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Six BLA commanders killed by FC.

Obviously , he wont somehow be in the country right ? How many TTP leaders stay put and fight ?

I can only attribute such failures to intelligence lapses. Till now not one top commander of the TTP has been captured by us. Faqir Mohammed too when we cleared Bajaur (now de-notified as a conflict zone completely)... we failed to capture Tariq Afridi after operation after operation in Darra Adamkhel and the surrounding areas, failure to capture Fazlullah in Swat operation (Black thunderstorm) and finally failure to kill Hakimullah or his predecessor in Rah e Nijat (South Waziristan)... instead every person from South Waziristan I happened to talk to claimed the main militants escaped to Afghanistan and neighboring agencies (mainly Orakzai)...

My contact with local people depresses me... they complain of civilian casualties. Best option would be some kind of targetted raid or airstrike based on intelligence to eliminate their top leaders... that can be a confidence booster. Right now people who research things down there are going to point to this fact with reckless abandon. Also it would be a lie to say no commander has been captured or killed. A great number of lower level commanders have been killed or arrested. But not a single one of the main enemies of the state.

I will try to find time to reply to your post back on the other thread.
" Shoot on sight orders " or " One shot - Professional Job " or " Line them up against the wall and put a bullet in their body " or " Kill all terrorist and ask questions later " are few of the ways that would work best ! Trust me , Pakistani courts cant convict these psychopaths since the witnesses fear the consequences of giving a testimony against them ...

I do it too , after all most of the people that have been killed in the War on Terror are from the NWFP province or FATA ... Always remember " Patriotism is never / shall never be blind " ... The citizen of the country has every right to criticize things he/she doesn't see fit ...

4% conviction rate. Proof here:

PESHAWAR: Despite concrete evidence gathered against those involved in terrorist acts, conviction rates in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) hover at a measly 4%.

Accrued evidence include camera footage and confiscated suicide vests which could count as ‘ample proof’ in court, K-P Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain said at the Officer’s Mess following the 153rd cabinet meeting of the K-P government on Tuesday.

Home Secretary Muhammad Azam Khan told the cabinet that the 4% conviction rate of terrorists was surprisingly low.

Hussain said a large number of those arrested have been 13 or 14-year-old boys who benefit from being classified as minors under the law.

He proposed not treating the minors involved in terrorist activities under the same law. He reiterated that the concerned departments were reviewing the situation to ascertain why terrorists were “escaping” due punishment.

Linking the terror activities to Afghan influence, Hussain said the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan does not necessarily guarantee peace and normalcy in the Pakhtun region.

“Peace will remain elusive till terrorist groups are present in the country. We need to pay attention to how we can seriously eliminate them so we do not become the next Afghanistan.”

Hussain reiterated that it was not just the job of law enforcement agencies to fight terrorism, and that all government departments need to “tidy up” and provide good governance across the country. This, he said, will lead to coordinated efforts to effectively tackle militancy.

Mian Iftikhar Hussain

Speaking about the Malakand division, inclusive of Swat and Dir, the cabinet meeting heard how it is still a hot bed for militancy. “Keeping in mind cross-border attacks from Kunar and Nuristan in Afghanistan, there is still the need for an army presence in these areas,” said Hussain.

Currently, the army is not present in the entire Malakand division. It has withdrawn from the Shangla, Buner, Kalam and Behrain regions by handing over law and order responsibilities to the police.

K-P Police Inspector General (IG) told the cabinet that although there has been an increase in terrorist acts this year, their effectiveness ratio has dwindled as compared to incidents since 2009.

“However, incidents targeting police and politicians have increased overall,” said Hussain.

The IG also said that due to increased planning and a more effective strategy in 2012, the number of police deaths at the hands of terrorists has decreased by 49% and civilian killings by 47%.

The KP police

The ratio of suicide attacks has decreased by 37%, while the ratio of foiling suicide attacks by law enforcement agencies improved by 29%, he added.

In total, 73 police personnel have been killed and 218 civilians (108 in Peshawar) died of terrorist acts from January 1 this year till November 31.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 5th, 2012.

Another report puts it at 33% for Pakistan.
I can only attribute such failures to intelligence lapses. Till now not one top commander of the TTP has been captured by us. Faqir Mohammed too when we cleared Bajaur (now de-notified as a conflict zone completely)... we failed to capture Tariq Afridi after operation after operation in Darra Adamkhel and the surrounding areas, failure to capture Fazlullah in Swat operation (Black thunderstorm) and finally failure to kill Hakimullah or his predecessor in Rah e Nijat (South Waziristan)... instead every person from South Waziristan I happened to talk to claimed the main militants escaped to Afghanistan and neighboring agencies (mainly Orakzai)...

My contact with local people depresses me... they complain of civilian casualties. Best option would be some kind of targetted raid or airstrike based on intelligence to eliminate their top leaders... that can be a confidence booster. Right now people who research things down there are going to point to this fact with reckless abandon. Also it would be a lie to say no commander has been captured or killed. A great number of lower level commanders have been killed or arrested. But not a single one of the main enemies of the state.

I will try to find time to reply to your post back on the other thread.

Well , other possible explanation giving the ISI the benefit of doubt would be that most of these leaders were most of the never in the country ... However , the Intelligence lapses thing still holds true , it becomes more than dangerous when it actually starts to justify the ruthless drone killings that somehow we cant get those , whilst drones can do the job of killing the leaders ... But as I told you in another thread , Pakistan has hunted dozens of AQ leaders in the Musharraf era and earned millions in bounties ( Read more about it in " The Line of Fire " - if you haven't already ) .... I would call it a success ...

Mate , sad but its true that civilian causalities are both unacceptable and unavoidable ... However they can be reduced by more effective Intel and robust movement of forces in the conflict areas ... PAF is capable of doing so - carrying out " decapacitation strikes " against their top leaders - the only thing is that they are mostly in Afghanistan and ISAF is unwilling to do the job there instead leaving the borders open for the militants to pass ...

Take your time , my friend :) How's the work on the novel going though ?
Baluchistan really need democratic govt. All Baluchi friends tell, Baluchistan is running by the most corrupt and criminal people. Majority of them involve in kidnapping and ransom.
FC seems to be active pursuit against against terrorism in Balochistan, after fighting the BLF unit of Dr.Allah Nazar, they have killed six BLA commanders now.

Look at this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/227025-fc-attacked-maskhay.html

The news is in that in Balgatar Town, FC identified and killed six BLA commanders namely Mohammad Baksh Baloch, Hassan Tapi, Shay Haq, Khalil Noor, Ameen Baloch and Balach Baloch. The incident took place on January 2, and BLA spokesmen confirmed them being key leaders.

Well that is a very good news & I will not call this an incident I will call this achievement for the FC & a moral boost, these rented terrorists only deserve to be killed not captured or arrested or trailed, if these rented terrorist are trialed then the corrupt CJ will let them walk for free.

More needs to be done & these rented terrorists known as BLA, BLF & BSO needs to eliminated completely for good, & INSHAALLAH they will be eliminated by our brave Pak Army & the Intel agencies.
We will send more :P

@on topic

Good Work . Anyone who wants to break a country is anti-nationalistic and deserves a bullet in his forehead , right between his eyes .
Like I mentioned, since FC started to hunt Dr Allah Nazar, they have been many raids in parts of Balochistan.
I somehow seem to miss another raid which was conducted on December 31, near Dera Bugti where Commander Mammu Bugti Baloch was killed with 27 of his men. They were members of Balochistan Republican Army.

However, it is not yet clear if it were FC or local militia that had engaged them.
Take your time , my friend :) How's the work on the novel going though ?

I agree largely... I am a little pessimistic... I used to be at the forefront... always defending ISI and army in the old days. But as I matured as a journalist I realized that by posting nothing negative I was basically denying there was any issue in Pakistan and not working to rectify past mistakes... I slowly opened up a little to new ideas. So do forgive me. I also saw some things... i mean i was the only one talking about Pakistan's interest but who would support me... when we are so concerned by our internal issues how can we focus on something much greater than that? So do forgive me. But if there is foreign support we will believe but the army should come out and fearlessly say it.

We have no narrative in this war nor the Balochistan conflict... the US constantly blames us for terrorism and we just come up with lame defences even though we have had real successes against militants attacking US. I will give 2 examples here for lack of time and space:
1) Ramzi Youssef: Arrested by the ISI in 1995 for the plot before the 9/11 attacks, the bojinka airline plot.
2) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Arrested by Pakistan and was one of the main planners behind the 9/11 attacks. He was arrested by Pakistani agents of the ISI.
3) Abdullah Ghani Baradar: He was also arrested in Pakistan. Some have suggested all our successes were in the past. This guy was arrested in 2010. Yeah.

All have been handed over to the US.

People just don't know or don't have enough knowledge about the terror war usually so when Indians say we are terrorists we basically don't know these particular successes so we can't tell them. Where we have failed pathetically is beating terrorists attacking Pakistan and when there are bombs going off in your nation my or someone elses making the allegation that CIA or RAW maybe supporting terror in Pakistan doesn't matter.

I swear Secur something very weird is going on. Each one of the people involved in the so-called Toronto plot was innocent. There is a guyanese militant on the FBI's top militant list. I have asked around... there is no link of him and the Al Qaeda whatsoever... I have no clue what these people may have done if I stayed in Canada longer and continued this research.

Our failure to protect our citizens from terrorists is a huge issue and it greatly dents our capability to stand up for national interest. I am an independent journalist. I receive a lot of information from people rest online and books. The information from people I try to relay as it is and people have directly said that our forces don't target TTP and instead have bombed civilians homes. My nationalist mind thinks of explanations... theres no guarantee an airstrike will hit a militant or intelligence could be incorrect... so I say that. But a lot is obscure about this war... as wikileaks proved Iraq and Afghanistan casualties are much higher.
@Last Hope; Thanks for sharing some good news. I will say keep the media busy with TuQ and shoot all these ba$$tards :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
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If true then way to go FC / Security forces - keep up the cleansing effort!! :guns:
Initially the FC was stationed to protect and serve....now their duties have been moved up a notch....hence to hunt and kick a$$ and we are seeing the results.

meanwhile the Judiciary in Pakistan is hearing a petition against FC operations and raids.
they really got their priorities right dont they?

to protect and free the terrorists
to protect and free the terrorists

Well to tell the truth , it isn't entirely Judiciary's fault because more than 90% of the time the witnesses back off or do not testify because of the threats to their family and the Court unfortunately has to free these scumbags ...
Baluchistan really need democratic govt. All Baluchi friends tell, Baluchistan is running by the most corrupt and criminal people.

I am sure the administration that runs Baluchistan is Baluch chosen by the people of Baluchistan , ai'nt that true ? Then like everyone else , they have got to blame themselves for the negligence and grave mismanagement that happens in that province ...
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