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Six suicide bombers attack Bannu police station

At the least we have 25,000 militants to still kill. That is how large TTP is while other figures put their numbers at 50,000+... we must strike at them but we like to sit and wait for them to strike at us. Our lousy allies and their lousy drones don't even target them.

Sorry, I dont think their numbers are that huge... Must be about 5,000-10,000
Great work by the security forces , 8 Men Attacked, All Killed , out of which 6 were wearing Suicide vests , & only one was able to detonate it others were shot before they had a chance to do so.

All in all , Great work by Security & intelligence Agencies .

the bad time for TTP has just begun , in almost all their recent attempts they failed miserably , & most of the times were killed by Lashkers & not even Army .

What great work? The security forces merely defended themselves.

True success of the agencies is in preventing such attacks from happening in the first place. After all, the suicide bombers did not just walk up the road to the police station. Somebody armed them, and somebody co-ordinated the attack. Those people are still out there, planning the next attacks.
Sorry, I dont think their numbers are that huge... Must be about 5,000-10,000

That is your personal view and I appreciate that. But my research indicates otherwise as there is a wild plethora of numbers given for the taliban. Most common figure until 2009 was 40,000 but Rah e nijat got rid of many fighters and with them civilians too (unfortunately) so the figure was reduced to 35,000.

Check this:
The group contains membership from all of FATA's seven tribal agencies as well as several districts of the KP. Estimates place the total number of operatives between 30,000 and 35,000. Headquartered in the South Waziristan Agency of FATA, TTP has spread its networks into all of Pakistan's four provinces, establishing various 'Chapters' and groups led by local 'commanders' with common organisational goals. The TTP has also made its presence felt in neighbouring Afghanistan in recent times.

TTP | Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan(TTP)

Maseed Taliban along with 4 groups like the IMU make up about 4000-6000 in South Waziristan. SW is the hub of TTP activity. Only 1 area of 8 areas is cleared (Tehsils)... that is Sararogha. The rest are still in their control despite Rah e nijat. Maybe army was sleeping. God knows. But operation was in 6 tehsils. Wana was bypassed (Nazir bastion)
What great work? The security forces merely defended themselves.

True success of the agencies is in preventing such attacks from happening in the first place. After all, the suicide bombers did not just walk up the road to the police station. Somebody armed them, and somebody co-ordinated the attack. Those people are still out there, planning the next attacks.

Easy there Tiger , Everyone knows that , and they are doing their best to Stop this madness , and are now starting to get some results . it is easy to talk sitting behind your computer , but when you are in field it is a whole different type of fish.
What great work? The security forces merely defended themselves.

True success of the agencies is in preventing such attacks from happening in the first place. After all, the suicide bombers did not just walk up the road to the police station. Somebody armed them, and somebody co-ordinated the attack. Those people are still out there, planning the next attacks.

I won't celebrate till each one of those militants is dead. Another attack on a check-post in Bannu killed at least 7 so I don't know why we are celebrating and continually need this feel good that we are winning and they are losing when we have shown an incompetence in this war that would put to shame even the biggest idiot. The cops showed bravery but we need an operation or attacks will continue. SW is not cleared and they want to open a new front in NW

7 killed in suicide attack on army check post in NW Pakistan - NZweek
Easy there Tiger , Everyone knows that , and they are doing their best to Stop this madness , and are now starting to get some results . it is easy to talk sitting behind your computer , but when you are in field it is a whole different type of fish.

I did not mean to imply that the forces are not doing their best. They are, definitely. I hope and pray that their best efforts are good enough to meet the challenges they face. May Allah grant them success.
Apparantly Sunni Tehreek was another organization USA shoved funds into to keep it anti-Taliban and develop leverage in Pakistan. Epic failure yet again. The more they interfere in our country the more they push it onto the brink. A relationship with US is suicide. If Pakistan was a person its actions would make it appear like a suicide bomber today. Check this:


Everyone knows about the US hand :P ... You asked me at least one i showed you hordes of them...the day you decide to fight ALL extremism and not just the once which suit you is the day Pakistan has a future ...
Everyone knows about the US hand :P ... You asked me at least one i showed you hordes of them...the day you decide to fight ALL extremism and not just the once which suit you is the day Pakistan has a future ...

Priorities friend. We fight the TTP and finish them and then we go after Afghan Taliban and LET. But what is our first duty. To protect Pakistani citizen or protect the Indian one. Our primary responsibility is Pakistan... and then Afghan Taliban and LET are respectably Us and India's concern... thats what armies are for. To deal with them. You can't cry Pakistan's fault each and every time. Pakistan has its own priorities and if you didn't notice our hands are full.

But this article shows Sunni Tehreek which supported the Qadri brutality was funded by the US once because they thought Sunni tehreek would fight the narrative of the Taliban. You could not read it. My urdu too is a little weak but an english article appeared too with the same thing. All that money went down the drain. Just saying. :P

My point was the negative influence foreigners pressurizing us has.
Priorities friend. We fight the TTP and finish them and then we go after Afghan Taliban and LET. But what is our first duty. To protect Pakistani citizen or protect the Indian one. Our primary responsibility is Pakistan... and then Afghan Taliban and LET are respectably Us and India's concern... thats what armies are for. To deal with them. You can't cry Pakistan's fault each and every time. Pakistan has its own priorities and if you didn't notice our hands are full.

But this article shows Sunni Tehreek which supported the Qadri brutality was funded by the US once because they thought Sunni tehreek would fight the narrative of the Taliban. You could not read it. My urdu too is a little weak but an english article appeared too with the same thing. All that money went down the drain. Just saying. :P

My point was the negative influence foreigners pressurizing us has.

Thats your first duty... clean it all plus the ideology or else more TTP would emerge from the graves and Pakistan would be caught up in it's own web.

After you are done all that you can attack Evil Hindu India and teach a lesson just like you do every time :P :D
This 6 Taliban Soldiers may have been unsuccessful but another Taliban Soldier managed to kill 6 Security Forces Personnel and 5 civilians yesterday.
This 6 Taliban Soldiers may have been unsuccessful but another Taliban Soldier managed to kill 6 Security Forces Personnel and 5 civilians yesterday.

Exactly what I am saying. Pakistanis have come down and stooped so low that we now celebrate small victories. How about we celebrate when there isn't a single bomb-maker left in Pakistan. I mean where are these bombers coming from. There is an entire factory churning out suicide bombers and making explosives in the tribal areas and no one wishes to stop it at all.

Now compoare this with India. A single soldier killed and the ruckus they raise. India is assertive, we are being dominated not just by so-called allies but by militants and they have ridden us. How do we talk peace to such thugs. God knows.
Bombs are made in India, flew through Pakistan air space and than brought in to Pakistan in semi assembled form and associates of northern alliance in Pakistan take care of rest.

P.S.: In parade lane mosque.. Pakistani kids were laid on floor and shoot in head without bombs.

No true soldier or Pakistani shall forget the words.. 'ye nasal khatam kardo'
I may be increasingly taking the role of cynic here but please someone do tell me how only 1 in 6 tehsils are clear in South Waziristan agency (operation was in 6, there are 8)? Our failures lead here... time to accept that.

I do not believe the failure is as big on the terrorist organizations attacking foreigners front as it is on handling issues within Pakistan. My contact in Dir long ago stated that army once took many youth from Swat and tortured them brutally in jails... eventually they turned against them and joined the Taliban. Perhaps these and many other stories from Swat/Dir/FATA residents have made me worry about what is going on. Pakistan has to fight its own war or it will fail. On someone's behest it will fail.
^^ Pakistan army is hated among the lovers of Iran... and India.

They become Taliban and prepared RDX mixture and learned about PC3 orion and erieye from pdf ... :blah:

false propaganda at its best...
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