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Shocking....israeli families wnjoy and have coffee while watching the siffering

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Pakistani don't hate indians, as Indian have yet to implement the 1948 agreement on elections in Kashmir, so there is more of a grudge why that is taking so long the sooner its done the sooner we can all forget about this issue and focus on future.

Israel , I believe our gov already had unofficial links and we made it clear, the moment you approve the 2 state policy we will have 100% diplomatic ties with Israel ... :coffee:

Israel does not have any borders wth so its extremely illogical

I am not sure why would any one suggest Pakistani would hate any nation , bahi look at the pretext to the relation.

Ironically both objections are from 1948-1949 time period , which sould have been solved LONG time ago.
sir...atleast check the 1st video here....if u have a human heart it will bring tears to your eyes...atleast see this once.

Don't waste your time in making him see the videos or arguing with Solomon, he himself is a Jew Zionist, he is no different then those shown on the video.
Although i consider myself to be a supporter of Israel, family gatherings witnessing the bombing of people - even if they are members of hamas is rather disturbing. Obviously the psychological effects of living in a war zone are showing. No wonder a lot of Israelis come to India to "escape it all"

wat do u expect palestinians to do when there familys are dieng out on the streets... wat about that bombing that happened in gaza bout a couple of months ago?? many innocenct people died, do u think the family of those inocent peopel jus stay like that?? well, the only option is to kill israelis wether it be suicidal, or which ever other way..
Just watch how Israeli tank fires at unarmed protesters & the journalists filming the protest. This is the barbarity, supported by the upholder of democracy, the so called super power, USofA.

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The ideology of Hamas is indeed problematic. But instead of carrying out attacks on Gaza, Israel should find ways to de-legitmize the ideology. Offering the Palestinians an alternate, positive vision for the future should be a part of the program.

If need be, leaders of violent factions can be covertly targeted. An outright, large-scale attack not only causes civilian casualties, but also ends up strengthening Hamas' ideology.
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When the world stops making the Israeli Palestinian issue a Muslim - Jew issue then the Israeli bluff will be called. It is similar to the Taliban issue in Pakistan. When the Pakistanis were bluffed into believing that the Taliban were orthodox Muslim warriors they justified their existance and sheltered them. The moment they realised that they were cockroaches who insulted Islamic values, the Pakistani people demanded that the Taliban be exterminated. Israel hides behind this farce that it is trying to preserve the Jewish state by attacking the Palestinians. Very few people including the Muslim nations dispute the right of Israel as a nation to exist. Slaughtering innocent civilians and babies over a cup of coffee makes it hard to understand your logic that you need to do so to preserve your existence.
At times people accuse of Israel for killing children but people forget the demographies of Gaza. It is highly congested area. And what would you expect a army to do when a child who is 13 year old with a AK in hand and firing at you. Should the child be spared and chest opened for him to get the shot.

When their is a air strike what do you expect the planes to do to clear the house first and then fire the missile. Rockets are being fired from the roof of houses with children inside.
The Jews should learn from their mistakes, otherwise it is inevitable tht they r going to have another episode of WWII
The Jews should learn from their mistakes, otherwise it is inevitable tht they r going to have another episode of WWII

Jews have learned their mistakes and have made enough friends at the right places to keep them at the strong stand. They hold the industry and the money of the world along with the media. They control the views. So there is no way that some Nazi can emerge as of now to exterminate them. And I dont think that any country has the capacity to do what Hitler did at that time especially against the jews when they hold some of the most powerful offices.
At times people accuse of Israel for killing children but people forget the demographies of Gaza. It is highly congested area. And what would you expect a army to do when a child who is 13 year old with a AK in hand and firing at you. Should the child be spared and chest opened for him to get the shot.

When their is a air strike what do you expect the planes to do to clear the house first and then fire the missile. Rockets are being fired from the roof of houses with children inside.

Geneva rules of war makes it acceptable for a soldier to fire upon a civilian who is armed and attacking that soldier. 13 year olds who sling AK47s are therefore regarded as soldiers. Daily footage shows babies as young as 2 months and up to 3 years old being shot in Palestine. I have a 3 year old son and I can assure you that he and all 3 year olds who I know are incapable of brandishing an AK47 or any other weapon and posing a threat to any adult and especially a soldier. But then again my 3 year old is Indian and I am uncertain whether the 3 year old babies in the Gaza have become superhuman or are possibly "not human" :what:

Israel is tactically strong enough to identify the militants and to send in ground forces to remove them without the need to send in its airforce to systematically erase civilian dwellings in "congested Gaza" knowing that the major casualities will be women and children. But same argument goes for America's decision to nuke Japan and not Germany. Just test your weapons on people who are not regarded as humans in your eyes. UNO accuses Israel and Hamas of war crimes. Hamas is a military organisation. Israel is a state. It demanded to be recognised as a state and now that it has recognition it should behave like a responsible state and not a pitbull. Killing babies is not the ideal example of a responsible state IMO
Dozens of footages can be found on the You-tube showing the casualties of the occupation forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and people specifically living in the affected countries and in the remaining Muslim world enjoy watching them. This is not something unusual; it may be inhumane but not only associated with the Zionists or others alone. The human beings have a tendency to enjoy while watching their enemies suffering. Who is right and who is wrong is relative; While the occupation forces in the Iraq and Afghanistan are war criminals for us, the same forces are heroes in the view of their countrymen as they are serving for their countries. Similarly, the Pakistani forces serving in East Pakistan during the 1971 were the oppressors in the view of the affected Bengali population but were considered heroes in the West Pakistan.
Lets put this in perspective:

I remember immediately after the World Trade Center was demolished the Palestinians were celebrating in the streets, people handing sweets to each others etc. It was not known at that time how many people had died. The WTC was not attacked to kill just 3500 but to kill 30,000. This was a celebration of the death of a huge number of people.

When Israel left the Gaza, it gave back 100% of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. Instead of being good stewards of their land, they used it to launch rockets every day into Israel. It seems like rocket building is the major industry there. If they had governed it well Israel would have little choice but to give up on the rest of the West Bank. Instead they made it into a hellhole, even before the war.Israel will be pretty stupid to let the West bank disintegrate like the Gaza strip.

Most of the forum members here are "shocked" that some stupid Israelis went to get a better view of the fighting, and bought some coffee with them. Some of them may express extreme views, but its not any worse than what is in the charter of Hamas. Israel is not where it is today by being pacifist.

So please get of your high horses of being so shocked, as if you all thought Israelis are so nice , and this behavior by a few changed your opinion of them.
You will get the good, the bad, and the ugly in Israel as you get them in all countries.
Though I am not a Israeli supporter, I like the way Israel chases each and every terrorist who does any harm to their country. I expect the same from my government.
Than perhaps you also like the ways of the British Raj who used to chase each and every mutineer and terrorist, imprisoning them in far away islands and hanging them in the middle of the roads.
Lets put this in perspective:

I remember immediately after the World Trade Center was demolished the Palestinians were celebrating in the streets, people handing sweets to each others etc. It was not known at that time how many people had died. The WTC was not attacked to kill just 3500 but to kill 30,000. This was a celebration of the death of a huge number of people.

When Israel left the Gaza, it gave back 100% of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. Instead of being good stewards of their land, they used it to launch rockets every day into Israel. It seems like rocket building is the major industry there. If they had governed it well Israel would have little choice but to give up on the rest of the West Bank. Instead they made it into a hellhole, even before the war.Israel will be pretty stupid to let the West bank disintegrate like the Gaza strip.

Most of the forum members here are "shocked" that some stupid Israelis went to get a better view of the fighting, and bought some coffee with them. Some of them may express extreme views, but its not any worse than what is in the charter of Hamas. Israel is not where it is today by being pacifist.

So please get of your high horses of being so shocked, as if you all thought Israelis are so nice , and this behavior by a few changed your opinion of them.
You will get the good, the bad, and the ugly in Israel as you get them in all countries.


A lie??? which part, the rocket launches?

TWO girls were killed after a rocket fired by Palestinian militants fell short of its target in Israel last night, striking a house in northern Gaza.

Five-year-old Hanin Abu Khoussa and her cousin Sabah Abu Khoussa, 12, died and three other children were wounded.

The attack came as Israel appeared undecided over plans for Gaza. Yesterday, politicians approved a large-scale incursion but also opened the border to deliveries of humanitarian aid.

Two children killed in Gaza rocket attack - The Daily Record

hat the economy is in tatters? The dire prospects for Gaza's economy since Hamas assumed control of security there is underlined in a report by Gisha, the Israeli human rights agency, which says that 85 per cent of Gaza residents are now dependent on humanitarian aid while production inside the Strip runs down.

Gaza was the chance for the Palestinians to show the world they deserve their own nation, a thriving Gaza would have been pressure on Israel instead its a slum that aid money vanishes into and missiles come out of.
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