taiwan will be taken .Whether usa is there or not.Whether by conquest or consent.

Forgotten 1962?

USA's time is up. Taiwan will return to Chinese influence with consent.

Why are you anti-usa? Congress loves being american puppet. Shouldn't you also be singing with pro-american indian choir boys here?

I know what they are doing, they are trying to invade India and our stupid government is sleeping...America is using India for its own purpose and America is good for nothing... I don't know why Indian members of PDF support USA....our real friend is Russia and we also want friendship with China... America is an enemy
The reason why we did not steamroll you in 1967 and 1971 was the soviet union/Russia.But now,you have shifted to west puppetry and given us Russia as friend on a silver platter.

We thank you for the cooperation and have returned the favor by incursions into ladakh and NEFA areas as Russia will not stand by you in event of indo-china war. With Russia out,India is easy prey and we can inflict 1962 again at will.:toast_sign:

We are waiting for last 5 decades to repeat 1967. You are only capable of erecting tents and then pack up, while we stay permanently in the area claimed by you, and will continue to be there forever. First show some real action and then brag about it.
The simple reason CRPF is used because heavy equipment of army cannot operate in jungles and CRPF is more mobile and they naxals have inflicted enough losses comparable to kashmir. Till now,we haven't armed the naxals who are resisting indian corporate govt nexus attack. Once we start arming them ,things will change.

We will . The incursions of Ladakh and NEFA are just precursors.Indian army did nothing and stood impotent in front of us.:nana:

HAHAHAHHAAH - is that why you control Ladakh and NEFA? LOL. It is like the Mexicans crossing into some points in Texas, going back and then patting themselves on a job well done. LOL - if you have the balls - then capture Ladakh - don't enter and leave like a bunch of wusses.
We are waiting for last 5 decades to repeat 1967. You are only capable of erecting tents and then pack up, while we stay permanently in the area claimed by you, and will continue to be there forever. First show some real action and then brag about it.

This time it will be 1962 again not 1967.You have no Russia to back you.


You mean like Chinese bent over for Japs in Nanking?? No, we don't have such habits!! :)

Forgotten 800 year of rule of Islam on India.

HAHAHAHHAAH - is that why you control Ladakh and NEFA? LOL. It is like the Mexicans crossing into some points in Texas, going back and then patting themselves on a job well done. LOL - if you have the balls - then capture Ladakh - don't enter and leave like a bunch of wusses.

Well,Indian army proved itself to be impotent. Atleast when Russia was behind you ,you had the guts to fire on us like 1967 and did not run away like 1962. But looking at how indian impotent army reacted,it will be repeat of 1962. No more Russia behind you.Plus your nation is ally of West and Wahabbis.

Lol!!!....Funny to see chinese fanboys getting all excited and foul mouthing. Classy as always. Anyways the only war that is gonna happen is here on PDF. Fortunately no leader of any country is as screwed in the head as PDF members.
The simple reason CRPF is used because heavy equipment of army cannot operate in jungles and CRPF is more mobile and they naxals have inflicted enough losses comparable to kashmir. Till now,we haven't armed the naxals who are resisting indian corporate govt nexus attack. Once we start arming them ,things will change.

We will . The incursions of Ladakh and NEFA are just precursors.Indian army did nothing and stood impotent in front of us.:nana:

Hundreds are dying every year by maoists and North eastern insurgence.. But govt. uses only its soft power against them.. Why?? For example take the maoists.. The strength of its PLGA (its military wing) is only 8000 and also over 60% of it are women and children.. Indian army can finish them within dayz.. The reason why army is not be used is the maoists are fellow Indians.. If army is used thousands of women and children will die.. There may be chances of rapes, violence etc.. Majority of Indians including me not support such action.. The solution must be education and infra structure development.. Nw the north east insurgency is also very weak .. Actually these types of movements raises in every region in some phases of development.. As the social condition improves they will automatically vanishes..
So any one dreaming the collapse of India by these small groups better stop that day dreaming..
Hundreds are dying every year by maoists and North eastern insurgence.. But govt. uses only its soft power against them.. Why?? For example take the maoists.. The strength of its PLGA (its military wing) is only 8000 and also over 60% of it are women and children.. Indian army can finish them within dayz.. The reason why army is not be used is the maoists are fellow Indians.. If army is used thousands of women and children will die.. There may be chances of rapes, violence etc.. Majority of Indians including me not support such action.. The solution must be education and infra structure development.. Nw the north east insurgency is also very weak .. Actually these types of movements raises in every region in some phases of development.. As the social condition improves they will automatically vanishes..
So any one dreaming the collapse of India by these small groups better stop that day dreaming..

no.Indian army cannot operate heavy equipment in jungles. Second,ethnic cleansing and genocide has been used by the indian corporate mafia state and state backed paramilitaries like Salwa Judum to mass murder tribals who then join the maoists.

Third,send the army after the tribals.That would open up new fronts and opportunities on the border.

If army is used thousands of women and children will die.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...sure-fight-next-50-years-9.html#ixzz2hslJ6unp

thousands have already been murdered and millions of tribals driven to further destitution already.

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