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Should India remove anti-minority hate from it's textbooks?

Anti-Islamic material in Indian textbooks. Trying to present Islam as an offshoot of Hinduism (Vaishnavism)

Under the fundamental principles of Islam ‘******’ has also been included as the sixth tenet. The role of the caliphs in Islamic conquests has been overlooked. There is no mention of the companions of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). It was stated that after the demise of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the caliphs of Umayyid Dynasty propagated Islam.

Distorting historical facts, it was mentioned that Muslim rule was establish due to the invasions of the Turks on India.

It was also mentioned that the Arabs were very much influenced by Hindu Culture. An attempt was made to make believe that the Arabs learnt numerology from the Indians. They also learnt Astronomy from the Indians and spread it in Europe. In this book, it was claimed that Caliph Haroon-al- Rasheed had appointed Indian Hakeems in his court.

It was also claimed that the designs of the tombs of the mosques have been derived from Hindu temples. The entrances of the mosques also resemble the entrances of the temples.

About crusades, it was mentioned that the Muslims had conquered almost all the holy places of the Christians in order to propagate Islam.

It would be appropriate if this book were shown to any Islamic Scholar for review and corrections.

---Siasat News

Spurious material about Islam in text books | Siasat

every statement that has been quoted above , is a fact, and well established fact, so why the resent ????

and for hate contents in textbooks, please see these articles also

Pakistan textbooks raise debate about 'curriculum of hate' - CSMonitor.com

Pakistan’s Textbooks Teach Muslim Children to “Hate” Christi... - Care2 News Network

‘Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred’ | DAWN.COM

Pakistan: Independent report identifies biases against religious minorities in textbooks | Source: South Asia Citizens Wire | theNewsCollective.org!

How Pakistani textbooks pollute innocent minds - Rediff.com News

Pakistani Textbooks Teach Discrimination Against Non-Muslims, Says U.S. Commission | CNS News

pakistaan is like a funnel, wo kya khakar bolenge jisme khud 72 chhed hai. aaj kal to unhe ye bhi nahi samajh aarahaa hai ki saans kahaa se le aur $$$$ kahaa se..:cheesy:
I was replying to @Wolfie BTW and The latest was the Tibetans too hate India!!:rofl:

They hate them in that the Indians always stop their marches towards China at China's orders.

This is well-documented and can be searched everywhere.

The Tibetans are upset because India always "succumbs" to China's pressure, as they put it.

These marches include Tibetan people that come from all over the world.

Still :rofl: ?

Dear Tharki Buddhay,

What does Pakistan have to do with the topic at hand?

Aren't you the people who tell us that Pakistanis should take India as an example and not the other way around (like you are trying to tell us now)?

This is precisely why you shouldn't use Pakistan's example of "anti-minority" hate to justify your own hate for minorities in school textbooks.

It's like saying the Turkish have anti-Kurdish material in their newspapers, which is why we should completely denigrate the Tamils for protesting in the streets or be completely dismissive of their sensitivities by blaming it on the "church".

Also, the education policy of Pakistan has had no impact on what is being published in India from what I understand.

If Pakistani "anti-minority" hate had somehow incited the hate for Dalits in your textbooks, then, please enlighten us as to how that came about.

Lastly, discussing Pakistani material in an Indian section is nonsensical just like when Tamils speak on India's insensitivity when it comes to the Tamil people, you bring in Pakistan, the "church" or Kashmir.

What does any of this have to do with Karunanidhi's lack of belief in Rama as the engineer who built the Adam's bridge and the Tamil cause? Only an Indian knows.
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The crusade part is presenting Islam in the worst possible light but we won't debate that here because this is not an Islam apologist section. This is acting to create bigotry and hate towards an already fragile community.

Even if we were to shut all our thinking capabilities, and accept the non-sense, verbatim, we would still be forced to reject this because even in America, the role that Jews played in Jesus being arrested is ignored because of the implications associated with this.

Therefore, the Pope had visited Israel and said we don't hate the Jews. If you look at history, before Muslims entered Jerusalem, Christians wouldn't even let them enter the area. In short, the culture of intolerance was removed and this is the exact opposite that we see being promoted in the text books.

No one is undermining Indian history or culture. The questionable (read comical) part is "Hakeems" being present in his courts.

I don't believe the Rashids to be holy or venerate them but if you're going to present Muslim history or teach it at a secular level, at least be honest and don't shove Gaurav Gatha non-sense into it.

why is it such a big deal if there were Indian Hakeems in the Caliph's court?

The Jerusalem story is known to everyone,the christians started the crusades with the Jews funding them and pushing them to through their influence in the Vatican,The muslims just took the bait as they also had dreams to cross the mediterranean and hit Greece/Serbia,which they eventually did.

The entire D F I forum is exclusive Pakistan bashing website along with every other site where even bringing in the question of the rights of other communities, by those communities, themselves, incites Pakistan-bashing - as if, Karunanidhi and the Dravidian cause was initiated by the Pakistanis :omghaha:

If we were allowed to that site and granted the same kind of freedom as you are granted on our websites, newspapers, blogs and forums, then, may be things would be different.

Unfortunately, they ban you in one day for speaking on Tamil rights and refuting the comedy of the Baluch "liberation". What makes them, even remotely believe that the Baluch need anyone's help, let alone the help of the Indians. :omghaha:

Baluch were considered to be a martial race by the British and even now, they do labor jobs in Oman and are practically the entire police force of Bahrain - four foot Gujaratis armed with Trishuls are going to "save" them :rofl:

Those D F I people don't even know who Mengal is or his significance in the Baluch populace - I don't blame them - it's not like they ever had Baluch friends, who they spent time with their entire lives, know their culture, music, dances, visited their weddings, their parties, know everything about them, etc

Yet, they are out to speak for their rights and "liberate" them :omghaha:

But, when it comes to Tamils and other communities that are inherently Indian, they don't care.

They tell Tamils to suppress their identities and identify themselves as only "Indian".

How can they, when they don't even use Devanagiri and believe in Rama? :omghaha:

Tamils are as much Indians as anyone.

We dont take Karunanidhi seriously and i find it funny to see Tamils in Pak.
They even rejoice the deaths of Pakistanis... heck i was even declared a fake baluch and banned for trashing their bs propoganda.... tht site is web trash ... if u know what i mean!

Did you see the insecure MODs shiver in their boots when I was debating them?

I don't know if they even let my posts stay on because they have me completely banned.

What's even worse is that they provide us with no freedom on their sites, yet, when they are on ours, they feel they are entitled to do as they please.

It's called reciprocity. They should allow us the same freedom that we give to them on every single one of our forum, website, newspaper comments section, etc.

How else will we know what model they tell us to follow if they don't even show the slightest bit of tolerance, even to Islam or Muslims, who are about 20% of their population?

Or wait, is this the model they think we should follow? One of intolerance, xenophobia, bigotry and suppression of freedom of speech? So much for the "largest democracy in the world" :omghaha:

India should publish another article after "Superpower India, RIP".

It should be something like:

"Indian women, Tourism (Swiss tourists), Female chastity, Human rights, Human dignity, Freedom of speech, expression and World's Largest Democracy, RIP"

PS Of course they're going to think we're fake Baloch because the real Baloch (that exist only in their minds) are Hindutva extremists and RSS activists (euphemism for terrorist) :omghaha:
Your country is no different and much worse Gotti, a insgle incident in India is one amongst a billion plus people but much more in Pak is many amongst way lesser people,

do the math on perceptions.
why is it such a big deal if there were Indian Hakeems in the Caliph's court?

Mainly because it's a lie and funny, simultaneously. Funny in that it shows Indian desperation at trying to boost their status as a relevant or contributive community to world history and important world events. :omghaha:

The Jerusalem story is known to everyone,the christians started the crusades with the Jews funding them and pushing them to through their influence in the Vatican,The muslims just took the bait as they also had dreams to cross the mediterranean and hit Greece/Serbia,which they eventually did.

This is by far the most concocted story I've ever read. This is a sensitive topic but the fact is even shown by the Rabbis and quoted everywhere by everyone.

The crusaders were trampling upon the city, chanting the verse from John 15:2, which basically means that since the Jews did not accept their Messiah, they should be murdered.

I am appalled and shocked (again, simultaneously) at how badly you have concocted history.

We dont take Karunanidhi seriously and i find it funny to see Tamils in Pak.

This is hilarious and depressing at the same time. You are rejecting Karunanidhi despite him being elected five times, in a democracy, that India, truly is, which means you are disregarding the mandate of the people of Tamil whilst also dismissing their concerns.

This is a problem that India has and it needs to change this attitude. I have been fighting against this in Pakistan and I am glad that attitudes have completely change because of the media, awareness and inter community interactions.

Lastly, you'll find it even funnier to see Africans (Makranis who are Baluch).
Would you allow nudity and pornography on the streets of Mumbai and other major metropolitan cities?

That's what the Khajuraho has outside it's walls.

Bah,Give me a break.Nudity in art are nothing new so does the pornography.Just look at the Google trends,You people are one of the largest searchers of internet pornography.Every body watch **** and there is nothing wrong in that,So cut the hypocrisy.

Salafist are a minority in the Muslim world and a minority in Pakistan - they are only about 3-5%

Lack of Salafis are compansated by Deobandis in Pakistan.Darool Uloom Haqqania rings any bell.Which is ofcourse the birth palace of Taliban.

You have shown your lack of knowledge about major world religions and are sticking to the small-mindedness of Hindutva that believes everything that happened in the world, including the polar bear, was because of Hindutva extremists.

How funny and ironic,clearly shows your ignorance and bigotry.You should know Hidutva is a political movement which has no connections with polar bears.:rofl:

Also, Salafism was not what caused this insensitive bigotry in the Indian textbooks.

What bigotry kindly put some effort to prove your point rather than repeating the BS again and again.

Bring proof from Shiite literature like Nehj ul balagha, Kitab al Kafi or any other literature where it shows that they have it as a tenet. They don't, I know their faith very well because of family, friends, colleagues, etc. You can't fool me or anyone else for that matter.

Also, there are many Shiites on this site from Pakistan and Iran that can refute you but we won't need that because I know their faith, very well, first hand.

Why don't you read Usool-ad-Deen (Roots of the Religion) - five Shi'a Islamic beliefs and Furoo-ad-Deen (Branches of the Religion).
For twelver Shiites one of the 10 Ancillaries of the Faith is J*ihad.For Ismailites Ji*had is one of the seven pillars of Islam.Why don't you use your brain and learn more about it before coming to argue with me.

Secular education in the universities of the West make sure not to teach religion from the perspective of Orientalists and others. If that was the case, Hinduism (Vaishnavism) would be teaching us that Sita was a meat-eater because she asked Ram to kill a deer (who later turned out to be Laxman).

But, they don't because you don't believe in eating meat - therefore, when someone teaches others that a specific religion's followers believe such and such, you have to teach that, verbatim.

In short, you're just pulling this non-sense from your behind and it has no relevance to how world religions are taught, all around the world.

Blah,The point of education is to give students a perspective that are in line with the realities in the societies.Not to please people with vested interests.Its the best way avoid creating prejudicies in students mind,such as the case of yours.Yours idea that we don't believe in eating meat is just another case of prejudice.

Again, there is no proof for these Muslims going back to the courts of Haroon ul Rashid and such claims are not acceptable. Philip the Arab was a Roman King, we all know about it. Those Hakeems on the other hand, not so much.

They were traders kiddo.They enjoyed patronage of various Arabs rulers.That's how they did trading.

This is embarrassing. You obviously have no clue about history because protestantism only took place after the Renaissance because education had been promoted after which Martin Luther was able to find the flaws in the Catholic books whilst comparing it to the Jewish Tanakh (or Old Testament).

No such thing was allowed before this, because Jews were perceived negatively. They weren't even allowed to enter Jerusalem till after Caliph Hazrat Umar. It wasn't till after that, the Church started to decline.

This is a historical fact and I am not a chauvinistic Muslim or want to promote history from one end, alone. These are facts and need to be promoted as facts, and that's it. Those people were Arabs and have very little in common with me in culture, anyway.

Why don't go and learn the history.Martin Luther lived at a time when the renaissance was at its zenith in Europe,during the time when Michelangelo was painting his master pieces in the roofs of Sistine chappel.And know that renaissance continued through out 16th century till the end of 17th century.protestant reformation started during renaissance.

Knowing about this has no relevance to the point at hand, which is that no such fact has been proved except from a book created by some Hindutva extremist who also try to prove that Jesus was another reincarnation of Krishna. :omghaha:

Tell that Muslims in Kerala.:lol:.No one cares whether Jesus was another reincarnation of Krishna,Such claims were made by Bahaii's and Christian evangelists.Hindus or so called (a paronoid,Indophobic and imaginative phrase nade up by Pakistanis like you ) Hindutva extremists certainly don't do that.

The mixtures of stories gives you that impression - they are not one single book but changed as they traveled - when they came to India, the local stories that had already existed were included into the original ones.

It is ironic to see that since the book came from the Arab world and had Indians stories included in it, it automatically became a Indo-Arab collaboration in Damascus, as per your imagination.

Not collaboration but influence.

We know it as literature, as you said but it is saddening to see you remain adamant at trying to push it down our throats as something that can be used as historical or archaeological facts.

Now you are making things up,When did I say it was not literature.

To celebrate, learn and become well-versed in culture and language is why we read Shakespeare and other works in Victorian English.

We do not read the Bible for the same purpose as we do Shakespearean works, despite it being in the same Victorian English, because people derive spiritual and religious doctrine from the Bible. Bible is not a secular book and the research done on it by secular people is by reading Josephus so they can understand history mentioned in the Bible, and do not use the Bible, per se.

Therefore, Harry Potter will be used to celebrate culture and language of this era, as you've managed to understand but it will not be used to learn or understand history, as you still can't seem to understand.

Blah Blah..Nothing to with the subject.

Similarly, One Thousand and One Nights is of absolute no relevance to reality or history.

It is depressing for your stubbornness in continuing a debate where you are trying to hang by using the most comical reasoning, I've ever come across.

Some stories of One thousands and one nights are indeed based on the fabulous court of Harun al-Rashid fifth Abbasid caliph in Baghdad.Its a historical fact,whether you like it or not.
Your country is no different and much worse Gotti, a insgle incident in India is one amongst a billion plus people but much more in Pak is many amongst way lesser people,

do the math on perceptions.

I wouldn't tell myself that as an Indian to have a very peaceful night's sleep.

I would worry sick all night and try to improve India's problems.

It's the Indian cultural attitude of feeling content in their shortcomings by comparing to someone lower or less in the same regard.

This is only a delusional way of satisfying yourself of your conditions and not workable whilst drafting policy or legislation that seeks to alleviate the public's problems.
There are ways to do it and obstacles against,nobody is content.

You should meet the bureaucrats of the Finance/Defense Ministry.
I see some pathetic attempts are being made to bash India but alas .................. not Happening :lol::lol::lol:

Try harder then also you will fail :dance3::dance3::dance3:
The entire D F I forum is exclusive Pakistan bashing website along with every other site where even bringing in the question of the rights of other communities, by those communities, themselves, incites Pakistan-bashing - as if, Karunanidhi and the Dravidian cause was initiated by the Pakistanis :omghaha:

If we were allowed to that site and granted the same kind of freedom as you are granted on our websites, newspapers, blogs and forums, then, may be things would be different.

Unfortunately, they ban you in one day for speaking on Tamil rights and refuting the comedy of the Baluch "liberation". What makes them, even remotely believe that the Baluch need anyone's help, let alone the help of the Indians. :omghaha:

Baluch were considered to be a martial race by the British and even now, they do labor jobs in Oman and are practically the entire police force of Bahrain - four foot Gujaratis armed with Trishuls are going to "save" them :rofl:

Those D F I people don't even know who Mengal is or his significance in the Baluch populace - I don't blame them - it's not like they ever had Baluch friends, who they spent time with their entire lives, know their culture, music, dances, visited their weddings, their parties, know everything about them, etc

Yet, they are out to speak for their rights and "liberate" them :omghaha:

But, when it comes to Tamils and other communities that are inherently Indian, they don't care.

They tell Tamils to suppress their identities and identify themselves as only "Indian".

How can they, when they don't even use Devanagiri and believe in Rama?

Ignorance has no ends,Tamil identity is alive and kicking so does the Indian Identity.They don't have an identity crisis like you people.How often does Punjabi languge is used in your Punjab provincial assembly.That is real suppression of identity.That kind of thing don't happen in in any state of India.And Tamil's do believe in Rama.
Mainly because it's a lie and funny, simultaneously. Funny in that it shows Indian desperation at trying to boost their status as a relevant or contributive community to world history and important world events. :omghaha:

This is by far the most concocted story I've ever read. This is a sensitive topic but the fact is even shown by the Rabbis and quoted everywhere by everyone.

The crusaders were trampling upon the city, chanting the verse from John 15:2, which basically means that since the Jews did not accept their Messiah, they should be murdered.

I am appalled and shocked (again, simultaneously) at how badly you have concocted history.

This is hilarious and depressing at the same time. You are rejecting Karunanidhi despite him being elected five times, in a democracy, that India, truly is, which means you are disregarding the mandate of the people of Tamil whilst also dismissing their concerns.

This is a problem that India has and it needs to change this attitude. I have been fighting against this in Pakistan and I am glad that attitudes have completely change because of the media, awareness and inter community interactions.

Lastly, you'll find it even funnier to see Africans (Makranis who are Baluch).

I know Makranis,thats normal.

They came as slaves and have stayed around but these random tamil bishops are just funny.

I know much more than you do about Karunanidhi,you said he got elected 5 times.

His government got dismissed twice for corruption and anti national activities and this is nothing,

There are people who got elected for a total of 27 years in Bengal,now nobody ll even spit on their graves.

Even Stalin/Hitler ruled for so long,so what?
I wouldn't tell myself that as an Indian to have a very peaceful night's sleep.

I would worry sick all night and try to improve India's problems.

It's the Indian cultural attitude of feeling content in their shortcomings by comparing to someone lower or less in the same regard.

This is only a delusional way of satisfying yourself of your conditions and not workable whilst drafting policy or legislation that seeks to alleviate the public's problems.

I am sure you can't considering the fact that you may not be tell that to your children either.

you seem to know something but it is a far shot of the real picture,even if you come and live amongst people in TN,you wont get it.

It is far from what you can imagine.
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