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Sir Muradk in Hospital

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may Almighty give him health...

tell me one thing Does he have angioplasty or simple By Pass..?
Dear members just to let you know that Sir Muradk developed a heart problem. 3 of his arteries were blocked the doctors opened the arteries he is recovering but slowly. Please pray for him.

Dont worry, he will be just fine. Coronary bypass surgeries are very safe these days and he will recover soon.
God Speed and best wishes.
Hope the funniest baba on PDF recovers soon! His posts are a pleasure to read for their insight and humour.

Best wishes and hope to see him in action here again!
May Allah bless him and keep him in good health! Ameen.
May Allah(swt) cure his illness and give him a better health.
Any one who is in contact with him, say my Salam.

---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

May Allah(swt) cure his illness and give him a better health.
Any one who is in contact with him, say my Salam.
I Pray That God The Almighty will give him speedy recovery and best of health.
God bless him, we will like to see him back.
I am shocked to hear this. I only spoke to hiom a week or so ago. Please pass my Salams to him and my heartfelt prayer for his full and speedy recovery. He is a fine gentleman and a national assett. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.
I myself had been thinking lately that Sir Murad posts are missing, now know why.

May Allah give Murad Sir a speedy & successful recovery & give joys & smiles to him & his family, Ameen.
May ALLAH bless him and grant him good health, all my prayers are with him.
May Allah Grant him the best of the health and speedy recovery ...please convey my regards to him. He is like father figure to many of PDF Members.He always treat young boys here like his son's and guide them.
May ALLAH grant sir Murad a loooooooooooooong and healthy life full of happiness and joys. and may he recover very soon and get back in action. No doubt we are missing his posts right now but inshallah he will be back with us very soon and we will have the pleasure of his company on PDF again
InshAllah, our dear Sir Murad Khan will recover soon and will be as healthy as ever. Ameen.
Thank you very much, Jabbar, for letting us know. Please convey my Salam to him, and let him know that his PakDef family is awaiting his return.
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