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Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

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And Last few days activity on this forum is extreme Fun. I am not able to debate most of the time due to time constraints right now. But many Pakistanis, Lankan (some) and Chinese are trying to give a image like Tamils in India are demanding for a Independent nation and many support the Idea since they think it would weaken India.
Remember Folks. We are Tamilians. But we are Indians First. India is a democracy. It will take time to make our voices heard. But it will take time. But I believe in India, and will ready to give my life for my beautifull nation.
Change ur opinion guys.

you don't even have to say these things. The guys on the other side are a bunch of retards. the Sri Lankan posters actually think they can 'divide' us, that 'India' is different from TN. Talking on a forum is allright but if they actually try anything....all that they've seen till date as an adversary is LTTE- they might learn they hard way that there are few things on this planet worse than enraged Indians.

Not only Indians, many more countries helping us. Indians are doing railway projects at the moment. Roads and other major infrastructure projects by China. Pakistan did some drinking water projects in northern province. Thanks to all of them.
But Tamilnadu fishermen are catching our northern Tamil fishermen's catch entering to SL waters. Few weeks ago both had a fight in mid sea. you don't hear these kind of news in TN media right? lol

Yeah, well the taxes paid by the tamilians in TN pay for those railways we're building in your country. Fat chance the Tamilians will ever get the gratitude they deserve from you.
you don't even have to say these things. The guys on the other side are a bunch of retards. the Sri Lankan posters actually think they can 'divide' us, that 'India' is different from TN. Talking on a forum is allright but if they actually try anything....all that they've seen till date as an adversary is LTTE- they might learn they hard way that there are few things on this planet worse than enraged Indians.

Yeah, well the taxes paid by the tamilians in TN pay for those railways we're building in your country. Fat chance the Tamilians will ever get the gratitude they deserve from you.

An independent Tamil Nadu is more dangerous to them, than an Indian nation...
An independent Tamil Nadu is more dangerous to them, than an Indian nation...

this....the idiots dont seem to understand......

we are protesting because we are now in a bind to respect indian sovereign duties......if not for india.......had we been an independent country.......you think 75 milllion tamilians here would be "just" protesting when a population of 14 million is killing our brethern.......

Census 2012
Sri Lankan Tamils around 11%
Indian Tamils around 4%

that was lame logic ......considering that population usually rise over time.......

It's not "Sinhala Only Act" it was "National Language Act"!

actually it was the Official Language act....

secondly its main purpose was making sinhala the official language of ceylon, but did not bestow the status Tamil........
Family Planning achieved success in TN a long time ago. They're not too far behind kerala. While states like UP, MP, Bihar etc. kept bloating..

actually tfr of tamil nadu is less than that of kerala.......we have the lowest tfr in india of 1.7....we should actually increase it to the sustainable % of 2%

And eelam basically refers to North lanka. Any Idiot would know that, except the author of this idiotic article.

trying to tell this for long time.....but obviously....the iq level is below mean sea level for most of these guys.....that they cant seem to wrap their heads around it.....
Why ? you want more unmarked graves down south also ?

The biggest mistake dumbass prabakaran did was take on snake india - he should have not said his wishes to establish "aganda thamiz eelam" - which might have alarmed india so much that it decided that prabakaran is not worth the trouble and helped him meet his maker .

btw iam also tamilian - live outside chennai though - which is full of pro india *** kissers lol.

he never said that......that is a bs propaganda spread by congressis to make their support for fascist lanka justifiable.....

eezham was always the 5 northern (mannar, vavuniya, mullaithivu, kilinochi,yazhpanam) and 2 eastern(thirikonamalai, mattakalappu) tamil districts of lanka.....
And Last few days activity on this forum is extreme Fun. I am not able to debate most of the time due to time constraints right now. But many Pakistanis, Lankan (some) and Chinese are trying to give a image like Tamils in India are demanding for a Independent nation and many support the Idea since they think it would weaken India.
Remember Folks. We are Tamilians. But we are Indians First. India is a democracy. It will take time to make our voices heard. But it will take time. But I believe in India, and will ready to give my life for my beautifull nation.
Change ur opinion guys.

That settles it!!!!
The problem with all our friendly neighbors is they have never heard of unity in diversity. As in each ones case they have a majority on basis of religion or ethnicity have dominated the country. So they can’t digest the fact how we have so many differences but still unconditionally unite under one name. INDIA.
You can keep on trying all your lifetime but not and inch will be lost from India and we all reserve the right to openly criticize & protest the government of the state or other state but everyone in India understands the self-imposed limits to this freedom.
Even in Kashmir it is a sponsored stuff, if our friends give up their slogan will not live and not let live there will be lot of peace and harmony in the region.65 years is a long time even for a retard to understand this.
So my dear friends please concentrate on the cool climes and enjoy the hospitality of where ever you are let the people of the region leave in peace. Countries like Pakistan, BD, SL and Nepal knows that India till date has not taken an inch of their land. We respect your feeling for your respective country and appreciate the same but do you need to stand on our shoulders to prove the same.
Hmmm.. You might as well tell that to the Kashmiris, Naga's, Manipuri's, Assamese, Naxals, Maorists, Khalistani's, Tamil nationalists etc,

except that....tamil nationalists are more about Eezham than separation from india....but hey you wont let that get into your head no matter how many tamilians tell u that....you want to be secure in ur cuckoo land that tamilians hate india or that they want secession....or try the usual northie-tamil card here....

........ Inter marry, And work together like any other society.. The barrier was the language and the rigid caste system in the Jaffna Vellaya ruling class that did not want to let go of their sense of superiority......

that is the most important facet of our identity.......what u considered as a barrier was paramount to us.......so the rest of your post is actually moot.

Sure there are some huge issues remaining to be solved specially implementing whats in the constitution.. Then again which post colonial developing nation doesn't? Mate one need to have it's house in order before accusing it's neighbours

hw cute.....no reality is you guys have not been magnanimous in victory and have let triumphalism take ur senses over....you have taken a leaf out of china's tibet book and have started demographic changes to permanently change the structure of northern and eastern areas..ofcourse i i dont expect you to accept that....lets see where time takes us all....

anyway dont bother replying......im not interested in indulging in rhetoric with you...but i had to interject since you had to speak of "history".
In 1950 India made 14 official languages while Sri Lanka's Sinhala majority unilaterally made Sinhalese as only official language and tried to enforce it on Tamils.

Good! Soooo.... What's wrong with that?

SL, Pakistan or other such countries are not india. Having a national language is a bad thing now? :what:
Good! Soooo.... What's wrong with that?

SL, Pakistan or other such countries are not india. Having a national language is a bad thing now? :what:

Later on Sri Lankans made Tamil the other official language for damage control, even Pakistan faced the same issue with Bengali language.

Good! Soooo.... What's wrong with that?

SL, Pakistan or other such countries are not india. Having a national language is a bad thing now? :what:

Later on Sri Lankans made Tamil the other official language for damage control, even Pakistan faced the same issue with Bengali language.
I can say one thing if Tamilnadu Tamils go against India, Sri Lanka will be the first country who give support to Indian government. Indian government knows that too :D

Which literally translates to, we will support any one who kills Tamils. At least from your confession INDIANs should realize one thing. For shingalese "A good Tamilan is a dead Tamilan" and that is what they are right now doing in SL, killing and raping Tamils. and INDIANS think SL is our friend and Tamils in TN who are crying for INDIA to take action are hostile to INDIAN forign policy.
INDIANS who think SL is a country which is going to implement the LLRC and 13 amendment that it promised to us, think again
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Later on Sri Lankans made Tamil the other official language for damage control, even Pakistan faced the same issue with Bengali language.

Later on Sri Lankans made Tamil the other official language for damage control, even Pakistan faced the same issue with Bengali language.

No we just said good riddance and an inevitable implacable ethnocentric issue was resolved
No we just said good riddance and an inevitable implacable ethnocentric issue was resolved

Its easy to say but you never wanted it. Language issue was one of the core issues that inplanted seeds of separatism in both in Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
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