Guys, here is the reality of all armies over the entire history of mankind. Including ancient Romans, the Wehrmacht, including Pakistan, China,
You have 1,000 troops. Let's divide them...
950 of them are professionals, of strong moral character, who have no desire to kill but will do so to defend themselves, their families, friends, and homeland.
40 of them are a bit "loose" in the head, and will do bizarre things - collect ears, pose for disgusting photos.
10 of them are closet sociopathic brutal murderers who secretly enjoy the act of killing.
Photographs of the 40 are taken. Stories of the 10 are written. And the 950 are unfairly made out to be monsters by association.
To those with kind words re: my daughter, thank you. She is home, doing well, and looking forward to becoming a hospital worker. She can and does tell some harrowing stories.
She brought back some wonderful gifts. The silks and textiles (like the scarves) are wonderully made, very beautiful. And she came home with a love for the regional food, and is a naan bread addict, but she says "It's hard to find good naan bread here... it's not fresh."