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Singapore orders Indian imam's expulsion for remarks against Christians, Jews

he is same guy who has done against Pakistan he is crazy bitch or pawn
Why against Jews and Christians in Singapore?

I thought the majority of Singapore practice things like Chinese folk religion, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.
The idiot is from India and he does not know that. If they had let him stay for longer he would have also picked on them.
We need to export a lot of these guys to China :P
Can he be sent to Syria directly?
Can he be sent to Syria directly?
He can be air dropped over Syria :-) just get help from US or Russia :pop:
I read the actual complaint, its pretty gray area. Apparently someone posted his comments on the internet unbeknownst to Imam that was a cause of grave concern to the Public prosecutor.

I do understand why the Indians are jumping in joy over this as usual !!!
I read the actual complaint, its pretty gray area. Apparently someone posted his comments on the internet unbeknownst to Imam that was a cause of grave concern to the Public prosecutor.

I do understand why the Indians are jumping in joy over this as usual !!!

Its "Gray" only in bangladesh and pakistan. In Singaporean sight, it was pretty black.

Excellent decision by the Singaporean govt, bravo. Religious intolerance has no place in a multi-religious society.

LOL..... you can't be serious :lol:

IF Yogi Adityanath was to take such a decision, you guys would have been up in arms :lol: ....... what a bunch of hypocrites.

Why against Jews and Christians in Singapore?

I thought the majority of Singapore practice things like Chinese folk religion, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.

He just said one of those standards islamic prayers that is said in mosques all over the world.

Stuff like this is said in pretty much all mosques in India :P
  • Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel pleaded guilty to a charge of promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion or race at the State Courts.
  • He was handed a fine of Singaporean dollars 4,000 ($2,860), the Channel News Asia reported.
An islamic religious teacher Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel (L), 47, arrives with his lawyer Noor Marican (R) at t... Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), in a separate statement, said Nalla has paid the fine and will be repatriated.

"Any religious leader from any religion who makes such statements will be held accountable for their actions," the MHA said.

"Under Singapore law, we cannot, regardless of his religion, allow anyone to preach or act divisively and justify that by reference to a religious text," it said.

The imam had on Friday apologised in front of Christian, Sikh, Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu representatives, as well as members of the Federation of Indian Muslims, saying that he was "filled with great remorse" for the inconvenience, tension and trauma caused by his remarks.

Jameel had also visited Rabbi Moderchai Abergel at the Maghain Aboth Synagogue Sunday morning to apologise, local media reported.

On behalf of the Jewish community in Singapore, Rabbi Mordechai accepted the imam's apology and emphasised the need to be constantly conscious of Singapore's delicate harmonious co-existence, given its diversity.

The imam had made controversial supplications at Friday prayers.

The incident came under police investigation after a video of the sermon was posted on Facebook. It sparked heated debate, prompting Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim to call for peace and unity in the Muslim community.

Jameel's lawyer Noor Marican was quoted as saying that the imam has accepted the punishment and is grateful that he was not sentenced to prison.

"Today he has learnt his lesson. Hopefully the inter-faith community and all Singaporeans can move forward," he told reporters outside the court.

The Association of Muslim Professionals(AMP), in a statement issued Saturday, urged Singaporeans to move forward from the incident, and not allow differences in opinion on the matter to cause divisions.

"Islam, like all other religions, enjoins peace and kindness towards others, and our religion is what should unite us as a community," said the statement.

The mullah should not be trying to cause enmity between religious groups as the article says.
Its "Gray" only in bangladesh and pakistan. In Singaporean sight, it was pretty black.

LOL..... you can't be serious :lol:

IF Yogi Adityanath was to take such a decision, you guys would have been up in arms :lol: ....... what a bunch of hypocrites.

He just said one of those standards islamic prayers that is said in mosques all over the world.

Stuff like this is said in pretty much all mosques in India :P

Read the complaint before running your mouth, and do not quote me again.
Read the complaint before running your mouth, and do not quote me again.

You mean THIS part ?

  1. Had been accused of promiting enmity between different religious groups
  2. No room for such remarks in multi-religious society: Singapore government

Based on what him saying THIS ?

"Gran"t us help against the Jews and Christians"

Are you trying to claim plausible deniability ? :lol: ....... you are fooling no one. Certainly not in Singapore. Maybe a whole bunch of idiots in India.
Meanwhile in Incredibe India, hindus murdered a muslim dairy farmer. I wonder how many of these Indians here are losing sleep over this. In India there are Indians and Muslims whose lives are worth less than a cow. How many Indians will collect money for the deceased family ?

Meanwhile in Incredibe India, hindus murdered a muslim dairy farmer. I wonder how many of these Indians here are losing sleep over this. In India there are Indians and Muslims whose lives are worth less than a cow. How many Indians will collect money for the deceased family ?


This stuff is very serious. It is murder, mob violence. This is reported all over. Someone needs to beat these vigilantes to pulp.

Now can we send the mulla to syria pls.
Meanwhile in Incredibe India, hindus murdered a muslim dairy farmer. I wonder how many of these Indians here are losing sleep over this. In India there are Indians and Muslims whose lives are worth less than a cow. How many Indians will collect money for the deceased family ?

Off topic, I have read about mob violence in Bangladesh. Last October 2016 many Hindu temples in Bangladesh were attacked, How many Bangladeshis lost their sleep over this.


On topic laws in Singapore are very strict. Since the Imam has apologized,the matter should be put to rest.
shame on singapore....:p:
Meanwhile in Incredibe India, hindus murdered a muslim dairy farmer. I wonder how many of these Indians here are losing sleep over this. In India there are Indians and Muslims whose lives are worth less than a cow. How many Indians will collect money for the deceased family ?


Are you saying that humans and muslim lives are MORE valuable than a cow ? :coffee:

Hindu's do not share your Values.

This stuff is very serious. It is murder, mob violence. This is reported all over. Someone needs to beat these vigilantes to pulp.

Now can we send the mulla to syria pls.

How many such mulla's are there in India ? DO you want to send ALL of them to Syria ?

In which case why were people like you objecting when certain BJP members talked about sending people to pakistan ? :lol:

Why these double standards ?
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