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Siddaramaiah's first move: Lifts ban on cow slaughter

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You can not get it anywhere in a Muslim majority country because they don't eat it and if you ask for it or slaughter it like they do openly for other animals you will be killed in the name of blasphemy for going against Quran/Islam and then they want cows to be allowed to be slaughtered in the Hindu majority country knowing very well that majority of them, even if they are non vegetarians, are against killing cows or eating Beef in India.

They get hurt at a drop of hat for jokes/cartoons and what not but then got guts to question if anyone else get hurt by their stupid actions for their own religious/spiritual/cultural reasons. Bunch high class hypocrites the followers of Islam are..

are we competing with muslims to get hurt. We are secular country. Compare with UK/USA/Turkey not islamic countries.
You can not get it anywhere in a Muslim majority country because they don't eat it and if you ask for it or slaughter it like they do openly for other animals you will be killed in the name of blasphemy for going against Quran/Islam and then they want cows to be allowed to be slaughtered in the Hindu majority country knowing very well that majority of them, even if they are non vegetarians, are against killing cows or eating Beef in India.

They get hurt at a drop of hat for jokes/cartoons and what not but then got guts to question if anyone else get hurt by their stupid actions for their own religious/spiritual/cultural reasons. Bunch high class hypocrites the followers of Islam are..

This is not about other muslim countries but about Indians in India. I do agree that public slaughter of anything must be banned. it is very unpleasant. but using this issue as a weapon is just pathetic.
are we competing with muslims to get hurt. We are secular country. Compare with UK/USA/Turkey not islamic countries.

Exactly, we pride ourselves on being a secular democracy. The last thing we should try is to be a Hindu equivalent of intolerant Islamic countries.
I know, but my question was why some religions (like Judaism, Islam etc) prohibit pork? Is there some reason given?
These religions just banned them, but did not hurt the freedom of others who can eat them. No country on earth banned slaughtering of pork even if a small minority eat it. on the contrary I found the indians law regarding cow slaughtering pretty narrow minded and childish.
These religions just banned them, but did not hurt the freedom of others who can eat them. No country on earth banned slaughtering of pork even if a small minority eat it. on the contrary I found the indians law regarding cow slaughtering pretty narrow minded and childish.

What do you know about it? If I had a million dollars, I would bet that you don't have slightest idea about the law. Anyways, you sure pork is not illegal/controlled in SA/Pakistan/BD?
Actually he is right, the ban on cow slaughtering is immature, childish and narrow minded.

How can India be secular if it follows Hindu oriented laws?

America is a land of religious nut jobs, doesn't stop their from being secular.
are we competing with muslims to get hurt. We are secular country. Compare with UK/USA/Turkey not islamic countries.

Secular is a state subject and religion personal. Learn the difference. India being secular does not mean people are suppose to abuse Hindu rituals/beliefs as it goes against Muslim beliefs. If we take the precedence, the day will not be far people will abuse Hindu gods like they do in India's neighboring countries and then hide behind the fact that India is a secular country.

BTW, I don't have issue with anyone doing anything but was trying to point hypocrisy of some using beef ban rulings to attack others.

The other issue with this whole episode is the clear display cheap appeasement politics. Don't tell me it was done out of genuine concerns/reasons only blinds can seee genuineness in the whole act. Look at it anyways but such a things can only incite hatred amongst communities nothing more.
This is not about other muslim countries but about Indians in India. I do agree that public slaughter of anything must be banned. it is very unpleasant. but using this issue as a weapon is just pathetic.

Yes, the only rightful Indians in India are the beef eater Indians and the majority of Indians who are actually against cow slaughters are really foolish and their feelings should be none of the concern for any one. right? Probably, they are illiterate, backward, or something else as per you but they have the rights to protect what they feel is right. I hate political parties using such a things for petty gains.

Let me clear one thing, Pointing out someone's hypocrisy does not mean I tried to use issue as a weapon to attack some one.
No need to Divide the country ... we have already given more then what we should have ... now its the time for the Saffron Revolution ... No more grounds to surrender ... now stand & fight till the last breath ... Hindu Rashtra or nothing ... the work is already in full swing ...

Hindu Nationalism is first time coming in Land of South India... the secular are shouting more & being more Anti-Hindu because they know they are beginning to feel the heat of our Unity which is increasing day by day ...

today more Youngsters are joining Hindu Nationalists organization then ever ... Youth is for Hindu Rashtra ... we will achieve it ...
:cuckoo:Taliban like fanatics, the old 'do want we want or get killed' mentality.
Secular is a state subject and religion personal. Learn the difference. India being secular does not mean people are suppose to abuse Hindu rituals/beliefs as it goes against Muslim beliefs. If we take the precedence, the day will not be far people will abuse Hindu gods like they do in India's neighboring countries and then hide behind the fact that India is a secular country.

BTW, I don't have issue with anyone doing anything but was trying to point hypocrisy of some using beef ban rulings to attack others.

The other issue with this whole episode is the clear display cheap appeasement politics. Don't tell me it was done out of genuine concerns/reasons only blinds can seee genuineness in the whole act. Look at it anyways but such a things can only incite hatred amongst communities nothing more.

Err I am not sure whether you got the theme of the thread. Its about state banning cow slaughter (and legislation that will reverse it). So it has everything to do with secularism.
Nobody is forcing people to kill cows or eat beef.

Other countries have imposed their religion's beliefs on others through legislation, which is why they are not secular.
Err I am not sure whether you got the theme of the thread. Its about state banning cow slaughter (and legislation that will reverse it). So it has everything to do with secularism.
Nobody is forcing people to kill cows or eat beef.

Other countries have imposed their religion's beliefs on others through legislation, which is why they are not secular.

Ok, so by reversing a legislation you are suggesting we retained secularism or is it that we brought more religion in ? Think hard this time and answer??? It is rather a mockery of secularism (separation of state and religion), if you ask me and this is not out of any genuineness but keeping an eye of coming elections and vote bank politics. So how exactly is this act different from what BJP did?

BTW, most European states ban one thing or other based on religion and then there are states who scans you at airports based on religion. Did you see those actions as threat to those secular states?
So this thread is alive. Last checked, it had degenerated into an abusive contest last night and I thought the Mods would have closed it by now.
What do you know about it? If I had a million dollars, I would bet that you don't have slightest idea about the law. Anyways, you sure pork is not illegal/controlled in SA/Pakistan/BD?

I am more than sure, if you want to eat pork you can slaughter it unless you eat it alive, atleast that's the case in BD. And about your law enlighten us. If the Muslim slaughter the cow inside a slaughter house with following hygienic rules what's the problem? When you export cows to other countries for meat are u sure that they don't slaughter it? India also export beef to other countries. So the law against cow slaughtering for Muslims is religious hatred and discrimination. Please prove me wrong.
I am more than sure, if you want to eat pork you can slaughter it unless you eat it alive, atleast that's the case in BD. And about your law enlighten us. If the Muslim slaughter the cow inside a slaughter house with following hygienic rules what's the problem? When you export cows to other countries for meat are u sure that they don't slaughter it? India also export beef to other countries. So the law against cow slaughtering for Muslims is religious hatred and discrimination. Please prove me wrong.

It is on everyone,not just muslims.
Nair saab - you can preach, spread the gospel of Supreme God. But you have no right to insult others, who are you? How much spiritually awakened you are? If you are like billions of other beings who are trapped in Maya, then shut up and meditate on Supreme God's name. Respect everyone, be humble, don't incite people.
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