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Sir M.M Alam in ICU

Here's a video of him from yesterday..

From Zaid Hamid's fb page:

Today, a BrassTacks team visited MM Alam sahib in hospital in Karachi. Do you remember Alam sahib? The Pakistani fighter pilot and legend who shot down 5 Indian aircraft in a single combat sortie, MashAllah.

I have almost 44 years old association with this great dervesh MashAllah. First met in Sargodha after the war in 1965 and snce then then we finally spent time in Afghan Jihad also in 1990 when we were in Northern regions of Ahmed Shah Masood.

Alam sahib is not well these days. Pl do dua for him. I sent him our book from Indus to Oxus, which has a detailed account of our travels together in war the zones of Afghanistan. Then I talked to him on phone also. Here he is talking to me with the book on his side. These are the true heroes of Pakistan whom the nation and the media has forgotten. He is frail, weak but his voice and memory is as firm and solid as a true fighter pilot, MashAllah.

Stay blessed Alam sahib. Even if our children have not seen you, this nation love you and remains in your debt. Love you sir. ZH
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We dont care if he was born on mars..He is our national hero regardless of that..for his bravery and skill and for what he did for Pakistan...

May Allah give him full recovery soon.

Then why was he grounded in 1971?
The most celebrated pilot of PAF in 1965, became a non-entity just 6 years later
MM Alam is The Hero of Whole Nation , and in 1965 He was the hero of both Parts of Pakistan ( east[Bengaldsh] and west)
May ALLAH Bless him Health , He was no doubt the True "Shaheen" of Iqbal
Then why was he grounded in 1971?
The most celebrated pilot of PAF in 1965, became a non-entity just 6 years later

Can we drop this ridiculous and pointless discussion decades later? Obviously PAF's decision is not considered justified today (and I believe he was on duty afterwards as well) but the Rashid Minhas incident prompted a knee jerk reaction against across the board. His patriotism today in not doubted as during the grounding he even offered his family as collateral to get a chance to fight for Pakistan.

But really quit inappropriate to bring up race discussions during his hospitalization. There should be one stream of thought only - prayers for his speedy recovery.

You were there in the hour of the need and you made us proud. !!

God bless and God speed in your recovery.

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