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Silence over Osama killing dented Pakistan’s image: Mushahid

You have some conspiracy theories to put forward I assume? Those are best suited for bharat rakshak or redneck American forums.

Everyone knows , how every problem in Paksitan is being solved . Just pull out a new conspiracy theory so don't preach us on that.

US and Pakistan are two most conspiracy loving nations i know.
Everyone knows , how every problem in Paksitan is being solved . Just pull out a new conspiracy theory so don't preach us on that.

US and Pakistan are two most conspiracy loving nations i know.

That made no sense in the context. What are you even trying to say?
How very convenient. The costliest manhunt in your neighborhood has happened searching for this one man when the entire region is alert, and you don't even know he's hidden inside your territory?

Puhleeese, you can use this excuse against Indian Congress. Not the US.


Please cut the crap---Donald Rumsfeld even made the statement about the mansions on potomac and people living in them and nobody would know if someone wanted to hide---.

Osama took the lesson from CIA's handbook to its operatives around the world---and also RAW's " training and application manual " for operators who are living as illegals in foreign countries---actually it is the basic 101 course in living under the radar---be a rock amongst the rocks----only problem that Osama had was his height----if it was not for that and if he had average height---he could have been living right across the fbi's headquarters and no one would have know.

Secondly---as venomous as Obama is against pakistan--if there was even a hint of pakistans involvement---those involved---their names would be in the news---and possibly assasinated by now---.

But interesting thing----how about Petraeus---time is a great equalizer.
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