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Singapore Corner


Apr 19, 2016
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I am creating this thread for all the Singaporean members on pdf and non-Singaporeans who want to chit chat here and enjoy in a relaxed and informal environment but of course all the rules of pdf apply here...No trolling, harassing and abusive language. Enjoy
Enjoy how people sleep....and do you suffer with girls taking up the whole bed :)
Enjoy how people sleep....and do you suffer with girls taking up the whole bed :)

Gentleman I Would Really Enjoy Reading About Politics and Economy in Singapore Than This Video Surely Singaporeans Have Far More Pressing Issues Than Their Girlfriends Taking Up Bed Space ROFL:lol::lol:
Gentleman I Would Really Enjoy Reading About Politics and Economy in Singapore Than This Video Surely Singaporeans Have Far More Pressing Issues Than Their Girlfriends Taking Up Bed Space ROFL:lol::lol:
So you think this is not a big problem...maybe you have peaceful girls in Pakistan or very big beds...but we are not so fortunate.. :(
One of the most talked about problems in Singapore is about how people who are in their 40s, find it very difficult to find jobs in SG. The job-market is flooded with young talent straight out of colleges / universities. Current trend in hiring is YOUNG talent. Never mind if you do not have the experience.

Comments please - Risingsinga.

(No trolls please)
Thanks for making this thread. Singapore is my favourite city/city-state. Some years ago I tried a lot to get a job in Singapore but couldn't get any decent job. There is too much competition. My love for Singapore developed when I used to watch football on espnstar. They used to broadcast from Singapore. Shows like 'football crazy' had quintessential Singaporean coolness. I would like to live in Singapore but only as a working guy. It's not a place for retires or rich playboys. Its salaryman's paradise.
Thanks for making this thread. Singapore is my favourite city/city-state. Some years ago I tried a lot to get a job in Singapore but couldn't get any decent job. There is too much competition. My love for Singapore developed when I used to watch football on espnstar. They used to broadcast from Singapore. Shows like 'football crazy' had quintessential Singaporean coolness. I would like to live in Singapore but only as a working guy. It's not a place for retires or rich playboys. Its salaryman's paradise.
Hey depends on the field and your qualification. That's a fact that we a lot of young people graduating from best institutes. Also if you are not a permanent resident, it might be more difficult (I'm not sure about it). Because many Indians who own business invite people from India but the govt is making laws to change it since many of them are paid less than standard.
But you should try..and I hope you will get it. I myself in medical field and this never goes out demand in Singapore.

One of the most talked about problems in Singapore is about how people who are in their 40s, find it very difficult to find jobs in SG. The job-market is flooded with young talent straight out of colleges / universities. Current trend in hiring is YOUNG talent. Never mind if you do not have the experience.

Comments please - Risingsinga.

(No trolls please)
So what is your question? Are you in 40s? Still Singapore is much better than most of Asian countries and a plenty of jobs are available for everyone. If you are 40 years old with same qualification, then the companies like to hire the fresh people because they bring new knowledge and set of skills and also less salary and issues. However if you have a valuable experience which relevant to the job of course you will get it. My father is around 52 years of age and he doing great.
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Hey depends on the field and your qualification. That's a fact that we a lot of young people graduating from best institutes. Also if you are not a permanent resident, it might be more difficult (I'm not sure about it). Because many Indians who own business invite people from India but the govt is making laws to change it since many of them are paid less than standard.
But you should try..and I hope you will get it. I myself in medical field and this never goes out demand in Singapore.
I just landed a very good job here so I am not really looking for another. I'll try my luck in Singapore after gaining much experience.
This job also solved a great problem of mine. The cook in my home makes such terrible food but now I don't have to eat at home at all. I eat at office and dine out every night. Previously I couldn't afford to do so.
I just landed a very good job here so I am not really looking for another. I'll try my luck in Singapore after gaining much experience.
This job also solved a great problem of mine. The cook in my home makes such terrible food but now I don't have to eat at home at all. I eat at office and dine out every night. Previously I couldn't afford to do so.
Congratulations. Yes you can try here later....but why don't you cook yourself?
Congratulations. Yes you can try here later....but why don't you cook yourself?
I cant cook to save my life. Last year i resolved to make myself a pasta expert. Brought 3 pasta cookbooks. After inflicting humiliation to the sacredness of pasta for a month i finally gave up. Kitchen has a shower effect on me. Like how people start thinking all sorts of things when they are in shower. Thats what happens to me while cooking. My mind starts going all over the place.:lol:
I cant cook to save my life. Last year i resolved to make myself a pasta expert. Brought 3 pasta cookbooks. After inflicting humiliation to the sacredness of pasta for a month i finally gave up. Kitchen has a shower effect on me. Like how people start thinking all sorts of things when they are in shower. Thats what happens to me while cooking. My mind starts going all over the place.:lol:
oooh Perhaps you need a woman in your life... :). I can cook most of things but I only cook if I have too.
Do you guys believe on the trees at road side? I heard that fully grown trees were planted on the road sides to make them attractive.. I have also seen the trees, that doesn't seem to be naturally grown ones, and heard that singaporeans don't stand near trees during rain.. All these stories are true?
Do you guys believe on the trees at road side? I heard that fully grown trees were planted on the road sides to make them attractive.. I have also seen the trees, that doesn't seem to be naturally grown ones, and heard that singaporeans don't stand near trees during rain.. All these stories are true?
I believe that trees are good for the ecology and environment. Of course these are grown their to provide look and shade from the sun on a hot day. Some of them might be true but mostly are myths.

I am creating this thread for all the Singaporean members on pdf and non-Singaporeans who want to chit chat here and enjoy in a relaxed and informal environment but of course all the rules of pdf apply here...No trolling, harassing and abusive language. Enjoy

So, how do u guys view China? and US? What do u Singaporeans know about South Asia? How do you view us particularly Pakistan, India, Sri lanka etc?
So, how do u guys view China? and US? What do u Singaporeans know about South Asia? How do you view us particularly Pakistan, India, Sri lanka etc?
Singapore tries to stay as much neutral as possible and maintain cordial relations with all the countries of the region and the world.
Singapore is a multicultural society with sizeable populations of Chinese, Malays, Indians (especially Tamils) and even some Pakistanis and other foreigners including some Caucasian people. Thus we have constant interaction with people from South Asia and it is region of great interest for us. We maintain good relations with all of the countries of South Asia however due to a large number of Indians, we have more interaction and trade with India.
Singapore has very good relations with USA but at the same time we have good relations with China too and we do not want to take sides. Spore has the least conflict with China on the issue of SCS compared with the rest of the region. ( esp. Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and India).
However in my personal view, Indians are good at false propaganda against Pakistan and I always heard bad stuff from them about Pakistan constantly for two years until I met two Pakistanis and befriended with them. They removed a lot of misconceptions and doubts I had about Pakistan. I learned about their/your country from them and then I found pdf and I joined and the rest is history as I know more about Pakistan than before and also about India.
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