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Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

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He deserved that shoe throw just like Bush.

Iran regime has the responsibility of every drop of spilled blood of 65 K, each ruined cities and houses, each missing people, 160 K politic prisoners that under torture in jails of Syria.

Man , Those terrorists that you are training in your soil by Saudi Arabia , Qatar and US money are mostly non Syrians that wanna decide for Syria and it's people .

Iran offered 6 ways for solving the problem there . You say Assad is a dictator and has to leave but why don't you accept Iran's offer to have a free election there and let Syrian people choose what they want ?
Bengalis were the right about their demand of proper share of power as they were in a majority in East Pakistan

I expect you to say sorry for false allegation made by you.

Then we can talk about other subject.

Who can blame this poor Syrian ? Iran and Its fil**y Hezbollah alongside Assad terrorist regime are responsible of the killing of more than 70,000 Syrians, he should throw a 7.62×54mm through his skull instead of a shoe. :)

Well then do'nt blame if someone accuse your saudi regime for killing Palestinians and Occupying their land by co-operating with israell/us/zionist.
KSA is the country that donates most to the Palestinians together with our fellow Arab countries on the Arabian Peninsula. We have the highest amount of Muslim immigrants in our countries. Hundred of thousand Palestinians live in our lands. What have your Bangladesh done for Palestine?

Stop changing subjects.

The fact is that Iran is disliked by all Arab countries and most Sunni Arabs and Muslims. Simple as that. For obvious reasons.

And Iran is a puppet of Russia and China who are more anti-Muslim than the US. Russians have killed millions of Muslims historically and still occupy Caucasus. They killed 50-100 times as many Afghans when they occupied Afghanistan as the Americans have. China have their own history of killing Muslims in Xinjiang and discriminating against Muslims.

Also I am not sure why a Bangladeshi is meddling in Arab affairs. Do you see Arabs meddling in Pakistani vs Bangladeshi affairs?

If Iran stops their involvement in the Arab world (a region they have no place in) then we will not pay attention to them at all. But since they are actively killing our brothers and sisters in Syria they will sooner rather than later get their own medicine.
:rofl::rofl: whats the funny voice in slow mo? i guess its the slow mo whitling
Secondly as a Bengali you should rather concentrate on helping fellow Muslims in Burma instead of turning a blind eye to the crimes just at your backdoor before acting like you have a moral high ground. No offense. Also nobody has claimed that everything is perfect in KSA or the Arab world let alone the Islamic world. That would be a lie. But I know where I would live (KSA vs Bangladesh) if I had a choice and the Muslims from all over the world have made their choice as well. KSA is the biggest receiver of Muslim immigrants of any country in the world.

Also you do not know anything about Saudi Arabia. You have probably never been here and as a foreigner you will never get a full access into our complex society and diverse country. Secondly media is one thing and reality is totally different.
I don't know what kind of sect some fellows follow here, but as it obvious Sunni and Shia are the backbone of Islam and both are entitled as Muslim:



And those who talked about minority, I wanna advise you that never underestimate minority:

" But those who were certain that they would meet Allah said, "How many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah . And Allah is with the patient."​
The shoe didnt hit him... so who cares ? lmao at the slow motion sounds, sounds like bunch of zombies

Who can blame this poor Syrian ? Iran and Its fil**y Hezbollah alongside Assad terrorist regime are responsible of the killing of more than 70,000 Syrians, he should throw a 7.62×54mm through his skull instead of a shoe. :)

meanwhile in saudi arabia (whatever we are, we will never kiss the white mans *** like you are doing on a daily basis)

CIA operating drone base in Saudi Arabia, US media reveal

Guys, whatever you are talking about, don't bring in any sectarian hate posts here.It's not tolerated by any means.
Btw, aside from the terrorist who tries to throw a shoe (which he fails to do so like most arab military strategists hint hint 6 days lol :D) many people in the crowd seemed to love him calling his name ahmadi ahmadi and cheering

so in short : another zionist operation failed LMAO
The fact is that Iran is disliked by all Arab countries and most Sunni Arabs and Muslims. Simple as that. For obvious reasons.

It comes from racism which can be seen in your history too , You always called Persians Ajam , Dirty , slave and ... and your Caliphs always humiliated Persians after conquering Iran with the way came from your brutality , racism and incivility which can't be found neither in Islam nor in prophet's life .

Nowadays , all you see in the Arabian states around Persian Gulf ( not in all Sunni countries ) is same racism , ideology and avarice which you have inherited from your ancestors .

And Iran is a puppet of Russia and China who are more anti-Muslim than the US .

As far as I know , Iran is neither pro Russia nor pro China , There is a common thing among these 3 countries which has made them to be in 1 side and leave the differences aside which is being Anti US and NATO .

As far as I see in my country its a hate towards Russia as they've always betrayed us in the history ad every single person knows that China supporting us for it's benefits such as same politics against west and the resources Iran selling them with lower price not for God's or Iranian people's sake .

killing our brothers and sisters in Syria

I'm kinda dying for the Saudi Arabian humanity and pity .

Can't stop , tears rolling :cry:

KSA is the biggest receiver of Muslim immigrants of any country in the world.

As long as the history shows , KSA is the heaven of the dictators and Wahhabi Suicide Bombers that wanna blow themselves among shias to reach heaven .
Just accept that you are disliked by most Arabs and that you are a tiny minority in the Muslim world. You have put yourself in that miserable position. Us Arabs are popular in all the Islamic world.

Also make up your mind. Either KSA and the Arabs are allies of US or we support Americas enemies (terrorists as you call them). Doing both is not possible. If so the Americans are more stupid than first thought.

Cold facts. Why are no Muslims coming to Iran? Or Western people for that matter? Also when will you give equal rights/autonomy to non-Persians who make up 50 percent of your population and most of your territory?

Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs, Baluch and Azeris? In fact it is a shame that the we Arabs have not stepped as low as you Persians since we could meddle in your country as you do in our beautiful Arab world. Let's see how much love we will get from that. After all we are MUCH more numerous and influential than you.

Also it is funny that you love your regime that much. Most of your regime are apparently of distant Arab ancestry. Although of a brainwashed kind.
Who can blame this poor Syrian ? Iran and Its fil**y Hezbollah alongside Assad terrorist regime are responsible of the killing of more than 70,000 Syrians, he should throw a 7.62×54mm through his skull instead of a shoe. :)

Funny thing is people how soon have forgot that it was Qatar arm shipment to yemen that was repeatedly confiscated and it was Qatar who offered yemen government a shipment of anti aircraft and tanks missile if they agree to let half of them latter get shipped to syria and it was a friend of Ksa and qatar who was convivted of running a hit sqad and had to runaway from Iraq. And its a certain sect who tend to blow themselves among people and also it was repeatedly proven that some foreign metcensries and terrorists are the people who kill syrians
Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs, Baluch and Azeris? In fact it is a shame that the we Arabs have not stepped as low as you Persians since we could meddle in your country as you do in our beautiful Arab world. Let's see how much love we will get from that. After all we are MUCH more numerous and influential than you.

Also it is funny that you love your regime that much. Most of your regime are apparently of distant Arab ancestry. Although of a brainwashed kind.
You knew when last time somebody wanted to meddle in our country those ethnics were the first ones who went and thought that meddlesome ignorant a lesson that made him let say bankrupt

About the second part maybe its ages we don't care about who was your dad 2000 year ago otherwise we could not function as country which is consisted of different ethnicity . Unlike some other peoples who tried to assimilate the minorities.
KSA is the country that donates most to the Palestinians together with our fellow Arab countries on the Arabian Peninsula. We have the highest amount of Muslim immigrants in our countries. Hundred of thousand Palestinians live in our lands. What have your Bangladesh done for Palestine?

I don't know if you are deliberately misleading or you actually believe this.
Is it pleasing to take donations from people who makes friendship with your enemy? I suppose Palestenians are in a condition where they have to accept donations if it comes from the devil itself; they have no other options.

From wikipedia:
Saudi Arabia is one of the largest providers of aid to the Palestinian people. Since 2002, Saudi Arabia has given more than $480 million in monetary support to the Palestinian Authority, and has supported Palestinian refugees by contributing to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Through the Arab League it has provided more than $250 million for the Palestinians, and pledged $500 million in assistance over the next three years at the Donors Conference in Dec 2007. Unlike aid from other nations, Saudi Arabian aid to Palestinians was not disrupted by the election of Hamas.

And besides it is not hard to donate that amount when you can afford to buy weapons worth $100 billion at a single deal. Moreover politically speaking this donation on one hand gives leverages over corrupt(?) Palestinian Authority. Which is preferred by policy makers in washington DC; because with this leverages you can influence their decision making and restrict them in many ways.

The fact is that Iran is disliked by all Arab countries and most Sunni Arabs and Muslims. Simple as that. For obvious reasons.

For what reason?

The truth is that Arabs in general are hated by most non-muslims. I would say because of negative propaganda in world newspapers and in hollywood film.

Just accept that you are disliked by most Arabs and that you are a tiny minority in the Muslim world. You have put yourself in that miserable position. Us Arabs are popular in all the Islamic world.

Think like this, What if anyone say Arabs are the minority in the muslim world(80% muslims are non-Arabs).
If a Wahhabi attacked him , then I admire Mahmoud .... when a Wahhabi attacks and insults you ,that mean you doing good things ...
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