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Singapore to acquire 8 more F-35B fighter jets, growing fleet

The F-35B does introduce issues for Malaysia and its modernisation plans ? Maybe the answer for Malaysia is the KF-21 ? ( Which would explain the F-50 procurement ? ). There is an outside of TFX, or even the F-35B ( though i dont follow Malaysia closely enough to know about its overall relationship with the USA..).

Look like that, this is why their MRCA program is pushed into 2028. There is logic of why they need to wait until 2028 considering urrently there is no 5 gen fighters beside F35, F22, and J20 where for those planes Malaysia will surely be forbidden to have. Malaysia with its dispute with China in SCS also make them unlikely to acquire any Chinese 5 generation planes if for example China allow J31 to be exported.

Better wait for 2028 as KF21 development may have been completed in early 2026 as plan inshaAllah. The same thing may also be done by Philippine. They prefer to fulfil other pressing areas (LIFT, Navy, etc) and possibly push MRCA program into 2028. Philippine Air Force has already expressed their interest for KF21 and for now they are concentrating on transports like buying C 295 from Airbus and 6 NC 212 planes from Indonesian Aerospace.

I also prefer the same thing for Indonesia, just wait for KF21 program. What Indonesia is doing is to add another 6 TA-50i, acquiring military satelites, acquiring AWACS (2 planes), Transport planes (SuperHercules, A400 M, CN 235, N219, and NC212), Helocopter (H22M), radars, AA missiles, and UCAV. Indonesia is also doing stop gap measure by refurbishing and upgrading Sukhoi, F16 A/B and Hawk squadrons, and possibly F16 C/D as well soon (waiting Finance Minister approval)

So far Indonesia just bought 6 Rafale F4 planes (It has the same weapon with KF21) and possible only add another 18 planes = 24 planes (2 Squadrons-12 planes each).

Next administration in 2025-2029 I hope they add another TA50i for at least 4 planes, so we can have around 24 planes (2 Squadrons-12 planes each squadron).

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Forget Singapore, look at Vietnam. Vietnam was sent to the stone age and now it's exports are more than 12 times that of Pakistan. Read it again, 12 f**king times more than Pakistan's.
Singapore and Vietnam are culturally different. Some may say even different civilizations. A proper comparison for benchmarking would be Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

Malaysia *
Indonesia *
Pakistan *

Pakistan can become twice better by mimicking Indonesia and five times better by imitating Malaysia. Even Becoming Bangladesh is a notable improvement.
Forget Singapore, look at Vietnam. Vietnam was sent to the stone age and now it's exports are more than 12 times that of Pakistan. Read it again, 12 f**king times more than Pakistan's.

Yup, but Vietnam import is also large. The trade surplus is not really large. GDP is added from Export-Import. There is the same characteristic between Pakistan and Vietnam in term of international trade, both relies on US market for export and China goods for import


Yup, but Vietnam import is also large. The trade surplus is not really large. GDP is added from Export-Import. There is the same characteristic between Pakistan and Vietnam in term of international trade, both relies on US market for export and China goods for import

View attachment 917823

At least it's a surplus, in Pakistan our imports are twice as large as our exports. Despite this, our exports aren't growing.
At least it's a surplus, in Pakistan our imports are twice as large as our exports. Despite this, our exports aren't growing.

My recommendation that has been repeated many times, scrap those FTA with China. You guys need FTA with USA, not China. With current Pakistan economic condition, this is the right time to do it as it can be used as reasonable excuse to scrap previous deal without damaging the bilateral relation of both countries

If we see the data, it is very worrying, even Imran Khan cannot hold the deficit

My recommendation that has been repeated many times, scrap those FTA with China. You guys need FTA with USA, not China. With current Pakistan economic condition, this is the right time to do it as it can be used as reasonable excuse to scrap previous deal without damaging the bilateral relation of both countries

If we see the data, it is very worrying, even Imran Khan cannot hold the deficit

View attachment 917825
An FTA with the US or the EU would be a godsend. Scraping the FTA with China will piss off China.
It's also a huge slap in the face of the American media as they too called it an expensive failure.

based on the information available at the time the f-35 was a failure.
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