I want to know what fellow Pakistanis think about the Sinitic languages being taught in Pakistani schools? I think that the public and private schools should adopt this language requirement. The benefits could be tremendous :
Economic benefits : enhanced trade and interaction between both nations, business 2 business relationship grows, product selection and consumer awareness will grow as well. Both nations can also bring other nations in a special tariff free economic alliance that will allow Pakistani products to flow into outside markets.
Diplomatic benefits : Chinese Pakistani alliance would gain much strength as this would bring both nations closer, it would also serve as a hedge against other powers in the region and abroad. A dual citizenship/preferred status could be introduced for citizens of China and Pakistan, and this sort of regional alliance could be extended to interested nations.
Cultural benefits : Interactions between people would bring new ideas and customs that each nation would adopt, learning a new language would improve quality of education and offer students the opportunity to live and work in China.