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Sister of ‘Salala’ Martyr Asks, as Pakistanis await another deceit of resum

^^ you can find people who are willing to sell their souls for money. However. both... the master mind and perpetrator shall be condemned..
But, don't get started with history....... Let's discuss realities of today.
Today, US is building a high rise embassy in Islamabad, Today, US has freedom to hold world gay conference in Islamabad.
Today, US diplomats enjoy unraveled diplomatic immunity. I also heard about black mailing some girls, earlier invited to booze party.These are few facts... of today.
my question was where is condemnation ... my question was i dont see the same intensity when condoling for a regular pakistani civilian than off a fauji, why fauji blood is so important than civialian .. i mean end of the day a fauji is paid to lay his life for his country !!?? only if we could have changed this and have valued a normal pakistani blood more than a fauji so much we would have been some where else. AND Batman like always you have turned a simple question into a twisted bakwas .. What the hell brov do u drugs or what ??
No, I will point out your hypocrisy when you ask for proof of any allegations against Pakistan.

Good... to hear this.
Please,,, next time yourself...refrain to discuss matters without proof.

BTW... its not me who is raising the allegation, i neither said, that i was witness of sort. I stated, i heard.
I'm surprised you were unmoved by the allegations....!

I must say... this time US shall seek lesson on morality from Iran.
BTW... its not me who is raising the allegation, i neither said, that i was witness of sort. I stated, i heard.
I'm surprised you were unmoved by the allegations....!..............

An allegation is merely that; was it taken any further?

This is similar to AM's contentions repeated ad infinitum that "drone attacks are illegal" when Pakistan itself does NOTHING to take matters further, which it would have had it any legs to stand on.

Or like the topic of the present thread, allegations that Salala was an intentional attack by USA without presenting a shred of evidence but only conjecture and conspiracy theories, and never any coherent thought as to what could be possibly gained from it.

But, don't get started with history....... Let's discuss realities of today.

Today, US is building a high rise embassy in Islamabad,......y.

My Dear Sir, If you don't study an unbiased history, you will never know where Pakistan and Pakistanis have been in the past.

And if as a nation we don't know where have we been in the past, we will absolutely fail to figure where we should we go.

USA can build embassy in Islamabad as long it gets permission from the proper authorities in Pakistan.

You or I as civilians may or may not like it. But there is no point in spin some constipated conspiracy theories just because USA is building an embassy.


p.s. Gay rights etc. is a tiny issue. Why are you trying to "blow it" up? Have you joined some evangelical church in the USA?

In Pakistan (and India) we always had drag queens dancing on weddings or other happy occasions. Some of them go further than dancing. What's your point.

Pakistan should be proactive in protecting rights of minorities, ethnic groups, and groups who are different than majority.

I may not believe in other people's thinking, their mudhabs, their sexual practices. But I have no right to stop anyone unless they start a terror campaign and start bombing and spreading anarchy.
VCheng and FaujHistorian - Both you guy's are clear, concise, logical and impressive !!!
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