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Should India Join NATO ?

not really, It is called NATO plus (which has indian ocean countries) and INDIA has been invited to join NATO Plus

Yes, India and Pakistan against China. US-Proxywar i hear you shitting....
NATO was created to counter Russian threats and provide a Nuclear umbrella for Europe from Russian threats. India doesn't need NATO, there could be an Asian one but China hasn't grown to be a threat similar to Russia. They really got close during the whole SCS affair, but better sense prevailed as Chinese leaders are not trigger happy as Russians.
Imagine the earthquake in China & Russia if India joins NATO. I don't think India is in position to join NATO.

West is really getting desperate, shows how fearful they are of the 'New world order'. If India joins the Russia-China alliance the west would be economically and militarily eclipsed. West will use all their means at their disposal to prevent India from forging links with Russia and China, what ever the cost.

Except India has never shown an inkling of joining any camps. We prioritize our own interests over some handouts.
At the peak of Coldwar, we operated European, as well as Soviet weapon systems. Today we with all the multipolar narratives, our military operates systems from West and Russia, sometimes even mixing and matching Western systems on Russian Platforms. On the economic front Russia , China US and EU remain big trading partners for us.
We know how to work towards our interests without having to jump into any camp.
Except India has never shown an inkling of joining any camps. We prioritize our own interests over some handouts.
At the peak of Coldwar, we operated European, as well as Soviet weapon systems. Today we with all the multipolar narratives, our military operates systems from West and Russia, sometimes even mixing and matching Western systems on Russian Platforms. On the economic front Russia , China US and EU remain big trading partners for us.
We know how to work towards our interests without having to jump into any camp.
No matter what spin you put in, in recent years, India has deepened its engagement with countries in the West, particularly the United States, as part of its "Act East" policy, which seeks to strengthen ties with countries in East Asia. The strategic partnership between India and the United States has seen significant growth, encompassing areas such as defense cooperation, trade, and people-to-people ties.

At the same time, India has also strengthened its ties with countries in the East, especially within its neighborhood, including countries like Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN nations. India's "Look East" policy, which has now been rebranded as the "Act East" policy, aims to enhance economic cooperation, connectivity, and cultural ties with these countries.

It is important to note that India's foreign policy is based on its national interests, which include maintaining regional stability, economic growth, and strategic partnerships. Therefore, while India has deepened its relations with both the West and the East, it continues to pursue a balanced approach and seeks to leverage opportunities from both sides.

The United States has emerged as a key defense partner for India in recent years. The two countries have conducted joint military exercises, signed defense agreements, and engaged in defense technology and equipment cooperation. The Indo-US defense relationship has seen advancements in areas such as maritime security, counterterrorism, and defense trade.

Additionally, India has defense collaborations with countries like France, the United Kingdom, and Israel, which are Western nations. These partnerships involve defense procurement, joint exercises, technology transfer, and training programs.

However, India has also cultivated military ties with countries from the East. For example, it has defense cooperation agreements with countries like Japan, Australia, and South Korea. India participates in joint military exercises with these nations and engages in defense technology exchanges.

So in effect you are in the Western/US camp but don't have the courage to say it.
No matter what spin you put in, in recent years, India has deepened its engagement with countries in the West, particularly the United States, as part of its "Act East" policy, which seeks to strengthen ties with countries in East Asia. The strategic partnership between India and the United States has seen significant growth, encompassing areas such as defense cooperation, trade, and people-to-people ties.

At the same time, India has also strengthened its ties with countries in the East, especially within its neighborhood, including countries like Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN nations. India's "Look East" policy, which has now been rebranded as the "Act East" policy, aims to enhance economic cooperation, connectivity, and cultural ties with these countries.

It is important to note that India's foreign policy is based on its national interests, which include maintaining regional stability, economic growth, and strategic partnerships. Therefore, while India has deepened its relations with both the West and the East, it continues to pursue a balanced approach and seeks to leverage opportunities from both sides.

So in effect you are in the Western/US camp but don't have the courage to say it.
Sure, you are entitled to your view, but I think it emanates from the camp-tinted glasses you wear.... India's policy remains India First always.... If that means with changing geopolitical environment calibrating it's positioning with certain countries, that very well resonates with securing India's interests.

In effect if we were in a Western/US camp you would have seen India tow the rest of the West's line which it vehemently doesn't. We have neither cut off ties with Russia, nor sanctioned them, if anything its business as usual for us: Russians are in Naval partnerships, Talwar class follow-on deals are still in place, MKI MLU is in plans, S400 was done, Nuclear sub lease in negotiations for renewal, Russians will participate in the Deisel Subproject, and then recently concluded AKM factory. There hasn't been a bit of hesitation in Russia -India ties. On the china front, apart from china's belligerence In the border regions is the main hurdle in relations not US-EU trade wars. If china co-operates on borderfront, trade relations can only improve.
Lets come to your own post
Therefore, while India has deepened its relations with both the West and the East, it continues to pursue a balanced approach and seeks to leverage opportunities from both sides.

and then you go onto contradict yourself:
So in effect you are in the Western/US camp but don't have the courage to say it.

We are are just one camp: that is India's Camp.... and quite proud of it.
Of course they need a proxy, it already is a US proxy adding NATO would be a promotion.
nato will say ok pajeet raj you need to get on the front line to face pakistan and china plus we need you in russia war.
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