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Sick Joke *(Zulfiqar Mirza)

Siyasi agenda of ZM is another story, what is important for us is that target killing had decreased to a great extent after his speech.
Thats the only thing common people like me cares.
Spot on - yesterday evening there were twice as many cars and traffic built up real bad on main Shaheen. Some meeting at his place.

There has been absolutely no reduction in his protocol.

But you have to hand it to the guy.......for his press conference had the nation by their senses......for 2 hours as if it was some hit Hollywood movie............such non-sense...........and now all TV anchors scrambling for his views.....Jeez...

People like ZM sell to both the sides.........and he could care less if more people died in Karachi.......i mean just take a peek at his place in DHA....so much luxury...so much wastage......but the guy is a total loser...
The protocol in front of his house and security has made me avoid the route altogether ... its too much of a hassle
The protocol in front of his house and security has made me avoid the route altogether ... its too much of a hassle

....yea....and you never know when they start killing each other...and you get caught in the cross-fire....
sir first of all he is speaking truth wheather it is abt rehman malik or Altaf hussain the karachi people know that you cant utter a word against altaf if he has shown some guts then we will blame him that he is a drama but thats not the right story he is on right path and i very much pozitive he has taken this step if he had left his ministry and friend ship with zardari and he had put all thing on stake weather its life and property then there is something no one dare to leave ministry non of PPP and mqm gave any sort of statement now they have a fear now genral public is more with him y mqm didnt gave any statement against him and the letter which Altaf hussain wrote to tony blair is also verified and to speak lie you have to think but while he is speaking he is totally blunt and thats where truth comes we should gave some credit to him he confess that he drinks everyone knows that every poltician media personals journalist they all drink but when they come tv shows they potray that they are sharifzadad sorry in the last if he is doing for the cause of PAKISTAN THEN ME MY FAMILY IS WITH HIM AND SOMEONE HAS TO RAISE VOICE AGAINST TERRORIST
sir first of all he is speaking truth wheather it is abt rehman malik or Altaf hussain the karachi people know that you cant utter a word against altaf if he has shown some guts then we will blame him that he is a drama but thats not the right story he is on right path and i very much pozitive he has taken this step if he had left his ministry and friend ship with zardari and he had put all thing on stake weather its life and property then there is something no one dare to leave ministry non of PPP and mqm gave any sort of statement now they have a fear now genral public is more with him y mqm didnt gave any statement against him and the letter which Altaf hussain wrote to tony blair is also verified and to speak lie you have to think but while he is speaking he is totally blunt and thats where truth comes we should gave some credit to him he confess that he drinks everyone knows that every poltician media personals journalist they all drink but when they come tv shows they potray that they are sharifzadad sorry in the last if he is doing for the cause of PAKISTAN THEN ME MY FAMILY IS WITH HIM AND SOMEONE HAS TO RAISE VOICE AGAINST TERRORIST

welcome to politics of Pakistan :pakistan:
You people can say what you want - point is no anchor can dare to interview altaf in such a way. The very fact that ZM allowed such questions shows that he is telling the truth..

ofcourse I don't expect MQM apologists to come out of denial ..
sir first of all he is speaking truth wheather it is abt rehman malik or Altaf hussain the karachi people know that you cant utter a word against altaf if he has shown some guts then we will blame him that he is a drama but thats not the right story he is on right path and i very much pozitive he has taken this step if he had left his ministry and friend ship with zardari and he had put all thing on stake weather its life and property then there is something no one dare to leave ministry non of PPP and mqm gave any sort of statement now they have a fear now genral public is more with him y mqm didnt gave any statement against him and the letter which Altaf hussain wrote to tony blair is also verified and to speak lie you have to think but while he is speaking he is totally blunt and thats where truth comes we should gave some credit to him he confess that he drinks everyone knows that every poltician media personals journalist they all drink but when they come tv shows they potray that they are sharifzadad sorry in the last if he is doing for the cause of PAKISTAN THEN ME MY FAMILY IS WITH HIM AND SOMEONE HAS TO RAISE VOICE AGAINST TERRORIST

True - no other anchor will ever be allowed by Altaf to interview him in this manner.. recently disclosure by a retd army major says that he has proof that Altaf got a person (by name of Tariq) murdered in his presence because he dared to question him ..

Perhaps people on this forum are so ignorant that they don't realise the fact that ZM is speaking under oath - this is serious. No other politician can dare to speak the truth. He has resigned from the ministry and gave up his portfolio in PPP too..

What is even more surprising is that MQM supporters are so blind that they support Altaf who is a BRITISH National ... sad...

Ofcourse with this post I expect MQM'ers to start their abuse + wadera/jageedar baazi .. this is what they resort to when they can't counter argue ..

its a much see program for anyone who thinks this Mirza is doing all this on call of his conscience...

watch all program, this guy is a sick joke...
Mr with Quran in hand its not easy for any Muslim to lie or take it as a joke sir and you can see the result the press conference which was done the day before yesterday by Mustafa Kamal the man who is most fluent in speaking couldn't even speak properly man that is the impact which now MQM is facing Sir
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^^ very well said, he is a clear racist, and a fool himself, racist because he always refers which ethnic his parents, grand grand parents belonged and always refer as you are sindhi, you are urdu speaker, a complete idiot, god forbiden if the he heads the government some time in future
i noticed at one point he said to khanzada """ we were so stupid to let these mohajirs in , after partition when trains arrived at lahore the "" locals told them pakistan agay hai "" ?
sir first of all he is speaking truth wheather it is abt rehman malik or Altaf hussain the karachi people know that you cant utter a word against altaf if he has shown some guts then we will blame him that he is a drama but thats not the right story he is on right path and i very much pozitive he has taken this step if he had left his ministry and friend ship with zardari and he had put all thing on stake weather its life and property then there is something no one dare to leave ministry non of PPP and mqm gave any sort of statement now they have a fear now genral public is more with him y mqm didnt gave any statement against him and the letter which Altaf hussain wrote to tony blair is also verified and to speak lie you have to think but while he is speaking he is totally blunt and thats where truth comes we should gave some credit to him he confess that he drinks everyone knows that every poltician media personals journalist they all drink but when they come tv shows they potray that they are sharifzadad sorry in the last if he is doing for the cause of PAKISTAN THEN ME MY FAMILY IS WITH HIM AND SOMEONE HAS TO RAISE VOICE AGAINST TERRORIST

bhai sahab taali do haath se bajti hai aik haath se nahi

while you accept which i appreciate takes a deep courgae while being against MQM because MQM actually represents the urdu speakers

some facts are that, even before MQM, urdu speakers were experiencing the biasness and prejudice, for example those beharis who died fighting for pakistan and their last words were pakistan were left to their misery in bangladesh, and the promise that pakistan navy will save all these patriotic people went in vain, these people got murdered because they didnt give up their sympathy and many urdu speakers tried convincing bhutto but he never listened

now second, the qouta system was introduced which rejected merit and fixed seats for people like sindhis, punjabis etc, if you go to mehran university even my punjabi friend says that he doesnt need to get enough mark on apptitute test because he has punjab domicile and can get there easily, those urdu speakers who had higher merits are neglected

third, as the guys have already spoken about the rishwat system in police, they simply dont accept the urdu speakers, the illeterate punjabi who just comes to karachi to find job can have a fixed place in police, the govt nstitutions all same have the sme problem, ignore merit for rishwat

my own uncle from america who was phd in nuclear engineering wanted to serve pakistan, he applied some government job and first thing he was asked was that whether he was punjabi or not

MQM didnt come into being uselessly, even their own parties like PPP which was sole representative of karachi till MQM formation considered urdu speakers as untouchables, they have insulted their own PPP urdu speaking members and removed them, maybe these members than supported formation of MQM..

even many members here have exposed their racism by calling urdu speakers as muhajirs and 'indians' now abt indians WTBF??????????????
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