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Sign the petition against Geo News for defaming the national intelligence agency


Sep 14, 2010
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United States
Hello PDFers,

Lets join hands and do something against Geo Television which does nothing but damage our national interests by spreading misinformation among masses.

There is a petition started by the largest "Pakistan" page on social media just few hours ago. It calls for Pakistan Government to ban Geo for defaming the national Intelligence Agency, ISI. Geo has violated Pemra Laws by spreading misinformation without first confirming it, and hence it can be banned under legal directions.

Lets sign this petition...and spread the word.



Hey man, please share this petition on defence.pk facebook page at 'prime time'...so that more people could see it.

@Aeronaut @Zarvan @Jungibaaz @Slav Defence @DESERT FIGHTER @KingMamba, @RazPaK @Armstrong @cb4 @qamar1990 @BATMAN @Panther 57 @Secur @WebMaster @Zakii @Last Hope @Luftwaffe @Pakistanisage @RescueRanger @nuclearpak @Leader @Jazzbot @Infoman @Hyperion @Windjammer @Developereo
Hello PDFers,

Lets join hands and do something against Geo Television which does nothing but damage our national interests by spreading misinformation among masses.

There is a petition started by the largest "Pakistan" page on social media just few hours ago. It calls for Pakistan Government to ban Geo for defaming the national Intelligence Agency, ISI. Geo has violated Pemra Laws by spreading misinformation without first confirming it, and hence it can be banned under legal directions.

Lets sign this petition...and spread the word.



Hey man, please share this petition on defence.pk facebook page at 'prime time'...so that more people could see it.

@Aeronaut @Zarvan @Jungibaaz @Slav Defence @DESERT FIGHTER @KingMamba, @RazPaK @Armstrong @cb4 @qamar1990 @BATMAN @Panther 57 @Secur @WebMaster @Zakii @Last Hope @Luftwaffe @Pakistanisage @RescueRanger @nuclearpak @Leader @Jazzbot @Infoman @Hyperion @Windjammer @Developereo
How ti sign this petition ?
plz investigate, where all of your personal data be going after signing that?
plz investigate, where all of your personal data be going after signing that?

You don't really give any 'personal' data while signing this petition...

You think if any agency wanted to get you, they will need this site to collect your data? lol...

Beta, we have 'national databases' for a purpose. ID cards, thumb prints, IP locations, Cell-phone registration and its current location, Driving licenses etc etc..All of these record can be used to track your location easily..and all of it is already out there registered with the governmental agencies

If someone from a secret service really wants to get to you..They will.

So don't worry...

Also, everyone, spread this petition on your facebook, social media etc.
petitioning works in the real democracies, here who give a fcuk about petitions.
Done let bann this traitor channel once for all
Sir Auz i have a question if i may you said and i quote
Geo Television which does nothing but damage our national interests by spreading misinformation among masses.

1000s upon 1000s of mullahs have been doing that for decades and have created extremist that have killed 1000s of our people and soldiers . Complete failure or compliance of intelligence agencies

Yet I do not see protest or petition banning mullahs spreading hatred what's actually destroying Pakistan, but somehow TV station gets the attention?
No I will not sign this petition . I support Geo tv & Hamid Mir, & I respect & agree with their views 100% ,especially when it comes to highlighting & educating the public on the negative role that the establishment has played with the country, i am a democrat & I support democratic forces, I value human rights & all those who stand by it & I absolutely hate the role of the military establishments in politics , its my point of view & my believe as a member of the civil society that everybody should be allowed to speak their minds & that signing this petition would be curbing freedom of speech, which is the fundamental rights of a person/organization & I choose to stand by it
so sorry, I cannot blindly support the establishment with such black records like the execution of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, murder of Saleem Shehzad, mehran gate, the false memo gate scandal, kargil misadventure, assassination of Bugti sahib, assault of Umar Cheema, missing persons case, political persecutions of democratic forces & above all 4 marltial law's ! which were a blatant breach of the constitution of the country .
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