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Shuvo Noborsho

^ yes it is a trademark now and does add some Mashala to our bengali new year celebration which attracts tourists... Our hindu brothers and seculars, atheist should continue this....... I was just trying to say pious muslims should stay out of this! Most of them are not aware the shirk fact! Even ' Kajol' on baby head is shirk! how many of us know that??

All these haraam n shrik stuff mostly brought n propagated by the wahaabis... not necessarily it is an well established view. Those wahabbis has done nothing apart from giving Islam a bad name. I think you know it well even wife of prophet muhammad (PBUH) Ayesha (R) used to play with dolls and it was permitted. The main issue is as long as there is no chance of worshiping man made objects there is no problem of using it or playing with it for fun. Leading a procession with statues of different national symbol will never compromise Islam or create shirk. Therse are just some nut jobs who invents and propagated such stuff. Will they now lead life absolutely same way the way prophet muhammad used to lead?? Will they travel Makkah to Madina by foot for 2 month or sleep in the type of bed where prophet muhammad used to sleep or live only by eating dates and milk? Life has changed a lot since ... people should also change accordingly and Islam fully support it as Islam is for all people of all time. Islam support the view of adaptation but it is the wahabbis which does not support anything.
Who are Wahabis? I actually don't understand wahabi, salafi, Sufi ! Its only islam one religion. One religion one law! I said, kopal e Kajol er fota deya Sirk! Do you know why? If you Believe that will protect the baby from evil, thats Sirk! I don't need any Wahabi to tell me this!

Lesser Shirk Lesser shirk or Shirke-e-Asghar means hidden polytheism. A person commits hidden polytheism when he says tawhid, there is no god except Allah, but his thoughts and action does not reflect his belief.[1] Lesser shirk fundamentally stems from an underestimation of God. This intellectual defect leads to pride, arrogance, and self-delusion.
Who are Wahabis? I actually don't understand wahabi, salafi, Sufi ! Its only islam one religion. One religion one law! I said, kopal e Kajol er fota deya Sirk! Do you know why? If you Believe that will protect the baby from evil, thats Sirk! I don't need any Wahabi to tell me this!

Lesser Shirk Lesser shirk or Shirke-e-Asghar means hidden polytheism. A person commits hidden polytheism when he says tawhid, there is no god except Allah, but his thoughts and action does not reflect his belief.[1] Lesser shirk fundamentally stems from an underestimation of God. This intellectual defect leads to pride, arrogance, and self-delusion.

This is culture and tradition...if you just want to bring the example of kajol many such example can be given... such as using moon symbol above the mosque, kissing stone of kabah sharif thinking it will forgive all of your sin etc. Now you will also bring the way marriage ceremony happen it is also shrik? Wearing Shari is a shrik n so on.

we don't pray or expect anything from them! We kiss that stone because our prophet kissed it.... We ran between two hill because Bibi Hajara did this! And wearing Shari isn't Shirk! You are trying to justify Mongol Shova Jatra without logic like indians.
we don't pray or expect anything from them! We kiss that stone because our prophet kissed it.... We ran between two hill because Bibi Hajara did this! And wearing Shari isn't Shirk! You are trying to justify Mongol Shova Jatra without logic like indians.

Here in mongol shova jatra people are also not worshiping anything. N for the stone many people kiss it thinking it will forgive all of its sin, no early muslim used any symbol... it is the turks who used to worship moon used that symbol when they were pagan but they kept the tradition even after converting to Islam n it is now widely used... so for your definition why it wont be shrik??
Mongol Shova Jatra means Shova Jatra hoping Mongol. No thats wrong! Nothing can provide you 'Mongol' except Praying to Allah! Now your question is we don't believe it, just participate in it! It is like someone saying we don't believe in idol worshipping, just do it! Man, what i am saying isn't my words! I have followed many islamic scholars! You don't need to fight against me, just join the rally and enjoy!
It is not Shirk as we don't pray to moon, or expect anything from it. We don't believe that using moon as symbol do us any good. Let me give you some examples of Shirk, my mom thinks drinking water from a broken glass brings you bad luck. This is a Shirk! Or using a TabiJ for safety is Shirk, or going to Ajmir Sharif believing prayers are granted there, or believing Pir, fakir .....
Shuvo Noboborsho,
Noboborsher shuvechcha shobai ke!

The sun was way to high this time,
only dislike was the political shade in the rally,
and Feedback without Maksud.

Regardless Enjoy!
Shubho Noboborsho!

Interestingly Bangla calendar day starts from sunrise.

He is probably talking about Indian bangla new year. There is a difference, ours has been fixed on 14th of April for some years but theirs is not.

It was tamil new year dude :)

Shubho Noboborsho shob bangla bhai bondhuder... (sheemar duno diker bhai bonder jonne)

btw, genius it is bangla new year.. has been going on before BD was formed.. how can bangla new year be different on both sides of border ? :lol:

Accha bochorer prothom din aar kichu bolbo na.. shudhu etai aasha kori je sobai jano bhalo bhabhe thake bondhuder moton..


It was tamil new year dude :)

Shubho Noboborsho shob bangla bhai bondhuder... (sheemar duno diker bhai bonder jonne)

btw, genius it is bangla new year.. has been going on before BD was formed.. how can bangla new year be different on both sides of border ? :lol:

Accha bochorer prothom din aar kichu bolbo na.. shudhu etai aasha kori je sobai jano bhalo bhabhe thake bondhuder moton..


Well I didn't know it was Tamil new year. Shuvo Noborsho to you all dude there...I knew it was Nepali New Year, I dated a few Nepali chicks during my school year ,,,,lol.
Border er epar r oparer ato difference takar kotha na Bangla New Year celebratrion. Bangali Jati hisbe.

. To some of you folk. -- Amra Bangali Jaati. Islam is our religion. Don't mix it up. Islam's teachings gives us directions to lead the life in a proper and peaceful way. Where does it tells you to abhor your culture, your history??? Show me.....
Please don't try to preach those BS fatwa .
Since this tradition was put in place by Akbar, the Mughal (persian pronunciation of the word Mongol), why not call this a Mughal Shova Jatra, hope that would solve the problem, no?

Local vernacular culture was supported by Muslim (Turkic, Afghan, Mughal etc.) rulers and contributed to the development of Bengali language since around 1200, while the Brahminic Manuwadi rulers before, like the Sena's always wanted to establish Sangskrit, while trying to undermine people's spoken language. Buddhist rulers, who did not believe in Varna/Caste garbage, were of course different.

The latest Bangla culture is a product of the Kolkata based Bengal Renaissance under British rule, which included Islamophobes like Bangkim Chatterji, I actually read each and every one of his works before intermediate exam, and I know how he used words like Jaban, Melechcha for us Muslims quite liberally.

What the Indian RAW and strategic planners have done is unleash this Bengali nationalism on us East Bengali's, while you will find that Bengali's in West Bengal are learning Hindi (a Sangskritized variant of Urdu) to integrate themselves with rest of India, typical two faced people.

The whole scheme from the beginning has been one of divide and rule, create Fitna (division), divide South Asian Muslims in three entities and then make them as disconnected as possible. And with Partition in 1947, we, Muslim leaders in Muslim League, helped them in their job, while RAWamy League helped them to create Fitna (division) in 1971.

Having said all that, no people should forget their roots. We are the son of the soil in this land, from well before the Brahminic Aryans, who brought Sangskrit, or the Arabian or Central Asian Muslims who brought Islam by sea or land on horseback. Now all are part of us, all are part of our culture. We should take pride in each of our roots, while Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and others should be free to practice their religion and culture. That is also the spirit of Mughal's as well as Mongol's who were never fanatic about religion, where ever they ruled and put down their roots.
To those who are opposing the tradition of Poila Baisakh- what about Nauroz - celebrated with pomp by Iranians every year?
Every old culture has a continuous tradition of welcoming new year.
Mongol Shova Jatra means Shova Jatra hoping Mongol. No thats wrong! Nothing can provide you 'Mongol' except Praying to Allah! Now your question is we don't believe it, just participate in it! It is like someone saying we don't believe in idol worshipping, just do it! Man, what i am saying isn't my words! I have followed many islamic scholars! You don't need to fight against me, just join the rally and enjoy!

add fortune tellers to the list. Listen all these festivals are just for show, for entertainment valie. They release oxytocin and dopamine from your brain, same chemical when you fall in love with your wife or kiss your wife. Pure entertainment nothing else, any bloke who sees it as worshiping idols needs their head checked same logic when you go sight seeing of mountains, if you enjoy the scenic beauties of mountains and rivers it is not worshiping, it is your brain releasing chemicals those chemicals for pleasure. Its biology 101.

"Mongol shova jatra" i assume it means the ourney of the good, its a rally, purely commercial entertainment rally, there is nothing to read into it, unless you try to over analyze into it. The big statues are purely statues, no one is worshiping them, if someone does its their will. One can say that when you go watch a cricket match and you look at the cricketers it is worshiping a mortal.
Ok we need shova jatras like this more often this is a great source of entertainment.

We have to organize these shova jatras more widely.Thus people of other countries will come to visit on these occasions.Which is our goal to maximize our tourism.
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