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Sir Muradk in Hospital

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May Allah be with you all the way through your quick and joy-full recovery ;) Talk to you soon sir ;)

I know you're not feeling
well, and I just wanted to
say, "chin up!"
Brighter days will
return soon.
But in the meantime,
know that someone out
there cares about you
and is praying for your
speedy recovery.
I only wish I could,
send you some sunshine.
The bad news is that you're
not feeling well,
and the good news is that
you'll get better soon.
Never forget that good news
always comes with the bad.
Even watermelon seeds
that can break our teeth
clog our garbage disposal,
and, in general, annoy us,
are meant to bear lush fruit.
You've had the pain,
and now the melon is on the way.
Does this make
sense to you?

Just trying to cheer you up sir ;)
May Allah grant health to Sir Murad
Get well soon SIR.
So what is latest about Sir MuradK?? Anyone close to him.

May he get well very soon. Amin
May Allah Grant him the best of the health and speedy recovery ...please convay my regards to him and his family...
please give us the latest regarding him...
:smitten: :bounce::pdf:

Sir MuradK is hospitalized again? and why all this kept so quite so far?

Last time i read his post and he said he was fine and back again, what happened then?

Please let me know please.
May Allah bless him with the best of health, ameen.
I am ok guys just a follow up. :cheers: :cheers:

Great! , Sir just take as much time as you need to get 100% Fit , though we cant wait to see you back on forum but your health is far more Important than that BTW i was just thinking , do you play Golf?.
Take care..
Allah hafiz
I am ok guys just a follow up. :cheers: :cheers:

Sir, dont tell me that Heart trouble is still at your Six O'clock, come one do a "barrel role" or "split S" manouver. Dont get ur self in "Rolling Scissors" or maintain course at "cruising speeds" or do a steady run at mach2.0:D
أَسْأَلُ اللَّهَ الْعَظِيمَ رَبَّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ أَنْ يَشْفِيَكَ

"I ask Allah who is the Lofty and the Lord of the Mighty Throne that He cures you"

Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) said that by reciting this dua , the ill person will regain his health.

Sir, My Hearty wishes that u gain good health and this forum gets ur blessed words like before.
You are special,
because you're someone's friend.
You've touched someone's life
in a unique way
like no one else could.
You've been there when
someone needed you,
when someone felt
sad and all alone.
You've given comfort.
You've made someone smile.
You've been there to celebrate
the good times,
and to lend an ear when
someone needed you to listen.

You are special,
because you're my friend,
and I appreciate everything
you've done for me.

Waiting for your triumphant return sir ;)
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